Japon bıldırcınlarında deneysel aflatoksikozis üzerine sodyum-bentonit ilavesinin etkisi
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Bu çalışma, Japon bıldırcınlarında aflatoksikozis üzerine sodyum bentonit (NaB)'in etkisi araştırmak için yürütülmüştür. Toplam, 10 günlük yaşta, 120 Japon bıldırcını, her birinde 30 adet olmak üzere 4 deneme grubuna rastgele dağıtılmıştır. Her bir grup her birinde 3 adet bıldırcın olmak üzere 10 alt gruba ayrılmıştır. Mısır-soya küspesine dayalı aflatoksin (AF) içermeyen temel rasyon kontrol rasyonu olarak kullanılmıştır. Buna göre: I) Kontrol (K): temel rasyon; II) K2.5 mg/kg AF; III) K % 1 NaB; IV) K2.5 mg/kg AF% 1 NaB şeklinde hazırlanan 4 farklı deneme rasyonu 35 gün süreyle deneme gruplarına ad libitum yedirilmiştir. Performans parametreleri haftalık olarak belirlenmiştir. Deneme sonunda, sadece AF içeren rasyonları tüketen bıldırcınlarda canlı ağırlık artışı ve yem tüketimi önemli derecede azalmıştır. Fakat, AF içeren rasyonlara NaB ilavesiyle AF'den dolayı azalan canlı ağırlık artışı ve yem tüketimi önemli derecede artmıştır. Aflatoksin içeren rasyonla beslenen bıldırcınlar canlı ağırlık artışındaki kümülatif azalış % 14.6 iken, AF içeren rasyona NaB ilavesiyle bu azalma sadece % 5.5 olmuş, benzer şekilde yem tüketimindeki kümülatif azalış AF içeren rasyonu tüketen grupta % 17.8 olurken, AF içeren rasyona NaB ilavesiyle bu azalış sadece % 1 olmuştur. Sadece AF içeren rasyonu tüketen bıldırcınların yemden yararlanma katsayıları diğer gruplardan daha düşük olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, Japon bıldırcınlarında AF'den kaynaklanan olumsuz etkilerin önlenmesinde NaB'in etkili olabileceği söylenebilir.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium bentonite (NaB) on aflatoxicosis in Japanese quail. In the present study, 120 10-d-old Japanese quail were randomly distributed into four experimental groups (30 birds per group) and fed the following diets for 35 days as ad libitum: I) Control (C): basal diet; II) C2.5 mg/kg AF; III) C1% NaB; IV) C2.5 mg/kg AF1% NaB of diet. Each treatment consisted of 10 replicates of 3 quail. Performance parameters were determined weekly. Results showed that by the end of the trial, feeding alone AF-containing significantly decreased body weight gain and feed consumption during the experiment. The addition of NaB to an AF-containing diet significantly reduced the deleterious effects of AF on body weight gain and feed consumption. Body weight gain was reduced by 14.6% in quail consuming the AF diet without NaB, but by only 5.5% for quail consuming the AF plus NaB diet. Similarly, feed consumption was reduced 17.8% in birds consuming the AF diet without NaB, but by only 1% for birds consuming the AF plus NaB diet. Feeding AF alone caused significant improved in feed conversion ratio during the experiment compared with the other groups. These results suggested that NaB effectively diminished the detrimental effects of AF on performance in Japanese quail.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium bentonite (NaB) on aflatoxicosis in Japanese quail. In the present study, 120 10-d-old Japanese quail were randomly distributed into four experimental groups (30 birds per group) and fed the following diets for 35 days as ad libitum: I) Control (C): basal diet; II) C2.5 mg/kg AF; III) C1% NaB; IV) C2.5 mg/kg AF1% NaB of diet. Each treatment consisted of 10 replicates of 3 quail. Performance parameters were determined weekly. Results showed that by the end of the trial, feeding alone AF-containing significantly decreased body weight gain and feed consumption during the experiment. The addition of NaB to an AF-containing diet significantly reduced the deleterious effects of AF on body weight gain and feed consumption. Body weight gain was reduced by 14.6% in quail consuming the AF diet without NaB, but by only 5.5% for quail consuming the AF plus NaB diet. Similarly, feed consumption was reduced 17.8% in birds consuming the AF diet without NaB, but by only 1% for birds consuming the AF plus NaB diet. Feeding AF alone caused significant improved in feed conversion ratio during the experiment compared with the other groups. These results suggested that NaB effectively diminished the detrimental effects of AF on performance in Japanese quail.
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