Kanserli hasta yakınlarında depresyon ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörler
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Bu kesitsel analitik araştırma, kanserli hasta yakınlarında depresyon ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörleri saptamak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklem grubunu Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Onkoloji Bilim Dalında tedavi gören 110 kanserli hasta yakını oluşturmuştur. Yaşam kalitesini ölçmek için WHOQOL-Bref yaşam kalitesi skalası kullanılmıştır. Depresyon durumu Beck depresyon ölçeği ile değerlendirilmiştir. Görüşülen kişilerin %53.6’sı erkek, %46.4’ü kadın, %86.4’ü evli, %55.5’i ilkokul eğitimli, yaş ortalamaları 47.313.5 yıl ve %44.5’i kanser hastalarının çocukları idi. Beck depresyon ölçeği ortalaması 8.07.7 idi. Beck depresyon ölçeği sonuçlarına göre sırasıyla %65.5’i normal, %24.5’i hafif, %7.3’ü orta, %2.7’si şiddetli derecede depresyonda idi. Kanserli hasta yakınlarının cinsiyeti, mesleği, eğitimi ve medeni durumu depresyonu etkilememişti (p0.05). Yaşam kalitesi skorları ile depresyon durumunu karşılaştırdığımızda psikolojik sağlık (p0.000), genel sağlık ve yaşamdan memnuniyet (p0.002), genel sağlık ve yaşam kalitesi (p0.008), fiziksel sağlık (p0.001) ve çevre alanı (p0.025) skorlarında, depresyonu olanlarla olmayanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık varken, sosyal ilişkiler alanında (p0.089) depresyon olanlarda olmayanlara göre istatistiksel olarak önemli bir farklılık saptanmadı. Kanser hem hastalar, hem de hasta yakınları için önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Kaçınılmaz olarak hasta yakınları kanserli hastalardan psikolojik olarak etkilenecektir. Bu kişilerde anksiyete ve depresyon büyük sorunlar olup, hekim ve sağlık personelinin bu problemleri çözmek için empati ile yaklaşımı gereklidir.
This cross-sectional, analytic study was conducted to investigate the depression and factors affecting the quality of life in the relatives of the patients with cancer. The sample of the study consisted of 110 relatives of the cancer patients who were treated at the Department of Medical Oncology of Meram Medical Faculty of Selçuk University. WHOQOL-Bref’s scale of quality of life was used to measure the patients’ quality of life. Depression status was evaluated with Beck depression inventory. Of the interviewers, 53.6% were male, 46.4% female, 86.4% married, 55.5% primary school educated, and the mean age was 47.3±13.5 years and 44.5% were the offsprings of the cancer patients. The mean value of Beck depresyon inventory was 8.0±7.7. According to the values of the inventory, 65.5% were normal, 24.5% mildly, 7.3% moderately and 2.7% severely depressed. The gender, occupation, education and marital status of the relatives of the cancer patients did not affect the depression status (p>0.05). When we compared the quality of life scores and depression status, there were significant differences in psychological health (p0.000), perception of overall health and the satisfaction from life (p0.002), general health and the quality of life (p0.008), physical health (p0.001) and environmental area (p0.025) while there was no statistically significant difference in social relationships (p0.089) between the cases with and without depression. Cancer is an important health problem for both the cancer patients and their relatives. The relatives of cancer patients would inevitably be affected by the cancer patients psychologically. Anxiety and depression are the major concerns in these cases, and empathic approach of physicians and health care personnel is necessary to cope with these problems.
This cross-sectional, analytic study was conducted to investigate the depression and factors affecting the quality of life in the relatives of the patients with cancer. The sample of the study consisted of 110 relatives of the cancer patients who were treated at the Department of Medical Oncology of Meram Medical Faculty of Selçuk University. WHOQOL-Bref’s scale of quality of life was used to measure the patients’ quality of life. Depression status was evaluated with Beck depression inventory. Of the interviewers, 53.6% were male, 46.4% female, 86.4% married, 55.5% primary school educated, and the mean age was 47.3±13.5 years and 44.5% were the offsprings of the cancer patients. The mean value of Beck depresyon inventory was 8.0±7.7. According to the values of the inventory, 65.5% were normal, 24.5% mildly, 7.3% moderately and 2.7% severely depressed. The gender, occupation, education and marital status of the relatives of the cancer patients did not affect the depression status (p>0.05). When we compared the quality of life scores and depression status, there were significant differences in psychological health (p0.000), perception of overall health and the satisfaction from life (p0.002), general health and the quality of life (p0.008), physical health (p0.001) and environmental area (p0.025) while there was no statistically significant difference in social relationships (p0.089) between the cases with and without depression. Cancer is an important health problem for both the cancer patients and their relatives. The relatives of cancer patients would inevitably be affected by the cancer patients psychologically. Anxiety and depression are the major concerns in these cases, and empathic approach of physicians and health care personnel is necessary to cope with these problems.
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