Göz Kapağı ve Kaşı Tutan Lupus Vulgaris (Olgu Sunumu)
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Tüberküloz artık sık görülen bir hastalık olmamakla birlikte son yıllarda tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de insidansı artmaktadır. Oftalmoloji pratiğinde göz ve eklerini tutan tüberküloz olgularına rastlanabilir. Deri tüberkülozu olan lupus vulgaris vücudun diğer bölgelerini olduğu gibi göz kapaklarını da etkileyebilir. Bu makalede göz kapağı ve kaşı tutan lupus vulgaris lezyonu saptadığımız 23 yaşında bir kadın hasta sunulmaktadır. Hastalığın tanısı histopatolojik olarak kesinleştirilmiş ve lezyon izoniazid ile başarıyla tedavi edilmiştir.
Although tuberculosis is not a common disease, in recent years its incidence is increased in our country as is the case for all the world. In ophthalmological practice, cases of tuberculosis involving the eye and its adnexae can be encountered. Lupus vulgaris, a cutaneous form of tuberculosis, can effect eyelids as well as the othere parts of the body. In this article, a 23-year old woman with lupus vulgaris involving eyelid and brow was presented. The diagnosis of the disease was confirmed histopathologically and the lesion was treated succesfully with isoniasid.
Although tuberculosis is not a common disease, in recent years its incidence is increased in our country as is the case for all the world. In ophthalmological practice, cases of tuberculosis involving the eye and its adnexae can be encountered. Lupus vulgaris, a cutaneous form of tuberculosis, can effect eyelids as well as the othere parts of the body. In this article, a 23-year old woman with lupus vulgaris involving eyelid and brow was presented. The diagnosis of the disease was confirmed histopathologically and the lesion was treated succesfully with isoniasid.
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Göz Hastalıkları
MN Oftalmoloji
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Scopus Q Değeri
Zengin, N., Tol, H., Özkağnıcı, A., (2002). Göz Kapağı ve Kaşı Tutan Lupus Vulgaris (Olgu Sunumu). MN Oftalmoloji, 9(4), 394-395.