Tüketim toplumunda bir “sosyal beden” kurgusu olarak kadın
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Tüketim kültürünün tüketilen nesneleri arasında yan anlam bolluğu bakımından en zengin çağrışımlara sahip olanı, kadın bedeni ve onun etrafında örülen arzuya dayalı söylendir. Püriten çağların sonunda cinsel devrim ve özgürleşmeyle birlikte yeniden keşfedilen beden, postmodern tüketim toplumunun en mucizevî ürünlerinden birisidir. İlk çağlardan bu yana, genel olarak tinsel yaşantıya karşıtlığı içinde değerlendirilen ve her iki karşıtlık arasındaki düşmanlığı kavramsallaştırmaya dayalı tartışmalar, ilahi ve kutsal vaazların arkasında yitip gitmiş bedensel varlığın tüm somutluğuyla ortaya çıkmasına uzun yıllar boyunca engel olmuştur. Ortaçağ’da beden, kirin, günahın, kutsal-dışılığın tohumlarının yeşerdiği lanetlenmiş bir alandır. Günümüz toplumlarında ise, dikkat çekici olan, tüketimde sadece biyolojik bir beden anlayışının değil, aynı zamanda simgesel olarak üretilmiş bir “sosyal beden” anlayışının geçerli kılınmasıdır. Buna göre, simgesel olarak kurulmuş sosyal beden, aynı zamanda kendini meşrulaştırmış bir iktidar tarafından “yönetilen” bir bedendir. İhtiyaçları, görünümleri, gerek içeriksel, gerekse biçimsel olarak sahip olacağı göstergeler ve imajları dönemsel olarak ön belirlenmiş bedenin açıkça bir meta değeri taşıyan niteliğiyle, artık etkin düşünme ve eylemde bulunmanın özgür alanı içinde tasavvur edilmesi imkânsızdır. Bu çalışmada, kurgusal “sosyal beden” kavramı bağlamında üretilen tüketim kültürü ideolojisinin kadın bedeninde cisimleşmesinin yol açtığı bireylik yitimi sorunu üzerinde odaklanılmaktadır.
Discourse on body of women and desire organized in it are the most varying associations in terms of wide range of connotation among the consumed objects of consumption culture. The rediscovered body, which was brought about together with sexual revolution and freedom at the end of the strait laced age, is one of the most miraculous outputs of postmodern consumption society. Since ancient times, the debates on conceptualization of enmity, which has been evaluated as being opposite to the spiritual life in general and is between these both oppositions; for along time, has barred the appearing of the body entity as concrete which was disappeared under the divine and holy sermons. In the middle ages, body is a damned place where dirt, sin and holly-exception are flourished. In current societies, striking fact is that a thought not only on biological body, but also, on symbolically produced a “social body” in consumption is validated. According to this thought, symbolically established body is also a body “governed” by a rulership which is legitimized by itself. To consider the physical value of the body; of which needs, both content and formal indicators and images have been specified periodically before, make the ability of thinking actively and acting freely of the body impossible. In this paper, the problem of de-individuation, which is the result of the ideology of the culture of the produced consumption materialized in the bodies of women in fictitious “social body” context, is focused on.
Discourse on body of women and desire organized in it are the most varying associations in terms of wide range of connotation among the consumed objects of consumption culture. The rediscovered body, which was brought about together with sexual revolution and freedom at the end of the strait laced age, is one of the most miraculous outputs of postmodern consumption society. Since ancient times, the debates on conceptualization of enmity, which has been evaluated as being opposite to the spiritual life in general and is between these both oppositions; for along time, has barred the appearing of the body entity as concrete which was disappeared under the divine and holy sermons. In the middle ages, body is a damned place where dirt, sin and holly-exception are flourished. In current societies, striking fact is that a thought not only on biological body, but also, on symbolically produced a “social body” in consumption is validated. According to this thought, symbolically established body is also a body “governed” by a rulership which is legitimized by itself. To consider the physical value of the body; of which needs, both content and formal indicators and images have been specified periodically before, make the ability of thinking actively and acting freely of the body impossible. In this paper, the problem of de-individuation, which is the result of the ideology of the culture of the produced consumption materialized in the bodies of women in fictitious “social body” context, is focused on.
Url: http://josc.selcuk.edu.tr/article/view/1075000083
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beden, Sosyal beden, Tüketim, Kadın, Cinsellik, Body, Social body, Consumption, Women, Sexuality
Selçuk İletişim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Köse, H. (2011). Tüketim toplumunda bir “sosyal beden” kurgusu olarak kadın. Selçuk İletişim, 6, (4), 76-89.