Memlûk Türk Devletinde mineli yaldızlı cam süslemeler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
13-16. yüzyıllar arasında Mısır ve Suriye topraklarında hüküm süren Memlûk Türk Devleti, cam sanatı bakımından adının her devirde
hatırlanmasını sağlayacak eserlerin menbaı olmuştur. Bölgede tarih boyunca var olan ve büyük öneme sahip ticaret ve üretim atölyelerini
desteklemiş ve gelişimine katkı sağlamıştır. Alt yapı ve malzeme bakımından çok zengin kaynaklara sahip olan bölgede verimlilik ve
maddi elverişlilik sebebiyle çok iyi kalitede camlar üretilmiştir. Sağlamlık ve netliğiyle bilinen bu camlar Memlûkler devrinde bir de
bezemeleriyle ün kazanmış, uzun süre rağbet gören ve taklit edilen cam ürünler olma özelliğini korumuştur. Bu çalışmada bölgede cam
üretiminin gelişimi ve Memlûklerin bu üretime katkıları aktarılmıştır. Bu çalışmada bölgede üretilen cam emtianın bezenmesi ve bezeme
teknikleri hakkında bulgular ışığında genel bir çerçeve çizilmeye çalışılmıştır. Günümüze sağlam olarak ulaşmış, hâlihazırda Viyana Dom
Müzesinde sergilenen ve tezyinatıyla öne çıkan bir Memlûk cam şişesinin teknik ve süsleme analizi yapılmıştır. Örnek incelemesi yapılan cam şişe üzerinden Memlûklerde cam sanatı ve süsleme tekniklerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır.
The Mamluk Turkish State, which ruled in Egypt and Syria between the 13th and 16th centuries, has been the source of works that will ensure that its name will be remembered in every era in terms of glass art. It supported and contributed to the development of the trade and production workshops that existed in the region throughout history and were of great importance. The region had very rich resources in terms of infrastructure and materials, and due to its productivity and material availability, very good quality glass was produced. Known for their robustness and clarity, these glasses became famous for their ornamentation during the Mamlūk period and remained popular and imitated for a long time. In this study, we have tried to describe the development of glass production in the region and the contribution of the Mamluks to this production. In the light of the findings, we have tried to draw a general framework about the decoration and decoration techniques of glassware produced in the region. The technical and ornamental analysis of a Mamluk glass bottle, which has survived intact and is currently exhibited in the Dom Museum in Vienna and stands out with its ornamentation, has been analyzed. Glass art and ornamentation techniques in the Mamluks were evaluated through the glass bottle analyzed as an example.
The Mamluk Turkish State, which ruled in Egypt and Syria between the 13th and 16th centuries, has been the source of works that will ensure that its name will be remembered in every era in terms of glass art. It supported and contributed to the development of the trade and production workshops that existed in the region throughout history and were of great importance. The region had very rich resources in terms of infrastructure and materials, and due to its productivity and material availability, very good quality glass was produced. Known for their robustness and clarity, these glasses became famous for their ornamentation during the Mamlūk period and remained popular and imitated for a long time. In this study, we have tried to describe the development of glass production in the region and the contribution of the Mamluks to this production. In the light of the findings, we have tried to draw a general framework about the decoration and decoration techniques of glassware produced in the region. The technical and ornamental analysis of a Mamluk glass bottle, which has survived intact and is currently exhibited in the Dom Museum in Vienna and stands out with its ornamentation, has been analyzed. Glass art and ornamentation techniques in the Mamluks were evaluated through the glass bottle analyzed as an example.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk İslam Sanatları Tarihi, Cam Sanatı, Memlûk Türk Devleti, Hacı Matarası, Viyana Dom Müzesi, Bezeme, Turkish Islamic Arts History, Glassware, Mamluk Turkish State, Pilgrim Bottle, Dom Museum Wien, Ornament
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dönmez, Emine. “Memlûk Türk Devletinde Mineli Yaldızlı Cam Süslemeler”. Tevilat 5/1 (Haziran 2024), 81-98.