BPH nedeniyle alfa-bloker kullanmasına rağmen cerrahi tedavi yapılmak zorunda kalınan olguların patoloji spesmenlerindeki kronik prostatit insidansı
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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BPH nedeniyle alfa-bloker kullanmasına rağmen cerrahi tedavi yapılmak zorunda kalınan olguların patoloji spesmenlerindeki kronik prostatit insidansı. Amaç: Bu çalışmada BPH nedeniyle alfa-bloker tedavi alan ve opere edilmek zorunda kalınan hastaların, patoloji spesmenlerinde karşılaşılan kronik prostatit sıklığını araştırarak alfa-reseptör blokerlerinin kronik prostatit gelişimini önlemedeki etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Materyal Ve Metod: 2006 Mart - 2009 Aralık tarihleri arası Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Üroloji Anabilim Dalında BPH ön tanısı konan, alfa-bloker tedavi başlanan ve tedaviden fayda görmeyerek opere edilen 285 hasta retrospektif olarak tarandı. PSA değerleri normal sınırlarda olan, IPSS ve NIH-KPSI formları doldurulan, kronik prostatit semptomu ve bulgusu olmayan tam idrar tetkikleri ve idrar kültürleri steril olan toplam 145 hastadan 100 hasta kullandıkları alfa-bloker tedaviye göre 4 gruba ayrıldı. Tedavi almayan 45 hasta ise kontrol grubu olarak değerlendirildi. Olguların patoloji spesmenleri histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Alfa-bloker kullanan 100 hastadan, 58 (%58) hastada BPH 42 (%42) hastada ise BPH ve beraberinde KP tespit edilmiştir. Alfa-bloker kullanan hasta grupları arasında BPH ve BPH ile beraberinde KP görülme sıklığı arasında anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır (p>0,05). İlaç kullanmayan 45 hastanın 12'sinde (%26,7) BPH, 33'ünde (%73,3) ise BPH ve beraberinde KP saptanmıştır. Alfa-bloker tedavi kullanan ve hiç tedavi kullanmayan hasta gruplarına bakıldığında alfa-bloker kullanan hastaların patoloji spesmenlerindeki KP sıklığı alfa-bloker kullanmayan hastalara göre istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı olarak düşük bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Sonuç: Prostatitlerin %90-95' ini oluşturan ve etyopatogenezi oldukça kompleks olan kronik prostatitte tedavi arayışları hala sürmektedir. Biz kronik prostatitli hastaların bir kısmında alfa-bloker tedavisinin yeri olduğunu düşünmekteyiz. Ancak alfa-blokerlerin gerçek etkinliğini gösterecek geniş olgu sayısına sahip plaseboyla karşılaştırmalı kanıt düzeyi yüksek randomize kontrollü çalışmalara ve metaanalizlere ihtiyaç bulunduğu söylenebilir.
Affection of alpha-receptor blockers to prevent development of chronic prostatitis through researching chronic prostatitis pathology frequency at coincided after operation specimens who have alpha-blocker treatment due to BPH, and have to be operated. Objective: To research affection of alpha-receptor blockers to prevent development of chronic prostatitis through researching chronic prostatitis pathology frequency at coincided after operation specimens who have alpha-blocker treatment due to BPH, and have to be operated and in this study. Material and Method: Between 2006 March-2009 December in Selcuk University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Urology, 285 patients were pre diagnosed as BPH,and who treated with alpha-blocker then those who get no benefits from treatment were operated were screened retrospectively. 100 patients from total 145 patients whose PSA values are in normal limits, whose IPSS and NIH-KPSI forms are filled, who have no chronic prostatitis symptom and finding, whose full urine analysis and urine culture are sterile were divided into 4 groups in accordance with their using alpha-blocker treatment. 45 patients who don?t get treatment were considered as control group. Pathology specimens of patients were evaluated as histopathology according to groups. Findings: BPH was determined at 58 (58%) patients and BPH and chronic prostatitis was determined at 42 (42%) patients from totally 100 (100%) patients who take Alpha-blocker. No any meaningful difference was determined among patient groups who use alpha-blocker and frequency of only BPH, BPH and chronic prostatitis (p>0,05). BPH was determined at 12 (26,7%) patients and BPH and chronic prostatitis was determined at 33 (73,3%) patients from totally 45 (100%) patients who don?t take medicine. When the patients groups who take Alfa-blocker treatment and who don?t get any treatment are considered, it has been found meaningfully that the chronic prostatitis frequency at pathology specimens of patients who take alpha-blocker is statically lower than the patients who don?t use alpha-blocker (p<0,05). Conclusion:Alternative treatment searches still continue for 90-95% of all prostatitis who constitute chronic prostatitis and whose etiopathogenesis were extremely complex. We think that alpha-blocker treatment may be used at some of patients with chronic prostatitis. But, it can be said that meta analyses and high level evidence randomize controlled studies that will show real efficiency of alpha-blockers and have large case number and comparable with placebo are needed.
Affection of alpha-receptor blockers to prevent development of chronic prostatitis through researching chronic prostatitis pathology frequency at coincided after operation specimens who have alpha-blocker treatment due to BPH, and have to be operated. Objective: To research affection of alpha-receptor blockers to prevent development of chronic prostatitis through researching chronic prostatitis pathology frequency at coincided after operation specimens who have alpha-blocker treatment due to BPH, and have to be operated and in this study. Material and Method: Between 2006 March-2009 December in Selcuk University Meram Medical Faculty, Department of Urology, 285 patients were pre diagnosed as BPH,and who treated with alpha-blocker then those who get no benefits from treatment were operated were screened retrospectively. 100 patients from total 145 patients whose PSA values are in normal limits, whose IPSS and NIH-KPSI forms are filled, who have no chronic prostatitis symptom and finding, whose full urine analysis and urine culture are sterile were divided into 4 groups in accordance with their using alpha-blocker treatment. 45 patients who don?t get treatment were considered as control group. Pathology specimens of patients were evaluated as histopathology according to groups. Findings: BPH was determined at 58 (58%) patients and BPH and chronic prostatitis was determined at 42 (42%) patients from totally 100 (100%) patients who take Alpha-blocker. No any meaningful difference was determined among patient groups who use alpha-blocker and frequency of only BPH, BPH and chronic prostatitis (p>0,05). BPH was determined at 12 (26,7%) patients and BPH and chronic prostatitis was determined at 33 (73,3%) patients from totally 45 (100%) patients who don?t take medicine. When the patients groups who take Alfa-blocker treatment and who don?t get any treatment are considered, it has been found meaningfully that the chronic prostatitis frequency at pathology specimens of patients who take alpha-blocker is statically lower than the patients who don?t use alpha-blocker (p<0,05). Conclusion:Alternative treatment searches still continue for 90-95% of all prostatitis who constitute chronic prostatitis and whose etiopathogenesis were extremely complex. We think that alpha-blocker treatment may be used at some of patients with chronic prostatitis. But, it can be said that meta analyses and high level evidence randomize controlled studies that will show real efficiency of alpha-blockers and have large case number and comparable with placebo are needed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adrenerjik alfa antagonistleri, Adrenergic alpha antagonists, Prostat, Prostate, Prostat hiperplazisi, Prostatic hyperplasia, Prostatit, Prostatitis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özdemir, Ü. (2011). BPH nedeniyle alfa-bloker kullanmasına rağmen cerrahi tedavi yapılmak zorunda kalınan olguların patoloji spesmenlerindeki kronik prostatit insidansı. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.