Familial Hiperlipidemik Bir Hastada Gebelikte Tekrarlayan Akut Pankreatit Olgusu
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Familial hipertrigliseridemili gebelerde lipitlerin biyokimyasal değerleri büyük oranda artmakta ve akut pankreatite yol açarak anne ve fetus için fatal sonuçlar doğurabilmektedir. Erken teşhis konulduğunda bu hastalarda diyet ve plazma exchange uygulamaları gibi yaklaşımlarla akut pankreatit gelişimine engel olmak mümkün gözükmektedir.1966 yılından bu yana 21 vaka bildirilmiştir. Nadir görülen böyle bir vakayı kliniğimizde ikinci kez tespit ederek, yayınlamayı uygun bulduk.
Hypertrigliseridemia is a recognized complication of pregnancy. In patients with familial hypertrigliseridemia. the biochemical changes are greatly enhanced during pregnancy and this can lead to acute pancreatitis which may cause fatality of both mother and fetus. There have been 21 cases of hyperlipidemic pancreatitis during pregnancy reported in English literature since 1966. In this report, a case of pancreatitis associated with type IV familial hypertrigliseridemia in a pregnant is reported. Guidelines for prevention and manangement of this rare disorder in pregnancy are presented.
Hypertrigliseridemia is a recognized complication of pregnancy. In patients with familial hypertrigliseridemia. the biochemical changes are greatly enhanced during pregnancy and this can lead to acute pancreatitis which may cause fatality of both mother and fetus. There have been 21 cases of hyperlipidemic pancreatitis during pregnancy reported in English literature since 1966. In this report, a case of pancreatitis associated with type IV familial hypertrigliseridemia in a pregnant is reported. Guidelines for prevention and manangement of this rare disorder in pregnancy are presented.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Medical Network Klinik Bilimler ve Doktor
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Polat, H., Çetinkaya, F., Küçükkartallar, F., Yeksan, M., Kaya, A., (2002). Familial Hiperlipidemik Bir Hastada Gebelikte Tekrarlayan Akut Pankreatit Olgusu. Medical Network Klinik Bilimler ve Doktor, 8(1), 25-27.