Kompozit ve porselen esaslı lamina vener materyallerin in vitro ve in vivo olarak karşılaştırılmaları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada üç lamina vener materyalinin dentine bağlanma da yanım değerleri ve renk sabitlikleri in vitro olarak karşılaştırıldı ve in vivo klinik çalışma ile birlikte değerlendirildi. Renk sabitliğini tespit etmek için yapılan laboratuvar çalışmasında iki farklı kompozit materyal ve dental porselenden toplam 72 disk şek linde örnek hazırlandı. Örnekler distile su, çay, kahve solüsyonlarında bekletildi ve sigara dumanına maruz bırakıldı. Renk değişimleri renk ölçen bir alet ile 1 gün, 1 hafta, 1 aylık periyodlarla tespit edildi. Sonuçlar Two way Anova ve LSD testi ile değerlendirildi. Porselenin her iki kom pozit materyalden, indirek kompozit materyalin ise direk kompozit ma teryalden daha fazla renk sabitliği gösterdiği bulundu. Bağlanma dayanım deneyinde kompozit ve porselen materyaller 45 adet santral dişin bukkal dentin yüzeylerinden hazırlanan 25 mm2 ebat- larındaki örneklere uygun şekilde yerleştirildi. 37°C de 24 saat bek letildikten sonra dişlere lmm/dakika hızla, bir testometrik apareyi ile kaydırma kuvvetleri uygulandı. Elde edilen değerler MPa cinsinden he saplandı, istatistikler ise varyans analizi ve LSD testi ile yapıldı. İndirek kompozit materyalin porselen ve direk kompozit sis temlerden daha az bağlanma dayanımı gösterdiği gözlendi. Ayrıca her gruptan iki örnek gerekli hazırlıklar yapıldıktan sonra kırılma yüzeyleri değerlendirilmek üzere (SEM)'de incelendi.Klinik çalışmada toplam 19 hastaya 26 indirek ve 26 direk kompozit lamina vener uygulandı. Has talar belirlenen kriterlere göre 6 aylık ve 1 senelik gözlemlerden geçirildi. İndirek lamina venerlerin klinik şartlarda direk lamina venerlerden daha fazla renk sabitliği olduğu ancak bağlanma dayanımlarının direk sis temlerden daha düşük olduğu gözlendi.
A Comparative in Vivo and in Vitro Evaluation of Composite and Porcelain Laminate Veneer Materials In this study the bond strength values and color stability of three laminate veneer materials were compared and the results were assessed in vitro. During the laboratory stage of color stability tests, 72 discs were prepared by using two different type composite materials and dental por celain. The specimens were immersed into distilled water, tea and coffee solutions. Samples of the last experimental group were exposed to ci garette smoke. Having done this, color differences were measured by means of colorimeter in the period of 1 day, 1 week and 1 month res pectively. The results were evaluated statistically by using Two way Anova and LSD tests. As a result of the investigation it was found that porcelain material had more color stability than composite materials and indirect composite material was more color stable than direct composite material. In laboratory testing of the shear bond strengthes, materials were placed on the theeth specimens which are prepared from buccal dentin surfaces of 45 central incisors in2Smm2 dimensions. The teeth were sto red in 37°C for 24 hours and then a Testometric Device with a crosshead speed of lmm/min was used to test the shear bond strengths. The values were calculated as MPa. Statistical analysis of the study was made by using Variance Analysis and LSD test. Indirect composite material sho wed less bond strength values when it was compared with porcelain and direct composite systems. In order to evaluate the broken specimen surfaces, two specimens from each group, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), after proper preparing of the surfaces of specimens. In our clinical study a total number of 19 patients were treated by 26 direct and 26 indirect composite laminate veneers. They were reviewed 6 month and 1 year intervals. It was found that color stability of the in direct laminate veneer was better than the direct laminate veneer. Ho wever direct veneered laminates revealed better bond strength values in this study.
A Comparative in Vivo and in Vitro Evaluation of Composite and Porcelain Laminate Veneer Materials In this study the bond strength values and color stability of three laminate veneer materials were compared and the results were assessed in vitro. During the laboratory stage of color stability tests, 72 discs were prepared by using two different type composite materials and dental por celain. The specimens were immersed into distilled water, tea and coffee solutions. Samples of the last experimental group were exposed to ci garette smoke. Having done this, color differences were measured by means of colorimeter in the period of 1 day, 1 week and 1 month res pectively. The results were evaluated statistically by using Two way Anova and LSD tests. As a result of the investigation it was found that porcelain material had more color stability than composite materials and indirect composite material was more color stable than direct composite material. In laboratory testing of the shear bond strengthes, materials were placed on the theeth specimens which are prepared from buccal dentin surfaces of 45 central incisors in2Smm2 dimensions. The teeth were sto red in 37°C for 24 hours and then a Testometric Device with a crosshead speed of lmm/min was used to test the shear bond strengths. The values were calculated as MPa. Statistical analysis of the study was made by using Variance Analysis and LSD test. Indirect composite material sho wed less bond strength values when it was compared with porcelain and direct composite systems. In order to evaluate the broken specimen surfaces, two specimens from each group, were examined under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), after proper preparing of the surfaces of specimens. In our clinical study a total number of 19 patients were treated by 26 direct and 26 indirect composite laminate veneers. They were reviewed 6 month and 1 year intervals. It was found that color stability of the in direct laminate veneer was better than the direct laminate veneer. Ho wever direct veneered laminates revealed better bond strength values in this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Laminate veneer, Esthetics, Estetik
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Belli, S. K. (1995). Kompozit ve porselen esaslı lamina vener materyallerin in vitro ve in vivo olarak karşılaştırılmaları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.