Adolesan dönem cinselliğiyle öne çıkan serviks kanseri ve risk faktörleri
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Günümüzde kadınların en önemli sağlık sorunlarından olan serviks kanserinin önemi giderek artmaktadır. Serviks kanserinin önemli nedenlerinden biri HPV (Human Papilloma Virüs)’dir. Serviks kanseri erken dönemde belirti göstermediğinden tanılanması zor ve ciddiyeti yüksek bir kanser türüdür. Bu nedenle serviks kanserinin olumsuz etkilerini azaltmak için risk faktörlerinin bilinmesi ve ona uygun önlemler alınması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışma serviks kanserinin risk faktörlerini belirlemeye yönelik yapılan çalışmaları incelemek amacı ile yapıldı. İncelenen çalışmalarda kesin bir neden belirtilmemekle birlikte en sık vurgulanan risk faktörlerinin; adolesan dönem cinselliği (ilk ilişki yaşının küçük olması ya da küçük yaşta yaşanan gebelik), cinsel partner sayısının fazla olması, sigara kullanımı ve oral kontraseptifler olabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Belirtilen bu nedenler önlem alınabilecek unsurlar olduğundan toplumun bu konuda bilgilendirilmesi büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Recently, the importance of cervical cancer one of the women’s most important health problems has increased. One of the important causes of cervical cancer is the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Cervical cancer has high level of severity and it is difficult to diagnose because it is difficult detect its symptoms in earlier period. Therefore, in order to reduce the negative effects of cervical cancer and to take appropriate measures, its’ risk factors should be known. This study is designed to review studies to determine risk factors of cervical cancer. In reviewed studies, the clear and exact factors are given; however, common risk factors that were stated in the studies are listed as adolescent sexuality in the period (age at first intercourse at a young age or pregnancy in young), multiple sexual partner, smoking and oral contraceptive. As it is believed by the researchers that some precautions could be taken, informing of the community in this regard is of great importance.
Recently, the importance of cervical cancer one of the women’s most important health problems has increased. One of the important causes of cervical cancer is the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Cervical cancer has high level of severity and it is difficult to diagnose because it is difficult detect its symptoms in earlier period. Therefore, in order to reduce the negative effects of cervical cancer and to take appropriate measures, its’ risk factors should be known. This study is designed to review studies to determine risk factors of cervical cancer. In reviewed studies, the clear and exact factors are given; however, common risk factors that were stated in the studies are listed as adolescent sexuality in the period (age at first intercourse at a young age or pregnancy in young), multiple sexual partner, smoking and oral contraceptive. As it is believed by the researchers that some precautions could be taken, informing of the community in this regard is of great importance.
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