Detoxification of aflatoxin in poultry feed: An update
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Bu meta-analitik çalışmada, kanatlı yemlerinde aflatoksinlerin etkisinin azaltılmasına yönelik yem katkı maddesi olarak adsorbanlar ve biyolojik ürünlerle gerçekleştirilen in vivo deneysel çalışmalar özetlendi. Toplam 42 farklı ülkede yürütülen 231 araştırma incelenerek ilk yazarın ülke adıyla listelendi ve sonuçları özet halinde sunuldu. Bu derleme, yem sektörü temsilcileri ve bilim insanlarına yapılan çalışmaların sonuçlarını sunmakta ve bölgesel sonuçlara dayalı olarak bütüncül değerlendirme için bir temel oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmalar çoğunlukla kanatlı türlerinden broyler civcivlerde (%85) ve nemli iklime sahip ülkeler ile o ülkelerden yem hammaddesi ithal edenlerde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Kanatlı yemlerinde aflatoksinlerin etkilerini azaltmak için çoğunlukla bentonitler (BENT) ve hidrate Na Ca aluminosilicat (HSCAS) gibi killer ile bunların maya (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; SCE) ve maya komponentleri (Esterified glucomannan; EGM) gibi biyolojik ürünler ile kombinasyonlarıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üreticiler ve araştırıcılar için yeme aflatoksin bağlayıcı olarak katılan yem katkısının etkinliğini belirlemede en iyi yol, aflatoksin ve aflatoksin + bağlayıcı madde grubunu karşılaştırılarak elde edilen sonuçların performans, biyokimyasal-hematolojik, immunolojik ve makroskobik-histopatolojik verilerin hepsinin “bir bütün olarak” ele alınması ve değerlendirilmesidir. Üreticiler ve araştırıcılar denemelerin bütününe ulaşıp koruyucu maddenin pratikte kullanılabilirliğini değerlendirmek için makale başlıklarını, ortak yazarları ve/veya makalenin materyal ve metodunu takip edebilirler. Pratikteki uygulamalar için deneysel koşullar altında olumlu etkiler gösteren yem katkılarından mucizeler beklemek yerine aslında hasat ve depolama koşullarını optimize ederek aflatoksin kontaminasyonunun sınırlandırılmasına odaklanmak gerekir.
In this meta-analytical study, in vivo experimental studies with adsorbents and biological products as feed additives for inactivation of aflatoxin (AF) in poultry feeds are summarized. Totally, 231 researches carried out in 42 different countries were examined and listed with the first author’s country name and presented their results in summary. This review presents the results of the experiments for nutritionists in the feed industry and scientists and provides a basis for total evaluation on the basis of regional results. The studies have been performed mostly in broilers (85%) among poultry species; and mostly in humid countries and/or the countries which import feedstuffs from them. Experiments to reduce negative effects of AF in poultry feed have been mainly performed with clays such as bentonites (BENT) and hydrated Na Ca aluminosilicate (HSCAS) single or in combination with biological matters such as yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; SCE) and yeast derivates (Esterified glucomannan; EGM). The best way for producers and researchers, it is preferable to evaluate the preventive efficacy of feed additives as total in terms of performance, biochemical-hematological, immunological and gross and histo-pathological parameters, comparing AF group with AF plus feed additive groups. Scientists can assess the preventive efficacy and practical usability of feed additives in more detail by following the titles of articles, associate authors and/or materials and methods of related articles. In fact, for application in practice, focus on limiting AF contamination by optimizing harvesting and storage conditions should be stressed instead of expecting miracles from feed additives which have shown positive effects under experimental conditions.
In this meta-analytical study, in vivo experimental studies with adsorbents and biological products as feed additives for inactivation of aflatoxin (AF) in poultry feeds are summarized. Totally, 231 researches carried out in 42 different countries were examined and listed with the first author’s country name and presented their results in summary. This review presents the results of the experiments for nutritionists in the feed industry and scientists and provides a basis for total evaluation on the basis of regional results. The studies have been performed mostly in broilers (85%) among poultry species; and mostly in humid countries and/or the countries which import feedstuffs from them. Experiments to reduce negative effects of AF in poultry feed have been mainly performed with clays such as bentonites (BENT) and hydrated Na Ca aluminosilicate (HSCAS) single or in combination with biological matters such as yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae; SCE) and yeast derivates (Esterified glucomannan; EGM). The best way for producers and researchers, it is preferable to evaluate the preventive efficacy of feed additives as total in terms of performance, biochemical-hematological, immunological and gross and histo-pathological parameters, comparing AF group with AF plus feed additive groups. Scientists can assess the preventive efficacy and practical usability of feed additives in more detail by following the titles of articles, associate authors and/or materials and methods of related articles. In fact, for application in practice, focus on limiting AF contamination by optimizing harvesting and storage conditions should be stressed instead of expecting miracles from feed additives which have shown positive effects under experimental conditions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aflatoksin, etkisizleştirme, kanatlı, yem, Aflatoxin, detoxification, poultry, feed
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Oğuz H., Bahçivan E., Erdoğan T., (2018). Detoxification of aflatoxin in poultry feed: An update. Kanatlı yemlerindeki aflatoksinlerin etkisizleştirilmesi: Bir güncelleme. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 34 (4), 204-227. DOI:10.15312/EurasianJVetSci.2018.203