(H. 984) 1576-1577 tarihli Timar Ruznamçe Defteri'ne göre Karaman Eyaleti
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Anadolu Selçuklu devletinin yıkılmasının ardından ortaya çıkan beyliklerden biri ve
en uzun ömürlüsü olan Karamanoğulları Beyliği, Anadolu'da Selçukluların gerçek varisi
oldukları iddiasıyla Osmanlılara karşı uzun yıllar sürdürdükleri egemenlik mücadelesinden
sonra Fatih Sultan Mehmet zamanında 1467 yılından itibaren Osmanlı egemenliğine girmeye
başlamış, kesin egemenliğin sağlanması ise 16. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğine kadar sürmüştür.
Osmanlılarda fethedilen bir bölgede tahrirlerin yapılarak timar sisteminin
uygulanmaya başlanması o bölgenin fiilen hakimiyet altına alındığının en önemli
göstergesiydi. Karamanoğulları beyliğinin Osmanlı egemenliğine girmeye başlamasıyla
birlikte ilk kontrol altına alınan bölgelerde tahrirler de yapılmaya başlanmış, nihayet 1483
yılında tahrir emini tayin edilen Mevlana Vildan öncülüğünde yapılan genel tahrirlerle timar
sistemi bölge geneline yayılmıştır. Aynı tahrir emini tarafından Osmanlı kânunlarına uygun
bir de yeni kânunnâme hazırlanmıştır. Bundan sonra bölgede, geleneksel taşra teşkilatlanması
çerçevesinde Karaman eyaleti tesis edilmiştir.
Osmanlı devletinin Anadolu'da üçüncü eyaleti olarak kurulan Karaman eyaleti,
savaşların sıkça yaşandığı önceki yılların aksine Osmanlı devletinin sonuna kadar en sakin
bölgelerden biri olmuştur. Bu nedenle eyalette, Tanzimat dönemine kadar idari ve iktisadi
açıdan da önemli bir değişiklik yaşanmamıştır.
Bu çalışmada H.984 tarihli Tımar Ruznamçe Defterinde yer alan veriler ışığında 1576-
1577 yıllarında Karaman eyaletinin tımar düzeni ve idari teşkilat yapısı incelenmeye
Karamanoglu seigniorial which was one of the seigniorial occurred right after the collapse of Anatolian Seljuk Empire and the most lived one had started to go under hegemony of Ottoman Empire starting from 1467 at Mehmet the Conqueror period after their long independence campaign against Ottomans with their claim that they were the true inheritors of Anatolian Seljuk Empire and the true hegemony was achieved upto 16th century. Application of the manorial system to a conquered region after registering them was the most important indicator for that region as it was actually go under the hegemony of Ottomans. Registrations were started to be done in the controlled areas when Karamanogulları seigniorial had started to go under the hegemony of Ottomans and finally manorial system was spread over the region by means of general registrations with the leading of Mevlana Vildan who was assigned as registration officer at 1483. A new code of law (kânunnâme) convenient to Ottoman laws was prepared by the same officer. After these, Karaman state (province) was established around traditional field organization (country organization) in the region. Karaman state which was established as third state of Ottomans in Anatolia was one of the most silent regions till the end of The Ottoman Empire despite years that wars between Ottomans and Karamanogulları were frequent. Therefore there hadn’t been any important changes in administrational or economical aspects till Reform Period (Tanzimat). In this study, Fief (Timar – manorial) structure and administrational structure of Karaman state at 1576-1577 years were tried to be investigated with the help of data from H.984 dated “Tımar Ruznamçe Defteri” (Fief Registry Book).
Karamanoglu seigniorial which was one of the seigniorial occurred right after the collapse of Anatolian Seljuk Empire and the most lived one had started to go under hegemony of Ottoman Empire starting from 1467 at Mehmet the Conqueror period after their long independence campaign against Ottomans with their claim that they were the true inheritors of Anatolian Seljuk Empire and the true hegemony was achieved upto 16th century. Application of the manorial system to a conquered region after registering them was the most important indicator for that region as it was actually go under the hegemony of Ottomans. Registrations were started to be done in the controlled areas when Karamanogulları seigniorial had started to go under the hegemony of Ottomans and finally manorial system was spread over the region by means of general registrations with the leading of Mevlana Vildan who was assigned as registration officer at 1483. A new code of law (kânunnâme) convenient to Ottoman laws was prepared by the same officer. After these, Karaman state (province) was established around traditional field organization (country organization) in the region. Karaman state which was established as third state of Ottomans in Anatolia was one of the most silent regions till the end of The Ottoman Empire despite years that wars between Ottomans and Karamanogulları were frequent. Therefore there hadn’t been any important changes in administrational or economical aspects till Reform Period (Tanzimat). In this study, Fief (Timar – manorial) structure and administrational structure of Karaman state at 1576-1577 years were tried to be investigated with the help of data from H.984 dated “Tımar Ruznamçe Defteri” (Fief Registry Book).
Anahtar Kelimeler
Timar, Ruznamçe, Osmanlı Taşra Teşkilatı, Karaman Eyaleti, Fief (Timar – manorial), Ruznamçe (Registry Book), Ottoman Field Service (Country Service), Karaman State (Province)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yıldız, S. (2010). (H. 984) 1576-1577 tarihli Timar Ruznamçe Defteri'ne göre Karaman Eyaleti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.