Embriyo gelişiminin kritik dönemlerinde, broyler kuluçkalık yumurtalarına uygulanan UV (ultra viyole) ışınlamanın çıkış gücü, performans ve karkas özelliklerine etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, broyler kuluçkalık yumurtalarına, kritik embriyonik dönemlerde uygulanan UV-C Işınlamalarının [Kontrol; K, Erken dönem; ED (5.gün), Orta dönem; OD (14.gün) ve 18. gün transferde (TR)], embriyo gelişimi ve çıkış gücü ile çıkış sonrası performans ve karkas özellikleri üzerine etkilerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, 20 dizme tablasında (4 muamele x 5 tekerrür) toplam 1200 adet Ross 308 broyler kuluçkalık yumurtasının kuluçkası yapılarak, embriyo gelişimi ve çıkış verileri elde edilmiştir. Çıkan civcivlere cinsiyet ayırımı uygulanarak, 32 alt bölmede 6 hafta süreyle yetiştirilmişlerdir. Bu süreçte performans verileri elde edilirken, kesim sonunda her alt gruptan alınan iki adet, toplam 64, pilice ait kesim sonuçları ve karkas özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Kuluçka sonuçlarına ait verilere, tek yönlü variyans analizi uygulanırken, performans sonuçları (4 UV-C x 2 Cinsiyet) tesadüf parsellerinde faktöriyel deneme desenine göre analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; ne çıkış gücü, nede embriyo ölüm safhaları bakımından muamele etkileri önemli bulunmuştur. UV-C muamele gruplarında çıkış saati nispeten öne gelmiştir. Çıkış ağırlığı bakımından UV-C x Cinsiyet interaksiyon etkisi önemli (P<0.05) bulunmuştur. Buna göre; UV-C muamelesinin, erkek ve dişi civcivler arasındaki farkı azaltarak, çıkış üniformitesini artırdığı kanaatine varılmıştır. Karışık cinsiyetteki piliçler için, 6. hafta sonunda canlı ağırlık (CA), yem tüketimi (YT), yem değerlendirme katsayısı (YDK), yaşama gücü (YG) bakımından ortalama değerler, sırasıyla, 2382.7 g, 4241.5 g, 1.785 ve %96.8 olarak belirlenirken, karkas ağırlığı ve karkas randımanı ile abdominal yağ ağırlığı ve oranı, sırasıyla, 1693 g, %71.03, 24.64 g ve % 1.47 olarak belirlenmiştir. 2, 3 ve 4. haftalarda muamelelerin, CA, canlı ağırlık artışı ve YDK üzerinde önemli (P<0.05) etkileri belirlenmiş ise de, 6. hafta sonu itibariyle, bu kriterlere ilaveten, YT, YG, kesim ve karkas özelliklerinin muamelelerden önemli olarak etkilenmediği belirlenmiştir.
This research is achieved for the purpose of examining the effects of applying UV-C irradiations [Control; C, Early period; EP (5th day), Middle period; MP (14th day) and 18th day transfer; TR] to broiler hatching eggs in critical embryonic periods on the embryo development and hatchability, post hatch performance, slaughtering results and carcass properties. For this purpose, embryo development and hatchability data were obtained by applying hatching to 20 setting tray (four treatments with 5 replicate) including totally 1200 Ross 308 broiler hatching eggs. Then, the chicks hatched, after applying sex separation, were raised for 6 weeks of duration in 32 pens. While the performance data were being collected during the experimental period, 2 bird from each sub group, totally 64 birds were sacrificed and the slaughtering results and carcass properties data were determined at the end of the 6th week. While the data of hatching results were analyzed as to the one way procedure, the performance results were analyzed as to the factorial (4 UV-C x 2 Sex) randomized plot design. According to the results obtained, it is found that neither the hatchability nor the embryo mortality periods were affected significantly by the treatments. Hatching times of the groups that UV-C applied was come earlier than the control. With respect to the hatching weights, UV-C x Sex interaction effects were found significantly important (P<0.05). As to this result, it is determined that UV-C treatments increases uniformity of chick weight by decreasing the difference between male and female. For mixed sex broilers, at the end of the 6th week, while live weight (LW), feed consumption (FC), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and livability were determined as 2382.7 g, 4241.5 g, 1.785 and 96.8% respectively, and the carcass weight and the ratio, abdominal fat and ratio were determined as 1693 g, 71.03%, 24.64 g and 1.47%, respectively. Even if, LW, live weight gain and FCR were affected significantly (P<0.05) by the treatments in 2, 3 and 4th weeks, in addition to these criteria, FC, livability, slaughtering results and carcass properties were also not affected significantly at the end of the 6th weeks.
This research is achieved for the purpose of examining the effects of applying UV-C irradiations [Control; C, Early period; EP (5th day), Middle period; MP (14th day) and 18th day transfer; TR] to broiler hatching eggs in critical embryonic periods on the embryo development and hatchability, post hatch performance, slaughtering results and carcass properties. For this purpose, embryo development and hatchability data were obtained by applying hatching to 20 setting tray (four treatments with 5 replicate) including totally 1200 Ross 308 broiler hatching eggs. Then, the chicks hatched, after applying sex separation, were raised for 6 weeks of duration in 32 pens. While the performance data were being collected during the experimental period, 2 bird from each sub group, totally 64 birds were sacrificed and the slaughtering results and carcass properties data were determined at the end of the 6th week. While the data of hatching results were analyzed as to the one way procedure, the performance results were analyzed as to the factorial (4 UV-C x 2 Sex) randomized plot design. According to the results obtained, it is found that neither the hatchability nor the embryo mortality periods were affected significantly by the treatments. Hatching times of the groups that UV-C applied was come earlier than the control. With respect to the hatching weights, UV-C x Sex interaction effects were found significantly important (P<0.05). As to this result, it is determined that UV-C treatments increases uniformity of chick weight by decreasing the difference between male and female. For mixed sex broilers, at the end of the 6th week, while live weight (LW), feed consumption (FC), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and livability were determined as 2382.7 g, 4241.5 g, 1.785 and 96.8% respectively, and the carcass weight and the ratio, abdominal fat and ratio were determined as 1693 g, 71.03%, 24.64 g and 1.47%, respectively. Even if, LW, live weight gain and FCR were affected significantly (P<0.05) by the treatments in 2, 3 and 4th weeks, in addition to these criteria, FC, livability, slaughtering results and carcass properties were also not affected significantly at the end of the 6th weeks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Broyler, UV ışınlama, Embriyo gelişimi, Çıkış gücü, Performans, Karkas özellikleri, Broiler, UV irradiation, Embryo development, Hatchability, Performance, Carcass properties
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kaplan, M. (2010). Embriyo gelişiminin kritik dönemlerinde, broyler kuluçkalık yumurtalarına uygulanan UV (ultra viyole) ışınlamanın çıkış gücü, performans ve karkas özelliklerine etkileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.