Arpa üretim, pazarlama ve işleme yapısının analizi: Konya ili örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada Konya ilinde arpa üretim, pazarlama ve işleme yapısı analiz edilmiştir. Bu amaca yönelik olarak Konya ilinde faaliyet gösteren; karma yem (37 adet) ve malt fabrikası (1 adet), arpa alım satımı yapan tüccarlar (57 adet) ve tarımsal faaliyetleri içinde arpa üretimine yer veren tarım işletmeleri (107 adet) ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ile arpa üreten işletmelerin sosyo-ekonomik analizi, arpa ticareti yapan ve işleyenlerin tercihleri analiz edilmiştir. Tüccarların arpa satın alırken göz ününde bulundurduğu en önemli kriter arpanın hektolitresi olarak belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra arpanın rutubeti, rengi ve içindeki yabancı madde karışıklık oranı gelmektedir. Karma yem fabrikalarının arpa satın alırken göz önünde bulundurdukları en önemli kriter arpanın rutubet oranı olarak belirlenirken, daha sonra arpanın hektolitresi ve içindeki yabancı madde karışıklık oranı gelmektedir. Malt sanayisinin arpa tedarik kaynakları ise tüccarlar ve karma yem sektörüne göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Malt sanayisi için arpa alım kriterlerinde arpa çeşidi çok önemli görülürken, arpanın rutubet oranı ve rengi de önemli bulunmaktadır. İncelenen tarım işletmelerinde ortalama 20 yıldır kesintisiz arpa üretimi yapılırken işletmelerin tarımsal üretim deseninin içinde ortalama 152,88 dekar alanda arpa üretimi yaptıkları ve bu alanın toplam üretim alanının %28,73'üne denk geldiği belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin %34,80'inin kendi hayvanlarının beslenmesinde kullanmak üzere, %65,20'isinin ise ticari amaçla arpa yetiştiriciliği yaptığı belirlenmiştir. İncelenen işletmelerde 9 farklı arpa çeşidinin ekiminin yapıldığı, en fazla kullanılan çeşitlerin Tarm-92 (%44,90), Larende (%23,20) ve Aydanhanım (%17,30) olduğu belirlenirken, işletme sahiplerinin %8,80'inin kullandığı arpa çeşidinin adını bilmediği belirlenmiştir. Son beş yılda tarım işletmelerinin %26,20'si arpa üretim alanlarını ortalama 40,10 dekar arttırırken, %17,80'i ise 90 dekar azaltmıştır. Arpa alanlarının arttırılmasında; işletmelerin hayvan sayısının artması etkili olurken, arpanın diğer ürünlerle ekonomik olarak rekabet edememesinin arpa alanlarının azaltılmasında önemli etken olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada arpa çeşitlerinin üreticiler tarafından bilinmesi ve tercih edilmesi için arpanın satış fiyatının artması ve buğdayda olduğu gibi alım kriterleri belirlenmesi gerektiği ortaya konmuştur. İşletmeler tarafından arpa satımında fiyata etki ettiğini düşündüğü kriterlerin başında hektolitre ve arpanın içinde farklı cins tahıl tohumunun karışık olmaması gelirken, arpa çeşidinin fiyatta bir etkisinin olmadığı belirlenmiştir. İncelenen işletmelerde arpanın net kârının kuruda 17,43 TL/da suluda 37,37 TL/da olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak arpa üretim ve ticaretinde; tarım işletmeleri için arpanın verimi, tüccarlar için hektolitre ve rutubet, karma yem fabrikaları için rutubet ve hektolitre, malt fabrikaları için rutubet, arpa çeşidi, renk ve hektolitrenin ön plana çıktığı belirlenmiştir.
In this study, barley production, marketing and processing structure of Konya province were analyzed. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with mixed feed (37) and malt (1) factories, traders engaged in the purchase and sale of barley (50) and agricultural enterprises (107) with barley production in agricultural activities operating in Konya province. With the obtained data, socio-economic analysis of barley-producing enterprises, the preferences of barley traders and processors were analyzed. The most important criterion that traders keep in mind when purchasing barley was the hectoliter of barley. Then, moisture content, color and foreign material confusion rate came. The most important criterion that the mixed feed factories take into consideration when purchasing barley was determined as the moisture content of the barley, then the hectoliter of barley and the foreign matter confusion rate within it. Malting industry's barley supply sources differ according to traders and mixed feed sector. While the barley variety was very important for the barley purchase criteria for the malt industry, the moisture content and color of the barley were also important. It was determined that in the agricultural enterprises surveyed, uninterrupted barley production has been carried out for an average of 20 years, the average production of barley in the agricultural production pattern of the enterprises was 152.88 decares and that this field corresponds to 28.73% of the total production area. It was determined that 34.80% of the enterprises were to be used for the feeding of their animals, and 65.20% were for barley farming for commercial purposes. It was determined that the cultivars of 9 different barley varieties were used and the most used varieties were Tarm-92 (44,90%), Larende (23,20%) and Aydanhanım (17,30%), while 8.80% it was determined that the name of the barley variety is unknown. In the last five years, 26.20% of agricultural enterprises have increased barley production areas by 40.10 on average, while 17.80% have decreased by 90 decares. Increase of barley fields; while the increase in the number of animals in the enterprises was effective, It has been determined that barley can not compete economically with other crops is an important factor in reducing barley fields. In this study, it was necessary to increase the sales price of barley in order that the barley varieties are known and preferred by the producers and it has been revealed that it is necessary to determine the buying criteria as it is in wheat. At the beginning of the criterias which are thought to have a significant effect on the sale of barley by the enterprises is the fact that the cereal seed is not mixed in the barley and hectoliter, it has been determined that the barley variety has no effect on the price. The net profits of the barley in the enterprises surveyed were found to be TL 17,43 TL/da in the dry area and TL 37,37 TL/da in the irrigated area. As a result, in barley production and trade; the yield of barley for agricultural enterprises, hectoliter and moisture content for traders, moisture content and hectoliter for mixed feed plants and moisture content, variety, color and hectoliter for malt factories were determined to be in the foreground.
In this study, barley production, marketing and processing structure of Konya province were analyzed. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with mixed feed (37) and malt (1) factories, traders engaged in the purchase and sale of barley (50) and agricultural enterprises (107) with barley production in agricultural activities operating in Konya province. With the obtained data, socio-economic analysis of barley-producing enterprises, the preferences of barley traders and processors were analyzed. The most important criterion that traders keep in mind when purchasing barley was the hectoliter of barley. Then, moisture content, color and foreign material confusion rate came. The most important criterion that the mixed feed factories take into consideration when purchasing barley was determined as the moisture content of the barley, then the hectoliter of barley and the foreign matter confusion rate within it. Malting industry's barley supply sources differ according to traders and mixed feed sector. While the barley variety was very important for the barley purchase criteria for the malt industry, the moisture content and color of the barley were also important. It was determined that in the agricultural enterprises surveyed, uninterrupted barley production has been carried out for an average of 20 years, the average production of barley in the agricultural production pattern of the enterprises was 152.88 decares and that this field corresponds to 28.73% of the total production area. It was determined that 34.80% of the enterprises were to be used for the feeding of their animals, and 65.20% were for barley farming for commercial purposes. It was determined that the cultivars of 9 different barley varieties were used and the most used varieties were Tarm-92 (44,90%), Larende (23,20%) and Aydanhanım (17,30%), while 8.80% it was determined that the name of the barley variety is unknown. In the last five years, 26.20% of agricultural enterprises have increased barley production areas by 40.10 on average, while 17.80% have decreased by 90 decares. Increase of barley fields; while the increase in the number of animals in the enterprises was effective, It has been determined that barley can not compete economically with other crops is an important factor in reducing barley fields. In this study, it was necessary to increase the sales price of barley in order that the barley varieties are known and preferred by the producers and it has been revealed that it is necessary to determine the buying criteria as it is in wheat. At the beginning of the criterias which are thought to have a significant effect on the sale of barley by the enterprises is the fact that the cereal seed is not mixed in the barley and hectoliter, it has been determined that the barley variety has no effect on the price. The net profits of the barley in the enterprises surveyed were found to be TL 17,43 TL/da in the dry area and TL 37,37 TL/da in the irrigated area. As a result, in barley production and trade; the yield of barley for agricultural enterprises, hectoliter and moisture content for traders, moisture content and hectoliter for mixed feed plants and moisture content, variety, color and hectoliter for malt factories were determined to be in the foreground.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arpa, Pazarlama, Karma yem, Malt, Barley, Marketing, Mixed feed
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Taşcı, R. (2018). Arpa üretim, pazarlama ve işleme yapısının analizi: Konya ili örneği. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.