Sayısal yayın platformlarında belgesel sinemanın dönüşen anlatı yapısı: Netflix örneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Toplumsal ve bireysel izdüşümleri ekrana taşıyan sinema sanatı, ilk günden günümüze çeşitli dönüşümlerle karşı karşıya kalmıştır. Kendisinden önce var olan sanat dallarının etkisinde kalarak geçirdiği dönüşümler çerçevesinde sinemada tür kavramı oluşmuş, her tür kendine özgü anlatı kalıplarını var etmiştir. Bu süreçte izleyiciler ve sinema sanatı, karşılıklı bir ilişki içinde olmuş, sinema sanatındaki türlerin sunduğu anlatı biçimleri giderek izleyiciler tarafından içselleştirilmiştir. Her türün kendine özgü izleyicisi de oluşmuş, günümüzde bahse konu izleyiciler ekran karşısına geçtiklerinde anlatım biçimlerine de aşinalık kazanmıştır. Sinemada meydana gelen bu türlerden biri olan Belgesel sinema, gerçek olay ve kişilerin belirli estetik çerçeve içinde ele alındığı yapımlardır. Geçmişten günümüze kurmaca filmlerden ayrı bir yol izleyerek nesnel bir bakış açısını özümseyen ve toplumu aydınlatmaya çalışan belgesel sinema, gelişen teknoloji ile birlikte meydana gelen yeni medya gereçlerinin ortaya çıkmasıyla film üretme biçim ve anlayışlarına birtakım yenilikler eklemiştir. Dijital platformların dünyada ve Türkiye'de yayın hayatına başlaması ise tüm türlerin anlatı kalıplarında köklü dönüşümlerin yaşanmasına sebep olmuştur. Buradaki önemli hususlardan birisi de kuşakların değişen izleme eğilimleridir ve günümüzde her kuşağın izleme eylemi birbirinden oldukça farklı bir hal almıştır. Çalışmada; geleneksel belgesel sinema anlatılarından televizyon yayıncılığına, televizyon yayıncılığından da dijital platformlara uzanan süreçte anlatı kalıplarının değiştiği görülmüş, söz konusu değişimler Netflix'te yayınlanan belgesel filmler aracılığıyla betimsel analiz yöntemi kullanılarak ortaya çıkarılmıştır.
The art of cinema, which brings social and individual projections to the screen, has faced various transformations from the first day to the present. The concept of genre was formed in the cinema within the framework of the transformations it underwent under the influence of the branches of art that existed before it, and each genre created its own unique narrative patterns. In this process, the audience and the art of cinema have been in a mutual relationship, and the narrative forms presented by the genres in the art of cinema have been increasingly internalized by the audience. Each genre has its own unique audience, and today, when the audience in question is in front of the screen, they have gained familiarity with the forms of expression. Documentary cinema, which is one of these genres that occur in cinema, is the productions in which real events and people are handled within a certain aesthetic framework. Documentary cinema, which has adopted an objective point of view and tried to enlighten the society by following a different path from the fictional films from the past to the present, has added some innovations to the form and understanding of film production with the emergence of new media tools that have emerged with the developing technology. The introduction of digital platforms in the world and in Turkey has led to radical transformations in the narrative patterns of all genres. One of the important issues here is the changing tendency of the generations to watch, and today, the watching action of each generation has become quite different from each other. In the study; It has been seen that narrative patterns have changed in the process extending from traditional documentary cinema narratives to television broadcasting, and from television broadcasting to digital platforms, and these changes were revealed using the descriptive analysis method through documentary films published on Netflix.
The art of cinema, which brings social and individual projections to the screen, has faced various transformations from the first day to the present. The concept of genre was formed in the cinema within the framework of the transformations it underwent under the influence of the branches of art that existed before it, and each genre created its own unique narrative patterns. In this process, the audience and the art of cinema have been in a mutual relationship, and the narrative forms presented by the genres in the art of cinema have been increasingly internalized by the audience. Each genre has its own unique audience, and today, when the audience in question is in front of the screen, they have gained familiarity with the forms of expression. Documentary cinema, which is one of these genres that occur in cinema, is the productions in which real events and people are handled within a certain aesthetic framework. Documentary cinema, which has adopted an objective point of view and tried to enlighten the society by following a different path from the fictional films from the past to the present, has added some innovations to the form and understanding of film production with the emergence of new media tools that have emerged with the developing technology. The introduction of digital platforms in the world and in Turkey has led to radical transformations in the narrative patterns of all genres. One of the important issues here is the changing tendency of the generations to watch, and today, the watching action of each generation has become quite different from each other. In the study; It has been seen that narrative patterns have changed in the process extending from traditional documentary cinema narratives to television broadcasting, and from television broadcasting to digital platforms, and these changes were revealed using the descriptive analysis method through documentary films published on Netflix.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dijital Platformlar, Netflix, Geleneksel Sinema, Yeni Medya, Digital Platforms, Traditional Cinema, New Media
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yavuz, G. (2024). Sayısal yayın platformlarında belgesel sinemanın dönüşen anlatı yapısı: Netflix örneği. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.