Karamanoğlu Beyliği mimarisinde çini
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Karamanoğulları Beyliği'nin tarihsel gelişimine baktığımızda, Moğol baskısıyla Anadolu'ya göç ederek bu toprakları mesken tutmuş, güçlü ve uzun süre ayakta kalmayı başarmış bir Anadolu Türk Beyliği görmekteyiz. Tarihi süreç içerisinde Karaman Beyliği, Moğol, Memluk, Venedik, Selçuk, Anadolu beylikleri gibi farklı coğrafyalarda yaşamış egemen güçlerle siyasi münasebetler içinde bulunmuştur. Bunun neticesinde oluşan sanat eğilimi ve etkisi Karamanoğulları Beyliği'nin eserlerine ve mimari yapıtlarındaki çinilerine yansımıştır. Anadolu coğrafyasında geniş topraklara hakim olan Karamanoğulları Beyliği, yerleştikleri bölgelere kendi kimliklerini yansıtacak farklı işlevsel ve ebatlarda mimari yapıtlar inşa etmişlerdir. Beyliğe ait, farklı fonksiyonlardaki mimari yapılar farklı form, teknik ve motifli çinilerle kaplanmıştır. Çinilerde görülen bu farklılık mimari yapılardaki uygulama alanlarını genişletmiş, beyliğin çini sanatını zenginleştirmiştir. Bu nedenle, beyliğin mimarisinde uygulanan çinilerin belirlenmesi ve detaylıca incelenmesi araştırmamızın temelini oluşturmuştur. Karamanoğlu Beyliği mimarisinde çini başlıklı tez araştırmamızın ilk bölümünde; konumuz, amaç ve yöntemimiz belirtilmiş, konumuzun sınırları tespit edilmiştir. Bu konuyla ilgili yapılmış önemli kaynaklar incelenerek bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümünde; Karamanoğlu Beyliği'nin tarihsel gelişimi ve coğrafyasından kısaca bahsedilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümünde; Türk çini sanatının tarihi gelişimi ve tekniklerine değinilerek, çini sanatı hakkında bilgi edinilmiş, böylece Karamanoğulları Beyliği'ne ait mimari çinilerin daha iyi anlaşılması sağlanmıştır. Dördüncü ve beşinci bölümünde; Beyliğe ait çini ihtiva eden mimari yapılar ve çinileri günümüze ulaşamayan mimari yapılar belirlenerek alt başlıklarıyla birlikte incelenmiştir. Mimari yapılar sırasıyla; Cami, medrese, imaret, darulhuffaz, türbe, zaviye, köşk başlıklarında yapım tarihlerine göre gruplandırılarak araştırılmıştır. Çinili mimari eserler anlatılırken, yapıların plan ve tanımlarına da yer verilmiştir. Çinilerin, mimarideki kullanım yerleri, teknikleri, renkleri, form ve desen gibi özellikleri belirlenerek bu bölümde ortaya konulmuştur. Tezimizin altıncı bölümünde; Anadolu coğrafyasındaki tüm Müzeler incelenerek, Karamanoğlu Beyliği'ne ait mimari çinilerin bulunduğu Müzeler tespit edilmiştir. Müzelerde bulunan Karaman Beyliği'ne ait mimari çinilerin de tez çalışmamıza dahil edilmesiyle dönemin tüm çinileri belirlenmiş ve belgelenmiştir. Değerlendirme bölümünde; Karaman Beyliği mimari çinilerinde uygulanmış olan teknikler, süslemeler ve sırların renkleri ayrı alt başlıklar altında incelenmiştir. Teknikler bölümünde; Karaman Beyliği mimari çinilerinde kullanılan, sırlı tuğla, tek renk sırlı, kabartma, sır altı, mavi beyaz, lüster, çini mozaik ve renkli sır tekniklerinin özellikleri ele alınarak benzer teknikli diğer çini örnekleriyle kıyaslamalar yapılmıştır. Süsleme bölümünde; Beyliğin çinilerinde kullanılan süslemeler; geometrik, bitkisel, figür, yazı ve damga alt başlıklarında incelenmiştir. Belirlenen süslemelerin diğer çiniler ve farklı malzemeler üzerine uygulanan örnekleri belirlenmiştir. Renkler bölümünde; Karaman Beyliği çinilerinde kullanılan mavi, beyaz, yeşil, sarı, kırmızı, mor ve siyah renkli sırlar ve boyalar ayrı alt başlıklar halinde incelenmiştir. Çinilerde kullanılan bu renklerin anlam ve etkilerine de değinilerek araştırmamız tamamlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak yapmış olduğumuz tez çalışmasıyla Karamanoğlu Beyliği'ne ait mimari yapıların çinileri detaylı bir araştırma sonucunda bir bütün olarak belgelenmiştir. Çinilerin mimarideki kullanım yerleri, teknik ve motif gibi özellikleri belirlenerek ortaya konulmuştur. Fotoğraf çekimleri, alınan ölçüler ve yapılan çizimlerle beyliğin çini eserleri hakkında detaylı bilgiler elde edilmiştir. Karamanoğlu Beyliği'ne ait mimari çiniler diğer dönemlerde uygulanmış çini örnekleriyle kıyaslanarak, beyliğin çinilerinde görülen etkiler ve etkilenmeler belirlenmiş, bu sayede detaylı bir çalışma oluşturulmuştur. Karamanoğlu Beyliği Mimarisinde Çini başlıklı tez araştırması, beyliğin çinilerinin Türk çini sanatı tarihindeki yerini, sahip olduğu değerini ve Türk çini sanatına getirmiş olduğu yeniliklerle ilgili bilgi sahibi olabileceğimiz önemli bir belge niteliğinde hazırlanmıştır.
The history of the Karamanids shows it was a successful and long-lived Anatolian Turkish beylik, which migrated to Anatolia and settled in these lands after a Mongolian raid. The Karamanids were politically connected with dominant powers in different places such as the Mongols, the Mamelukes, Venice, the Seljuqs and Anatolian beyliks. Artistic tendencies and effects occurred as a result of this interaction and are reflected the artworks and tiles of the Karamanids. The Karamainds controlled a large territory in Anatolia and built architectural structures with different functions and sizes. These buildings reflected their identities in the territories where they settled. The Karamanids' architectural structures were covered with tiles with different forms, techniques and patterns. These differences have extended application areas for architectural structures and enriched the Karamanids' tile art. Therefore, determining and examining in detail the tiles used in Karamanid architecture provide the basis for this study. The first section of this thesis titled, "The Karamanids' Architectural Tiles" indicates the research's subject, purpose and method and delimited its subject limitations. This study reviewed important sources of information about Karamanid tiles. The second section briefly described the Karamanids' historical development and territory. In the third section, the historical development of Turkish tile art and its techniques were mentioned, information about the tile art was given to ensure a better understanding of the Karamanids' architectural tiles. In the fourth and fifth sections, the Karamanids' architectural structures with tiles and architectural structures whose tiles did not survive until the present were determined and examined. This study researched architectural structures by grouping them by year of construction and as either a mosque, madrasa, imaret, darulhuffaz, tomb, zawiya or mansion, respectively. While describing architectural structures with tiles, their plans and definitions were included. The tiles' use in architecture, using techniques, colors, characteristics such as form and pattern were determined and presented in this part. In the sıx part of this thesis, all the museums in Anatolia were examined and museums with Karamanid architectural tiles were determined. By including architectural tiles of the Karamanids in museums in this thesis, all tiles of the period were determined and documented. In the assessment section, techniques, the adornments and glazes used in the Karamanid architectural tiles were examined in different categories. In the methods section, the characteristics of techniques, including glazed brick, one-color glaze, embossment, underglaze, blue-white, luster, faience mosaic and colored glaze were discussed and compared with other similar tile samples. In adornment section, adornments used in the Karamanids' tiles were examined under the titles of geometric, vegetal, figure, writing and stamp. This study determined examples of the determined adornments which had applied on other tiles and different materials. In the colors section, blue, white, green, yellow, red, purple and black colored glazes and dyes which had used in the Karamanids' tiles were examined under different subtitles. After giving place to meanings and effects of these colors used in tiles, this study was completed. In conclusion, thanks to this thesis study conducted, architectural tiles of the Karamanids were documented as a whole as a result of a detailed study. Place of use of tiles in architecture was presented determining characteristics such as technique and pattern. Detailed information about the Karamanids' tiles were gained with photo shooting, sizes measured and drawings made. The Karamanids' tiles were compared to tile examples applied in other periods and effects and impressions seen in the Karamanids' tiles were determined. Thus, a detailed study was carried out. The thesis study, the Karamanids' architectural tiles, was prepared as an important document that people can have information about place of the Karamanids' tiles in Turkish tile art, its value and innovations they had brought to Turkish tile art.
The history of the Karamanids shows it was a successful and long-lived Anatolian Turkish beylik, which migrated to Anatolia and settled in these lands after a Mongolian raid. The Karamanids were politically connected with dominant powers in different places such as the Mongols, the Mamelukes, Venice, the Seljuqs and Anatolian beyliks. Artistic tendencies and effects occurred as a result of this interaction and are reflected the artworks and tiles of the Karamanids. The Karamainds controlled a large territory in Anatolia and built architectural structures with different functions and sizes. These buildings reflected their identities in the territories where they settled. The Karamanids' architectural structures were covered with tiles with different forms, techniques and patterns. These differences have extended application areas for architectural structures and enriched the Karamanids' tile art. Therefore, determining and examining in detail the tiles used in Karamanid architecture provide the basis for this study. The first section of this thesis titled, "The Karamanids' Architectural Tiles" indicates the research's subject, purpose and method and delimited its subject limitations. This study reviewed important sources of information about Karamanid tiles. The second section briefly described the Karamanids' historical development and territory. In the third section, the historical development of Turkish tile art and its techniques were mentioned, information about the tile art was given to ensure a better understanding of the Karamanids' architectural tiles. In the fourth and fifth sections, the Karamanids' architectural structures with tiles and architectural structures whose tiles did not survive until the present were determined and examined. This study researched architectural structures by grouping them by year of construction and as either a mosque, madrasa, imaret, darulhuffaz, tomb, zawiya or mansion, respectively. While describing architectural structures with tiles, their plans and definitions were included. The tiles' use in architecture, using techniques, colors, characteristics such as form and pattern were determined and presented in this part. In the sıx part of this thesis, all the museums in Anatolia were examined and museums with Karamanid architectural tiles were determined. By including architectural tiles of the Karamanids in museums in this thesis, all tiles of the period were determined and documented. In the assessment section, techniques, the adornments and glazes used in the Karamanid architectural tiles were examined in different categories. In the methods section, the characteristics of techniques, including glazed brick, one-color glaze, embossment, underglaze, blue-white, luster, faience mosaic and colored glaze were discussed and compared with other similar tile samples. In adornment section, adornments used in the Karamanids' tiles were examined under the titles of geometric, vegetal, figure, writing and stamp. This study determined examples of the determined adornments which had applied on other tiles and different materials. In the colors section, blue, white, green, yellow, red, purple and black colored glazes and dyes which had used in the Karamanids' tiles were examined under different subtitles. After giving place to meanings and effects of these colors used in tiles, this study was completed. In conclusion, thanks to this thesis study conducted, architectural tiles of the Karamanids were documented as a whole as a result of a detailed study. Place of use of tiles in architecture was presented determining characteristics such as technique and pattern. Detailed information about the Karamanids' tiles were gained with photo shooting, sizes measured and drawings made. The Karamanids' tiles were compared to tile examples applied in other periods and effects and impressions seen in the Karamanids' tiles were determined. Thus, a detailed study was carried out. The thesis study, the Karamanids' architectural tiles, was prepared as an important document that people can have information about place of the Karamanids' tiles in Turkish tile art, its value and innovations they had brought to Turkish tile art.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anadolu beylikleri, Anatolian principality, Karamanoğulları, Mimari eserler, Architectural works, Sanat eserleri, Artistic works, Çini, Tile
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Erdem, M. (2017). Karamanoğlu Beyliği mimarisinde çini. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.