Tekrarlayan Sevofluran Anestezisinin Yavru Rat Karaciğeri Üzerine Etkileri: Sodalaym'ın Rolü
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Deneysel çalışmalar tekrarlanan sevofluranm uygulamalarının hepatotoksik olabileceğini belirtmektedir. Bu toksik etkiler anestezik ajanın direk etkisinden olabileceği gibi, sevofluranın sodalaym tarafından parçalanması sonucu oluşun toksik ürünlere bağlı da gelişebilir. Bu, çalışmanın amacı, yavru ratlarda sodalaymlı ve sodalaymsız devrelerde tekrarlanan sevofluran anestezisinin, karaciğer üzerine etkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmada 15-30 g ağırlıkları arasında 27 Wistar cinsi rat kullanıldı. Hatlar, 9'lu gruplar oluşturulacak şekilde 3 gruba rasgele ayrıldı. Hatlar özel olarak yaptırılmış transparan plastik kutuya alındılar ve halka sistemi ile anestezi makinasına bağlandılar. Kontrol grubu olan Grup K'ya % 100 O2 verildi. Sodalaymsız anestezi devresinde sevofluran uygulanan gruba (Grup S) % 100 O2 içinde % 2.5- 2.7 konsantrasyonda sevofluran uygulanırken, aynı gaz karışımı sodalaymlı anestezi devresinde Grup SS'e uygulandı. Ratlara, gün aşırı toplam 5 kez olmak üzere 60 dakika sevofluran anestezisi uygulandı. Kan örneklerinden SGOT, SGPT ve alkalen fosfataz değerleri elde edildi. 10. günde ratlar sakrifiye, edildikten sonra, karaciğer doku örnekleri ışık mikroskobisi ile histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. SGOT, SGPT ve alkalen fosfataz değerleri özellikle Group SS'de yükseldi. Karaciğerin histopatolojik değerlendirilmesinde, her iki deney grubunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmayan minimal değişiklikler mevcutlu. Sonuç olarak, sodalaymlı ve sodalaymsız devrede tekrarlanan sevofluran anestezisinin karaciğer üzerine minimal etkileri olduğu kanaatine varıldı.
Experimental studies indicate that repeated exposure to sevoflurane can be hepatotoxic It may be either related with direct effect of this anaesthetic agent or with the degradation of sevoflurane by soda lime which is also known to produce toxic products. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of repeated sevoflurane anaesthesia on liver in neonatal rats with or without soda lime. Twenty-seven rats were used in the experiment (15-30 g weight). The rats were randomly divided into three groups (9 each). The rats were placed in a specially prepared transparant plastic box. Group C was the control group. They received 100 % O2. In the anaesthesia circle without sodalime sevoflurane in 2.5-2.7 % concentration with O2 (100 %) were administired directly in group S, while the same gas mixture was applied through the soda lime in group SS. Repealed anaesthesia (five times) was applied to the rats for sixty minutes with two days intervals. SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels were measured from the blood samples. Following sacrifice on the day ten, liver tissue samples were examined using light microscopy for histopathological evaluation. SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels were increased especially in group SS. There were only minimal changes in histopathological evaluation of liver from both experimental groups which were not statistically significant. As a result repeated sevoflurane anesthesia with or without sodalime has minimal effects on liver.
Experimental studies indicate that repeated exposure to sevoflurane can be hepatotoxic It may be either related with direct effect of this anaesthetic agent or with the degradation of sevoflurane by soda lime which is also known to produce toxic products. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of repeated sevoflurane anaesthesia on liver in neonatal rats with or without soda lime. Twenty-seven rats were used in the experiment (15-30 g weight). The rats were randomly divided into three groups (9 each). The rats were placed in a specially prepared transparant plastic box. Group C was the control group. They received 100 % O2. In the anaesthesia circle without sodalime sevoflurane in 2.5-2.7 % concentration with O2 (100 %) were administired directly in group S, while the same gas mixture was applied through the soda lime in group SS. Repealed anaesthesia (five times) was applied to the rats for sixty minutes with two days intervals. SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels were measured from the blood samples. Following sacrifice on the day ten, liver tissue samples were examined using light microscopy for histopathological evaluation. SGOT, SGPT and ALP levels were increased especially in group SS. There were only minimal changes in histopathological evaluation of liver from both experimental groups which were not statistically significant. As a result repeated sevoflurane anesthesia with or without sodalime has minimal effects on liver.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Acil Tıp, Anestezi
Türk Pediatri Arşivi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Ünal, M., Reisli, R., Tuncer, S., Erol, A., Avunduk, M., Ökeşli, S., (2003).