İzmir'deki Geç Dönem Osmanlı camileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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İslamiyetin sembolü olan ve farklı kültürlerin (Arap-Türk gibi) etkisiyle gelişen cami mimarisi, Osmanlı döneminde de kendine özgü karakter kazanarak gelişimini sürdürmüştür. Osmanlı'da erken ve klasik dönemlerde süslemenin önüne geçen mimari ve plan geç dönemle birlikte kabuk değiştirmeye başlamış, ancak bu değişim, geçmişi ötelemeden gerçekleşmiştir. Osmanlılar kendi üsluplarıyla batıdan aldığı farklılıkları birleştirerek mimariye yeni bir anlam ve boyut kazandırmışlardır. Daha çok tezyinatla ön plana dikkati çeken bu farklılığa İstanbul Camileri öncülük etmiş, buradan Anadolu'ya dağılmıştır. Tez konumuzu oluşturan İzmir'deki geç dönem Osmanlı camileri de hem başkent İstanbul'daki değişime yabancı kalmamış hem de ondan farklı olarak kendi üslubunu yaratmasını bilmiştir. İncelemiş olduğumuz Onaltı adet caminin bir kısmı klasik dönemde yapılmış, ancak bu camiler mimari özelliklerini koruyarak geç dönemde geçirmiş oldukları onarımlarla son şeklini almışlardır. Yapılarda geç dönem özelliğinde yapılmış, Barok, rokoko ve ampir üslupları ile eklektik üslubun birlikte yer aldığı geniş bir süsleme repertuarı bulunmaktadır. Birbirleriyle kaynaşarak oluşturulmuş bu süslemelerde baroğun hareketli ve özgür tutumu ile eklektik üslubun keskin hatları başarılı bir şekilde işlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Geç döneme özgü olan, 'S-C' kıvrımları, akant yaprakları, vazodan çıkan çiçekler, natürmortlar, istiridye kabuğu, perde motifi ve özellikle mimari tasvirlerin yer aldığı duvar resimleri ve plastik kabartmalar İzmir'deki geç dönem Osmanlı camilerinde yer alan bu geniş süsleme repertuarını gözler önüne serer. Bunların yanı sıra, yapıların cephelerindeki, üçgen alınlıklar, plaster uygulamaları, minarelerin bol silmeli ve boğumlu külah düzenlemeleri eklektik üslubun İzmir'deki geç dönem Osmanlı camilerine yansımalarını göstermesi açısından önemlidir. Camilerdeki süslemelerde alçı malzeme başta olmak üzere kalem işi, taş, mermer ve ahşap da kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada camiler, inşa tarihleri, plan, mimari ve süsleme özellikleri bağlamında ele alınarak ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir.İzmir'deki geç dönem Osmanlı camileri, birçok yapı grubunu bünyesinde barındıran farklılıklarının yanı sıra, fevkani kuruluşları ve kendine has süsleme özellikleriyle de ayrıcalıklarını ortaya koyan ve geçmişe tanıklık yaparak varlığını sürdürmeye çalışan önemli mimari eserlerdir.
Mosque architecture which is the symbol of Islam and which has evolved with effects of different cultures (like Arab-Turk), has continued its thriving with gaining a character specific to itself in Ottoman period. Architecture and plan which has got ahead of ornaments in Ottoman’s early and classical period, started to change its shell with late period, but this change has occurred by shifting the past. Ottomans has brought in a new meaning and extent to architecture by combining differences they took from west with their own manner. This difference that attracts attention mostly by ornaments has been leaded by Istanbul mosques, and then it has spreaded to Anatolia. Late period Ottoman mosques located in İzmir, which forms our thesis topic, have not became estranged from the change in capital Istanbul as well as have known to create its own manner. Some of 16 mosques that we have examined have been built in classical period, but these mosques have saved their architectural characteristics and got their final shape with renovations that they got in late period. A wide decoration repertoire that consists of baroque, rococo and empire also eclectic styles, exist in buildings which has been built on late period characteristics. On these ornaments which have been created with merging each other together, baroque’s dynamic and free attitude, also eclectic style’s sharp lines have been successfully forged. “S-C” curves, acanth leaves, flowers coming out from vase, naturmorts, oyster shell, curtain motif and wall pictures that includes especially architectural design and plastic glyph, are specific to late period, and they display the rich decoration repertoire in late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir. Besides, triangle pediments, plaster applications, minarets cone editing with rich swapping and knots which are at structures frontage are important in terms of showing reflections of eclectic style to late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir. In ornaments on mosques, mainly plaster material, also pencil work, stone, marble and wood is used. In this study, mosques are examined in details in context of construction dates, plan, architecture, and ornament features. Late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir are important architectural works which incorporate multiple building groups’ differences, as well as showing their privileges with superior (fevkani) establishments and original decoration features, and trying to continue its survival by witnessing the past.
Mosque architecture which is the symbol of Islam and which has evolved with effects of different cultures (like Arab-Turk), has continued its thriving with gaining a character specific to itself in Ottoman period. Architecture and plan which has got ahead of ornaments in Ottoman’s early and classical period, started to change its shell with late period, but this change has occurred by shifting the past. Ottomans has brought in a new meaning and extent to architecture by combining differences they took from west with their own manner. This difference that attracts attention mostly by ornaments has been leaded by Istanbul mosques, and then it has spreaded to Anatolia. Late period Ottoman mosques located in İzmir, which forms our thesis topic, have not became estranged from the change in capital Istanbul as well as have known to create its own manner. Some of 16 mosques that we have examined have been built in classical period, but these mosques have saved their architectural characteristics and got their final shape with renovations that they got in late period. A wide decoration repertoire that consists of baroque, rococo and empire also eclectic styles, exist in buildings which has been built on late period characteristics. On these ornaments which have been created with merging each other together, baroque’s dynamic and free attitude, also eclectic style’s sharp lines have been successfully forged. “S-C” curves, acanth leaves, flowers coming out from vase, naturmorts, oyster shell, curtain motif and wall pictures that includes especially architectural design and plastic glyph, are specific to late period, and they display the rich decoration repertoire in late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir. Besides, triangle pediments, plaster applications, minarets cone editing with rich swapping and knots which are at structures frontage are important in terms of showing reflections of eclectic style to late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir. In ornaments on mosques, mainly plaster material, also pencil work, stone, marble and wood is used. In this study, mosques are examined in details in context of construction dates, plan, architecture, and ornament features. Late period Ottoman mosques in İzmir are important architectural works which incorporate multiple building groups’ differences, as well as showing their privileges with superior (fevkani) establishments and original decoration features, and trying to continue its survival by witnessing the past.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İzmir, Architectural buildings, Mimari yapılar, Camiler, Mosques, Geç dönem, Late period
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Polat, S. (2011). İzmir'deki Geç Dönem Osmanlı camileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.