Reel döviz kuru oynaklığının doğrudan yabancı sermaye girişleri üzerine etkisi: Türkiye örneği (1992-2008)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Gelişen dünya ekonomisiyle birlikte esnek döviz kuru sistemine geçiş, uluslararası faaliyette bulunan firmaların döviz fiyatlarındaki dalgalanma neticesinde döviz kuru piyasalarındaki riskleri ile karşı karşıya kalmalarına sebep olmuştur. Döviz kuru oranlarındaki bu dalgalanmalar, lehte gelişme göstermediği taktirde kuruluşların nakit akışlarında önemli etkiler yaratır. Bu ise işletmeleri ve ekonomileri derinden etkiler. Finansal piyasalardaki oynaklık yatırımın taşıdığı riskin ölçütü olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda oynaklığın modellenmesi ve geleceğe yönelik öngörülerin yapılabilmesi risk yönetimi açısında büyük önem taşımaktadır. Son yıllarda uluslararası ticaret ve yatırım hacminin artmasıyla birlikte döviz piyasası gelişimini olumlu yönde sürdürmektedir. Bununla birlikte döviz kuru oynaklığı bir ülke ekonomisinin istikrarı hakkında ipucu veren en önemli göstergelerden birisidir. Bu gelişmeler birçok akademisyenin ilgisini bu alana yönetmiş olup üzerine birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmada, 1992:1-2008:12 dönemini kapsayan ve aylık verilerden oluşan bir veri seti kullanılarak, dolardaki reel değer değişimlerinin doğrudan yabancı sermaye girişleri üzerine etkileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Öncelikle döviz kuru değişkeninin oynak olup olmamasına bakılmıştır. Çalışmada, doğrusal modeller finansal zaman serilerinde mevcut olan birçok özelliği açıklamada yetersizdir. Döviz kurları zaman serilerinde portföy kanalı, sinyal kanalı vb. ile yatırımcıların risk alarak yaptığı alım ve satımların etkileri, merkez bankasının dönemsel olarak müdahale etmesi seride zaman zaman sapmalara neden olmaktadır. Bu müdahaleler periyodik olmadığı için serileri de doğrulama açısından açıklamak güçleşmektedir. Bu nedenle sabit varyans varsayımı döviz kurları serileri için geçerliliğini yitirmektedir. Döviz kuru oynaklığı modellenerek, finansal zaman serilerinde oynaklığın modellenmesinde en başarılı model olan ve serideki değişen varyans özelliğini de dikkate alan ARCH modeli çalışmada kullanılacaktır. ARCH modelleri finansal serilerdeki oynaklık kümelenmesi eğilimini yakalayabilmektedir. USD kur serisi için ADF testi ile durağanlık kontrolleri yapılacak, bu kontrollere bağlı olarak seri durağan hale getirilecektir. ARIMA modeli belirlenecek ve ARCH modelinin kullanılmasına gerek olup olmadığı araştırılacaktır. Seride ARCH etkisi tespit edildikten sonra modeldeki negatif varyanslı parametre tahminlerine ulaşılmasını gidermek amacıyla ARCH modellerinin genelleştirilmiş ve kapsamlı hali olan GARCH modeli incelenecektir. GARCH modelinin tercih edilmesinin başlıca nedeni bu model tipinin daha fazla geçmiş bilgiye dayanan daha esnek bir gecikme yapısına sahip olmasıdır. Çalışmalarda sıkça kullanılan GARCH(1, 1) modelini baz alarak analiz yapılacaktır. Uygun ARIMA(p, d, q) model tipinin önerilebilmesi için yapılacak doğal logaritma işlemi ile kur serisinin özellikleri daha iyi belirlenecektir. Seçilecek en uygun koşullu varyans modelinin değerlendirilmesi yapılacaktır. Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları serisi incelenerek ve serinin zaman serisi yapısı ampirik olarak ele alınacaktır. İncelenen bu iki seri ile uygun bir model oluşturulacak ve bu modelin otokorelasyon varlığı Breusch Godfrey LM Testi ve Durbin Watson İstatistiği ile test edilecek, Ljung-Box ile modelin serisel bağımlılığı ya da doğrusal dışılığı test edilecek, Granger Nedensellik Testi ile modeldeki değişkenlerin birbiri ile olan nedenselliği incelenecek ve Ramsey Reset Testi ile modelin uygunluğu test edilecektir.
In conjunction with the developing world economy, especially the transition to a flexible exchange rate system has caused companies with international activities to be faced with exchange rate risks as a result of fluctuations in currency prices. These fluctuations in foreign exchange ratios, if does not demonstrate a favorable development, creates significant effects on the cash flow of organizations. This then affects the business enterprises and economies. The volatility in financial markets is considered as a measure of risk carried by the investment. In this context, modeling of the volatility and being able forecast the anticipations towards the future is of great importance in terms of risk management. With the increasing volume of international trade and investment in the recent years, the development of the foreign exchange market has been has been towards a positive direction. However, exchange rate volatility is one of the most important indicators that present a clue on a country?s economic stability. These developments have directed the attention of many scholars to this field on which many studies have been conducted. Within the study, an attempt was made to analyze the effects of the changes in US Dollar?s real value on foreign capital inflow by using a data set consisting of monthly data covering a period between 1992:1 and 2008:12. Before all else, linear models are insufficient in explaining many of the features present in financial time series through observing whether the variable of the exchange rate is volatile or not. In foreign currency rate time series, portfolio channel, signal channel etc. , together with the effects of purchase and sales, which investors engage in with assuming risk, central bank?s periodic interventions cause a deviation in the series from time to time. As these interventions are not of periodic nature, it becomes difficult to explain the series from a linear angle. For this reason, the constant variation hypothesis becomes void for foreign currency rate series. Foreign currency rate volatility will be modeled and in the modeling of financial time series volatility, in addition to be accepted as the most successful model, the ARCH model which also takes into account the feature on changing variation in the series will be used in the study. ARCH models are able to capture the volatility cluster aptitude in financial series. For the US Dollar exchange rate, static controls will be made with the ADF test, depending on these controls the series will be transformed to static state. The ARIMA model will be determined and research will be conducted to conclude whether it will necessary to employ the ARCH model. After identifying the ARCH effect in the series, in order to correct the negative variation parameter forecasts in the model, the GASCH model, the generalized and comprehensive version of the ARCH models will be examined. The major reason behind choosing the GARCH model is that this model type possesses a more flexible lag structure based on more past information. Analysis will be conducted based on GARCH (1. 1) model frequently used in studies. In order to suggest the appropriate ARIMA (p, d, q) model type, the features of the exchange rate series will be better determined through natural logarithm processing. The variation model selected as having the most appropriate conditions will be evaluated. The foreign direct investment series will be evaluated and time-series structure of the series will empirically analyzed. An appropriate model will be created with these two analyzed series and the existence of the autocorrelation of this model will tested by Breusch Godfrey LM Test and Durbin Watson Statistics; the serial dependence or the non-linearity of the model will be tested by Ljung-Box; the dependence of the variables to each other will be analyzed with the Granger Causality Test; and the appropriateness of the model will be tested with the Ramsey Reset Test.
In conjunction with the developing world economy, especially the transition to a flexible exchange rate system has caused companies with international activities to be faced with exchange rate risks as a result of fluctuations in currency prices. These fluctuations in foreign exchange ratios, if does not demonstrate a favorable development, creates significant effects on the cash flow of organizations. This then affects the business enterprises and economies. The volatility in financial markets is considered as a measure of risk carried by the investment. In this context, modeling of the volatility and being able forecast the anticipations towards the future is of great importance in terms of risk management. With the increasing volume of international trade and investment in the recent years, the development of the foreign exchange market has been has been towards a positive direction. However, exchange rate volatility is one of the most important indicators that present a clue on a country?s economic stability. These developments have directed the attention of many scholars to this field on which many studies have been conducted. Within the study, an attempt was made to analyze the effects of the changes in US Dollar?s real value on foreign capital inflow by using a data set consisting of monthly data covering a period between 1992:1 and 2008:12. Before all else, linear models are insufficient in explaining many of the features present in financial time series through observing whether the variable of the exchange rate is volatile or not. In foreign currency rate time series, portfolio channel, signal channel etc. , together with the effects of purchase and sales, which investors engage in with assuming risk, central bank?s periodic interventions cause a deviation in the series from time to time. As these interventions are not of periodic nature, it becomes difficult to explain the series from a linear angle. For this reason, the constant variation hypothesis becomes void for foreign currency rate series. Foreign currency rate volatility will be modeled and in the modeling of financial time series volatility, in addition to be accepted as the most successful model, the ARCH model which also takes into account the feature on changing variation in the series will be used in the study. ARCH models are able to capture the volatility cluster aptitude in financial series. For the US Dollar exchange rate, static controls will be made with the ADF test, depending on these controls the series will be transformed to static state. The ARIMA model will be determined and research will be conducted to conclude whether it will necessary to employ the ARCH model. After identifying the ARCH effect in the series, in order to correct the negative variation parameter forecasts in the model, the GASCH model, the generalized and comprehensive version of the ARCH models will be examined. The major reason behind choosing the GARCH model is that this model type possesses a more flexible lag structure based on more past information. Analysis will be conducted based on GARCH (1. 1) model frequently used in studies. In order to suggest the appropriate ARIMA (p, d, q) model type, the features of the exchange rate series will be better determined through natural logarithm processing. The variation model selected as having the most appropriate conditions will be evaluated. The foreign direct investment series will be evaluated and time-series structure of the series will empirically analyzed. An appropriate model will be created with these two analyzed series and the existence of the autocorrelation of this model will tested by Breusch Godfrey LM Test and Durbin Watson Statistics; the serial dependence or the non-linearity of the model will be tested by Ljung-Box; the dependence of the variables to each other will be analyzed with the Granger Causality Test; and the appropriateness of the model will be tested with the Ramsey Reset Test.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Döviz kuru, Foreign exchange rate, Sermaye yatırımları, Capital investments, Yabancı sermaye, Foreign capital
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Albayrak, Ş. G. (2012). Reel döviz kuru oynaklığının doğrudan yabancı sermaye girişleri üzerine etkisi: Türkiye örneği (1992-2008). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.