Farklı Klinik Semptomlarla Ortaya Çıkan Narkolepsi Olguları
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Narkolepsi, nadir görülen ve az tanynan ve atlanan birdurumdur. Aşırı gündüz uykululuğu, katapleksi, uykuparalizisi, hipnogojik ve hipnopompik varsanylarla karakterize bir bozukluktur. Gündüz aşırı uykululuğunarkolepsinin en önemli belirtisidir ve diğer psikiyatrikbozukluklarla karışabilir. Hastalığın katapleksi ile birlikteolan ve katapleksi ile birlikte olmayan şeklinde, birincilveya tıbbi duruma ikincil formları vardır. Çevresel vegenetik faktörlerin karmaşık bir etkileşimi neticesindeortaya çıktığı düşünülmektedir. Narkolepsi tanısı klinikolarak konmaktadır. Bununla birlikte son zamanlardanarkolepsi tanısında uyku bozuklukları tıbbı alanındaönemli gelişmeler olmuştur. Stimülanlar, modafinil veantidepresanlar narkolepside tedavide kullanılanilaçlardır. Narkolepsinin farklı klinik belirtileri diğer psikiyatrik hastalıklarla örtüşebilir. Bu yazyda iki olgu sunumuyapılmıştır. İlk olgu, klinik belirtileri açısından epilepsitanısını düşündüren, antiepileptik tedavi başlanan ancaktedaviden yanıt alynamayan, ayrıntılı incelemelerlenarkolepsi tanısı konduktan sonra başarılı şekilde tedaviedilen bir olgudur. ikincisi ise depresif semptomlarlabaşlayan ve depersonalizasyon, derealizasyon semptomlary olup antidepresan tedaviden fayda görmeyen birolgudur. Hasta narkolepsi tanısı konulduktan sonrastimülan ajanlarla başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilmiştir.Narkolepsi belirtilerini tanıma ve farkındalık, bu hastalığa uygun zamanda tanı konmasını ve uygun tedavininuygulanmasını sağlar. Dolayısıyla, klinisyenlernarkolepsinin farklı klinik görünümleri konusundadikkatli olmalıdırlar
Narcolepsy is an uncommon disorder and it is an underrecognized and underdiagnosed condition. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleepparalysis, hypnagogic, and hypnopompic hallucinations.Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most importantsymptom and misdiagnoses other mental disorders.There are different groups of patients, those having narcolepsy with cataplexy and those having narcolepsywithout cataplexy that can be primary or secondary dueto medical condition. Narcolepsy is considered to becaused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The diagnosis of narcolepsy is based primarily on clinical picture. On the other hand, recentyears important developments occur in the sleep disorders medicine for narcolepsy. Stimulants, modafinil andantidepressants are the pharmacological agents used innarcolepsy for treatment. Different clinical symptoms ofnarcolepsy may overlap with other mental illnesses. Inthis article, we introduced two case reports. Our firstcase was clinically resembling epilepsy and it was non responsive to antiepileptic treatment. The patient wasdiagnosed as narcolepsy after detailed investigationsthan treated successfully. And second one was manifested itself by depressive symptoms, depersonalization andderealization and non-responsive to antidepressanttreatment. He was subjected to further investigationtests and he was treated with stimulants perfectly afterthe diagnosis of narcolepsy. The awareness of narcolepsy is important so that these cases could be identifiedtimely and appropriately managed. Thus, cliniciansshould be careful about the different clinical characteristics of narcolepsy
Narcolepsy is an uncommon disorder and it is an underrecognized and underdiagnosed condition. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleepparalysis, hypnagogic, and hypnopompic hallucinations.Excessive daytime sleepiness is the most importantsymptom and misdiagnoses other mental disorders.There are different groups of patients, those having narcolepsy with cataplexy and those having narcolepsywithout cataplexy that can be primary or secondary dueto medical condition. Narcolepsy is considered to becaused by a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The diagnosis of narcolepsy is based primarily on clinical picture. On the other hand, recentyears important developments occur in the sleep disorders medicine for narcolepsy. Stimulants, modafinil andantidepressants are the pharmacological agents used innarcolepsy for treatment. Different clinical symptoms ofnarcolepsy may overlap with other mental illnesses. Inthis article, we introduced two case reports. Our firstcase was clinically resembling epilepsy and it was non responsive to antiepileptic treatment. The patient wasdiagnosed as narcolepsy after detailed investigationsthan treated successfully. And second one was manifested itself by depressive symptoms, depersonalization andderealization and non-responsive to antidepressanttreatment. He was subjected to further investigationtests and he was treated with stimulants perfectly afterthe diagnosis of narcolepsy. The awareness of narcolepsy is important so that these cases could be identifiedtimely and appropriately managed. Thus, cliniciansshould be careful about the different clinical characteristics of narcolepsy
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