Farklı yaşlardaki volkanik materyal üzerinde oluşan toprakların ayrışma oranlarının belirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Yağışlı iklimlerde bulunan volkanik toprakların ayrışma prosesleri ve mineral oluşumları üzerine çok miktarda çalışma olmasına rağmen kurak ve yarı kurak bölgelerde oluşanlarla ilgili olarak az sayıda veri bulunmaktadır. Sunulan bu çalışmanın hedefleri volkanik ana materyal üzerinde oluşan 8 adet toprak profilinin fiziksel, kimyasal ve mineralojik karakteristikleri ile toprak genesisi ve toprak sınıflandırmasından sorumlu pedolojik prosesler üzerine iklim ve diğer toprak oluşum faktörlerinin etkisini araştırmak ve zamana bağlı olarak pedojenik gelişimlerini, fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri ile birlikte kimyasal alterasyon indeksi (CIA), kimyasal ayrışma indeksi (CIW), produkt indeksi (P), plajiyoklas alterasyon indeksi (PIA), bazlar/Seski oksit indeksi ve bazı genetik oranlar kullanarak karşılaştırmak ve belirlemektir. Ayrıca pedojenik prosesler elementel kayıp ve kazançlar ve dönüşümlerin sayısallaştırıldığı kütle dengesi analizi ile de değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla her profilden horizon esasına göre toprak örnekleri alınmış, fiziksel, kimyasal ve mineralojik özellikler belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki tüm topraklarda kum ve kaba silt fraksiyonu %30 `dan fazladır. Hacim ağırlığı tüm profillerde %0.90 gr.cm-3 `den yüksektir. Genel olarak düşük fosfor fiksasyonu bulunmuştur. Fosfor fiksasyonu Karacadağ profillerinde %25 `in üzerindedir. Fakat tüm profillerde andisoller için limit olan %85 `in altındadır. Amonyum oksalatta ekstrakte edilen Al+1/2 Fe yüzdesi bütün profillerde %2 `nin altındadır. NaF deki pH değerleri Karacadağ?da 9.5 un üzerinde Hasandağında ise genel olarak 9.5 in altındadır. Seçici ekstraksiyon ile Karacadağ profillerinde ve P5 de Fed>Feo>Fep, Hasandağındaki diğer profillerde ise Feo>Fed>Fep, çoğu horizonda da Alp>Ald>Alo şeklinde bir ilişki saptanmıştır. Seçici ekstraksiyon analizi Dünya?da yer alan volkanik materyal üzerinde oluşan toprakların tersine allofan, imogolit ve Fe-humus kompleksleri gibi amorf mineraller bulunmadığını göstermiştir.. Amorf mineral olarak sadece önemli miktarda Al-humus kompleksi ve ferrihidrit bulunmuştur. Kristalize demir mineralleri diğer demir minerallerinden daha fazladır. Feldispat (anortit, albit), amfibol ve piroksen (diyopsit, actinolit, tremolit, hornblend), apatit, hematit, olivine ve biyotit en yaygın birincil minerallerdir. X ışını kırınımları simektit, kaolinit ve illitin kil fraksiyonunda baskın kil minerali olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca kil fraksiyonunda klorit-simektit ara tabakalı mineraller de oluşmuştur. Karacadağ?da daha yüksek ayrışma indisleri ve pedokimyasal aktivite bulunmuştur. Hacim ağırlığı, anamateryal ve toprakların elementel konsantrasyonlarının değişiminin Zr kullanılarak hesaplandığı açık sistem kütle taşınımı fonksiyonlarına göre Hasandağında P5 dışındaki tüm profillerde ve tüm elementler için negatif değerler dolayısıyla kayıplar, Karacadağ?da ise Ca ve Mg hariç tüm elemetlerde pozitif değerler dolayısıyla elementel kazançlar belirlenmiştir. Baskın toprak oluşum işlemleri Si kaybı, kum ve silt fraksiyonunda Fe ve Al un ikincil kil minerallerine ve kristalize Fe minerallerine dönüşüm olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki bölgede elementel kütle dengesindeki değişimde yıkanma rejimini etkileyen yükseklik, bakı, topoğrafya, eğim, dikey değişim ve sıcaklık gibi faktörler etkili olmuştur. Karacadağ ve Hasandağı üzerinde toprak genesisini etkileyen temel faktörler, yıkanma rejimi ve ayrışma oranını belirleyen iklim, topografya ve ana materyalin tabiatı olarak saptanmıştır.
Weathering processes and neoformation of minerals in volcanic soils have been studied extensively in humid climates but little data are available on these soils in arid and semi arid regions. The objectives of the present work were to assess the influence of climate and other soil forming factors on physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics and pedolojical processes responsible for soil genesis and soil classification of eight volcanic soil profiles derived volcanic parent material and to study and compare the pedogenic evolution of these soils using weathering indices as well as Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW), Product Index (P), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), Bases/R2O3 Ratio, and some geochemical rates together with other features such as the physical and chemical analytical characteristics and determine the soil formation according to time passing. The pedogenic proceses were also evaluated used to Mass-balance analysis to quantify elemental losses, gains and transformations for soils studied. For this purpose Samples were taken from the horizons in all profiles and analysis for physical, chemical and mineralogical properties carried out. The results revealed the amount of sand and coarse silt fractions were higher than 30% in all soils. The bulk density is higher than 0.90 gr.cm-3 in all profiles. In general phosphate retention is low. It is higher than 25 % in the Karacadağ?s profiles. But it is lower than 85% which is the limit value for andisols in all profiles. The Al + ½ Fe percentages (by ammonium oxalate) are lower than 2 % in all profiles. pH values in NaF are higher than 9.5 in Karacadağ but lover than 9.5 in Hasandağ in generaly. Selective extraction give in all horizons the following relationships Fed>Feo>Fep in Karacadağ and P5, Feo>Fed>Fep in other profiles of Hasandağ and in most horizons Alp>Ald>Alo. Selective extraction showed that in contrast to soils usually forming on volcanic material world wide soils lack noncrystalline minerals like allophone, imogolite and iron humus complexes. The only noncrystalline minerals are present and in great quantities Al-humus complexes and Ferrihydrite. Crystallized Fe minerals were higher than the other Fe minerals. Feldspar (anorthite and albite), amfibol (diopside, Actinolite, tremolite, hornblende) apatite, hematite, olivine and biotite were more common birincil minerals. X-ray diffraction indicates smectite kaolinite and illite were baskın minerals in clay fraction. Furthermore considerable amount of chlorite-smectite interstrafied was occurring in clay fraction. The results show that Karacadağ soils have higher weathering indices and pedochemical activity than Hasandağ soils. Bulk density ratios of soils and bedrock as well as elemental concentrations referenced to Zr, were used to estimate strain and open-system mass-transport functions through the soil profiles. Negative values, and thus, losses of elements are observed in the Hasandağ profiles except Profile 5 for all elements but pozitive values, and gains of elements are except Ca and Mg observed in the Karacadağ profiles. Baskın soil-forming processes include 1. desilication and loss of base cations and Al from the solum, 2. transformation of iron and aluminum from sand and silt-size fractions to secondary clay and crystalline Fe minerals. Our results imply that the rate of elemental mass-balance changes is determined by factors influencing its leaching (altitude, facing sites, topography, elevational gradient, slopes, and temperature) in the studied area. The major factors determining soil genesis on the Mt. Karacadağ and Mt. Hasandağ would appear to be climate, topography and nature of parent material by affected leaching regime and weathering rates.
Weathering processes and neoformation of minerals in volcanic soils have been studied extensively in humid climates but little data are available on these soils in arid and semi arid regions. The objectives of the present work were to assess the influence of climate and other soil forming factors on physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics and pedolojical processes responsible for soil genesis and soil classification of eight volcanic soil profiles derived volcanic parent material and to study and compare the pedogenic evolution of these soils using weathering indices as well as Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Chemical Index of Weathering (CIW), Product Index (P), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), Bases/R2O3 Ratio, and some geochemical rates together with other features such as the physical and chemical analytical characteristics and determine the soil formation according to time passing. The pedogenic proceses were also evaluated used to Mass-balance analysis to quantify elemental losses, gains and transformations for soils studied. For this purpose Samples were taken from the horizons in all profiles and analysis for physical, chemical and mineralogical properties carried out. The results revealed the amount of sand and coarse silt fractions were higher than 30% in all soils. The bulk density is higher than 0.90 gr.cm-3 in all profiles. In general phosphate retention is low. It is higher than 25 % in the Karacadağ?s profiles. But it is lower than 85% which is the limit value for andisols in all profiles. The Al + ½ Fe percentages (by ammonium oxalate) are lower than 2 % in all profiles. pH values in NaF are higher than 9.5 in Karacadağ but lover than 9.5 in Hasandağ in generaly. Selective extraction give in all horizons the following relationships Fed>Feo>Fep in Karacadağ and P5, Feo>Fed>Fep in other profiles of Hasandağ and in most horizons Alp>Ald>Alo. Selective extraction showed that in contrast to soils usually forming on volcanic material world wide soils lack noncrystalline minerals like allophone, imogolite and iron humus complexes. The only noncrystalline minerals are present and in great quantities Al-humus complexes and Ferrihydrite. Crystallized Fe minerals were higher than the other Fe minerals. Feldspar (anorthite and albite), amfibol (diopside, Actinolite, tremolite, hornblende) apatite, hematite, olivine and biotite were more common birincil minerals. X-ray diffraction indicates smectite kaolinite and illite were baskın minerals in clay fraction. Furthermore considerable amount of chlorite-smectite interstrafied was occurring in clay fraction. The results show that Karacadağ soils have higher weathering indices and pedochemical activity than Hasandağ soils. Bulk density ratios of soils and bedrock as well as elemental concentrations referenced to Zr, were used to estimate strain and open-system mass-transport functions through the soil profiles. Negative values, and thus, losses of elements are observed in the Hasandağ profiles except Profile 5 for all elements but pozitive values, and gains of elements are except Ca and Mg observed in the Karacadağ profiles. Baskın soil-forming processes include 1. desilication and loss of base cations and Al from the solum, 2. transformation of iron and aluminum from sand and silt-size fractions to secondary clay and crystalline Fe minerals. Our results imply that the rate of elemental mass-balance changes is determined by factors influencing its leaching (altitude, facing sites, topography, elevational gradient, slopes, and temperature) in the studied area. The major factors determining soil genesis on the Mt. Karacadağ and Mt. Hasandağ would appear to be climate, topography and nature of parent material by affected leaching regime and weathering rates.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Andisol, Hasandağı, Karacadağ, Kütle dengesi, Toprak sınıflandırması, Volkanik materyal, Andisols, Weathering Indice, Ayrışma oranı, Toprak oluşumu, Soil formation, Soil classification, Mass balance, Volcanic material
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uzun, C. (2013). Farklı yaşlardaki volkanik materyal üzerinde oluşan toprakların ayrışma oranlarının belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.