Manisa İli Akhisar ve Saruhanlı İlçelerinde Zeytin Yetiştiriciliği Yapan Çiftçilerin Sulama Alışkanlıklarının Belirlenmesi
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye, Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinin bir kısmından Marmara Bölgesinin güneyine kadarki
bölgede ticari anlamda üretimi yapılan zeytin yetiştiriciliğinde dünyanın en önemli zeytin üreticisi
ülkeleri arasında yer almaktadır. Zeytin yetiştiriciliğinde en önemli etken iklim olurken, iklimin yanı sıra
toprak yapısı ve topoğrafya ise yetiştiriciliği sınırlayan diğer faktörlerdendir. Zeytin yetiştiriciliğinde
kültürel bakım işlemleri olan toprak işleme, yabancı ot mücadelesi, budama, çapalama, ilaçlama,
gübreleme ve sulama ekonomik anlamda ve entansif tarım çerçevesinde uygulanan işlemlerden
Zeytin yetiştiriciliğinin karlılığını belirleyen en önemli faktör ise sulamadır. Çünkü sulama
zamanı, miktarı ve uygulama metotları ile yetiştiriciliği yapılan zeytinlerin ekonomik olarak en iyi şekilde
değerlendirilmesi birbiriyle yakından ilişkilidir. Çekirdek sertleşme dönemi ve sonrasında yapılacak
sulama uygulamaları, zeytinliklerde dane iriliğinin gelişmesine, yüksek kaliteli ve kalibreli dane
zeytinlerin oluşmasına ve bir yıl az ürün bir yıl çok ürün veren zeytin ağaçlarında periyodisitenin
oluşmamasına, verimin standart kazanmasına neden olmakta, daha kaliteli, iri danelere sahip üretim
yapılarak sofralık olarak değerlendirme imkanı ve daha yüksek gelir elde edilmektedir. Sulama faktörü
devrede olmadığı durumlarda ise susuz koşulda yapılacak olan zeytin yetiştiriciliğinde daneler küçük ve
sofralık değeri düşük olmaktadır.
Türkiye için değerli olan zeytin yetiştiriciliği konusunda yapılacak çalışmalara duyulan
ihtiyaçtan yola çıkılarak yapılan bu yüksek lisans tez çalışmasında; Manisa ili Akhisar ve Saruhanlı
ilçelerinde örnekleme modeli ile 4.000.000 m2
’lik alanda çeşit, yaş, sulama yöntemi, toprak ve iklim
özellikleri gibi benzer standartlarda zeytin yetiştiriciliği yapan 150 çiftçi ve 10 işletme ile yüz yüze anket
yapılarak, arazide gözlem ve ölçümlerle sulama koşullarının öne çıkarttığı değerlerler göz önüne alınmış,
zeytin yetiştiriciliğinde çiftçilerin sulama alışkanlıkları belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda; sulama
uygulamalarının zeytin ağaçlarında vejetatif ve generatif gelişmeye olumlu etkisi olduğu, meyve
tutumunun ve büyüklüğünün arttığı, aktif büyüme devresinde periyodisitenin azaldığı tespit edilmiştir.
Ayrıca sulamanın önemi konusunda çiftçilerde farkındalık oluştuğu, sulama uygulamalarının zeytinin
verim ve kalitesi ile birlikte ekonomik değerini de artırdığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Among the agricultural activities of our country, Olive cultivation, which is commercially produced in the region from a part of the Southeastern Anatolia Region to the south of the Marmara Region, enables us to be among the most important olive producing countries in the world. While the most important factor determining olive cultivation is climate, soil structure and topography are other factors limiting cultivation as well as climate. Soil tillage, weed control, pruning, hoeing, spraying, fertilization and irrigation, which are cultural maintenance operations, are some of the operations applied in the economic sense and within the framework of intensive agriculture. The most important factor determining the profitability of olive cultivation is irrigation. Because irrigation time, amount and application methods and the economic best evaluation of olives are closely related to each other. Irrigation applications to be made during and after the seed hardening period cause the development of grain size in olive groves, the formation of high quality and calibrated olives, and the absence of periodicity in olive trees that produce less product one year and more product one year cause the yield to become standard, by making production with higher quality and coarse grains, it is possible to use it as tableware and a higher income is obtained. In cases where the irrigation factor is not active, the grains are small and the table value is low in olive cultivation to be carried out in anhydrous condition. For olive cultivation, which is valuable for our country, in this master's thesis study, based on the need for studies on this subject, in the Akhisar and Saruhanlı districts of Manisa province, with the sampling model in an area of 4.000.000 m2 , such as variety, age, irrigation method, soil and climate characteristics. A face-to-face survey was conducted with 150 farmers and 10 enterprises engaged in olive cultivation with similar standards, and the irrigation habits of the farmers in olive cultivation were determined by taking into account the values highlighted by the irrigation conditions with observations and measurements in the field. As a result of the study, it has been determined that irrigation conditions have a positive effect on vegetative and generative development in olive trees, fruit set and size increase, periodicity decreases in the active growth period, awareness of farmers about the importance of irrigation has been raised, and irrigation practices have increased the economic value of olives along with yield and quality.
Among the agricultural activities of our country, Olive cultivation, which is commercially produced in the region from a part of the Southeastern Anatolia Region to the south of the Marmara Region, enables us to be among the most important olive producing countries in the world. While the most important factor determining olive cultivation is climate, soil structure and topography are other factors limiting cultivation as well as climate. Soil tillage, weed control, pruning, hoeing, spraying, fertilization and irrigation, which are cultural maintenance operations, are some of the operations applied in the economic sense and within the framework of intensive agriculture. The most important factor determining the profitability of olive cultivation is irrigation. Because irrigation time, amount and application methods and the economic best evaluation of olives are closely related to each other. Irrigation applications to be made during and after the seed hardening period cause the development of grain size in olive groves, the formation of high quality and calibrated olives, and the absence of periodicity in olive trees that produce less product one year and more product one year cause the yield to become standard, by making production with higher quality and coarse grains, it is possible to use it as tableware and a higher income is obtained. In cases where the irrigation factor is not active, the grains are small and the table value is low in olive cultivation to be carried out in anhydrous condition. For olive cultivation, which is valuable for our country, in this master's thesis study, based on the need for studies on this subject, in the Akhisar and Saruhanlı districts of Manisa province, with the sampling model in an area of 4.000.000 m2 , such as variety, age, irrigation method, soil and climate characteristics. A face-to-face survey was conducted with 150 farmers and 10 enterprises engaged in olive cultivation with similar standards, and the irrigation habits of the farmers in olive cultivation were determined by taking into account the values highlighted by the irrigation conditions with observations and measurements in the field. As a result of the study, it has been determined that irrigation conditions have a positive effect on vegetative and generative development in olive trees, fruit set and size increase, periodicity decreases in the active growth period, awareness of farmers about the importance of irrigation has been raised, and irrigation practices have increased the economic value of olives along with yield and quality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çiftçi, Sulama, Kalite, Manisa, Verim, Zeytin, Farmer, Irrigation, Olive, Quality, Yield
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Duramaz, A. T., (2022). Manisa İli Akhisar ve Saruhanlı İlçelerinde Zeytin Yetiştiriciliği Yapan Çiftçilerin Sulama Alışkanlıklarının Belirlenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.