Severe hypokalemia-associated rhabdomyolise and unusual poliuria in patient with primary aldosteronism
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Primer aldosteronizm hipertansiyon, hipopotasemi, yüksek plazma aldosteron seviyesi ve düşük plazma renin aktivitesiyle kara- kterize bir sendromdur. Bizim takdim ettiğimiz hasta proksimal kas güçsüzlüğü ve yorgunluk şikayetleriyle nöroloji kliniğine başvuran 56 yaşında bir erkek hastaydı. Kontrolsüz kan basıncı nedeniyle anti-hipertansif tedavi planlanması amacıyla kardiyoloji konsultasyonu istenmiş. Ciddi hipokalemiye bağlı (K:1.04) uzamış QT intervali ve dev U dalgaları olması nedeniyle hasta kardiy- oloji kliniğine aritmi riskleri açısından devralındı. Primer hiperaldosteronizm teşhisi konulduktan sonra tedavi başlandı ve tedavi boyunca hastada ciddi poliüri gelişti(19 L/gün).
Primary aldosteronism is a syndrome that is characterized with hypertension, hypopotasemia, high level of plasma aldosterone, and low plasma renin activity. The case we present is a 56-year-old male who referred to our neurology clinic with proximal muscle weakness and fatigue. Because of uncontrolled blood pressure, a cardiology consultation was performed for the planning of anti- hypertensive treatment. As prolonged QT intervals and giant U waves due to serious hypokalemia (K:1,04), cardiology clinic took over the patient for risks of arrhythmia. After primary hyperaldosteronism diagnosis was established, the treatment was initiated and severe polyuria developed during the treatment (19L/day).
Primary aldosteronism is a syndrome that is characterized with hypertension, hypopotasemia, high level of plasma aldosterone, and low plasma renin activity. The case we present is a 56-year-old male who referred to our neurology clinic with proximal muscle weakness and fatigue. Because of uncontrolled blood pressure, a cardiology consultation was performed for the planning of anti- hypertensive treatment. As prolonged QT intervals and giant U waves due to serious hypokalemia (K:1,04), cardiology clinic took over the patient for risks of arrhythmia. After primary hyperaldosteronism diagnosis was established, the treatment was initiated and severe polyuria developed during the treatment (19L/day).
Anahtar Kelimeler
European Journal of General Medicine
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