Yönetici hemşirelerin liderlik davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Bu çalışma hemşirelerin yöneticilerinde algıladıkları liderlik davranışlarını değerlendirmek amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı tasarımda olan araştırmanın evrenini, Diyarbakır’da kamuya ait bir hastanede çalışan 360 hemşire oluşturdu. Örneklem seçimine gidilmeden evrenin tamamı örneklem kapsamına alındı. Araştırma gönüllü katılımı kabul eden 155 hemşire ile gerçekleştirildi. Veriler, demografik bilgileri sorgulayan Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Liderlik Davranış Ölçeği kullanılarak,Nisan-Haziran 2019 tarihleri arasında toplandı. Verilerin analizinde normallik testleri, güveniliklik analizleri, tanımlayıcı istatistiksel yöntemler ve karşılaştırma analizleri uygulandı. Bulgular: Hemşirelerin Liderlik Davranış Ölçeğinin puan ortalaması 3,71±0,99’dur. Alt boyut puan ortalamalarının;en yüksek görev odaklı (3,78±0,87), en düşük değişim odaklı (3,65±0,91) olduğu saptandı. Hemşirelerin puanlarının, iş gören odaklı liderlik alt boyutunda yoğun bakımda çalışanların acilde çalışanlardan, toplam liderlik ortalamasında ise serviste çalışanların acilde çalışanlardan yüksek olduğu tespit edildi. İş gören odaklı liderlik alt boyutunda 1-5 yıl arasında çalışanların puanları 6-10 yıl arasında çalışanlardan, değişim odaklı liderlik alt boyutu ortalamasında ise 1-5 yıl arasında çalışanların, 6-10 yıl arasında çalışanlardan anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. Uygulamada Kullanım: Hemşirelerin, yönetici hemşirelerde bulunan liderlik davranışını algılama düzeylerinin en yüksek görev odaklı liderlik alt boyutunda olduğu, ayrıca yöneticilerin üç tür liderlik özelliğini birbirine yakın düzeyde gösterdiği saptandı. Hemşirelerde liderlik becerilerinin arttırılması için eğitim programlarının geliştirilmesi önerilebilir.
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the leadership behaviorsperceived by nurses in theirmanagers. Method: The universe of the research, which has a descriptive design, consisted of 360 nurses working in a public hospital in Diyarbakır.The sample was not determined and the whole universe was included in the sample.The research was carried out with 155 nurses who accepted voluntary participation. Data werecollectedbetween April and June 2019, using the Personal Information Form and the Leadership Behavior Scale, whichquestiondemographic information. Normalitytests, reliabilityanalyzes, descriptivestatisticalmethods and comparisonanalyzeswereused in the analysis of the data. Results: The mean score of the Nurses' Leadership Behavior Scale was 3.71±0.99.The sub-dimension mean scoreswerefound to be the highest task-oriented (3.78±0.87) and the lowestchange-oriented (3.65±0.91).It was determined that the scores of the nurses in the employee-oriented leadership sub-dimensionwere higher in the onesworking in the intensive care unitthan the ones working in the emergency departmentand the total leadership average was higher in the ones working in the ward than those working in the emergency departmentand.In the employee-oriented leadership subdimension, the scores of those who worked between 1-5 yearswerefound to be significantly higher than those who worked between 6-10 years, and on the average of the change-oriented leadership sub-dimension, those who worked between 1-5 yearswerefound to be significantly higher thanthose who worked between 6-10 years. Usage in Practice: It was determined that the nurses' perception of leadership behavior in managernurses was the highest in the task-oriented leadership sub-dimension, and the administrators showed threetypes of leadership characteristics at a similar level to each other.It can be recommended to developtraining programs to increase leadership skills in nurses.
Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the leadership behaviorsperceived by nurses in theirmanagers. Method: The universe of the research, which has a descriptive design, consisted of 360 nurses working in a public hospital in Diyarbakır.The sample was not determined and the whole universe was included in the sample.The research was carried out with 155 nurses who accepted voluntary participation. Data werecollectedbetween April and June 2019, using the Personal Information Form and the Leadership Behavior Scale, whichquestiondemographic information. Normalitytests, reliabilityanalyzes, descriptivestatisticalmethods and comparisonanalyzeswereused in the analysis of the data. Results: The mean score of the Nurses' Leadership Behavior Scale was 3.71±0.99.The sub-dimension mean scoreswerefound to be the highest task-oriented (3.78±0.87) and the lowestchange-oriented (3.65±0.91).It was determined that the scores of the nurses in the employee-oriented leadership sub-dimensionwere higher in the onesworking in the intensive care unitthan the ones working in the emergency departmentand the total leadership average was higher in the ones working in the ward than those working in the emergency departmentand.In the employee-oriented leadership subdimension, the scores of those who worked between 1-5 yearswerefound to be significantly higher than those who worked between 6-10 years, and on the average of the change-oriented leadership sub-dimension, those who worked between 1-5 yearswerefound to be significantly higher thanthose who worked between 6-10 years. Usage in Practice: It was determined that the nurses' perception of leadership behavior in managernurses was the highest in the task-oriented leadership sub-dimension, and the administrators showed threetypes of leadership characteristics at a similar level to each other.It can be recommended to developtraining programs to increase leadership skills in nurses.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Liderlik, Hemşirelik, Yöneticilik, Liderlik Davranışları, Leadership, Nursing, Management, Leadership Behaviors
Güncel Hemşirelik Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uyurdağ, N., Çerçi, S., (2023). Yönetici Hemşirelerin Liderlik Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Güncel Hemşirelik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(2), 52-62.