Periodontitisli bireylerde non-steroid antienflamatuar ilaç (Tenoxicam)'ın dişeti cep sıvısı beta-glukuronidaz ve laktat dehidrogenaz aktivitelerine etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırmada, periodontitis 'li hastalarda başlangıç tedavisini takiben NSAİ uygulamasının klinik ve biyokimyasal parametreler üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Araştırma 9'u tenoxicam (test grubu) 7'si plasebo (kontrol grubu) ilaç kullanan toplam 16 hastanın 32 dişi üzerinde yürütüldü. Çalışma alanlarında KZİ, Pİ, SCD, mobilite (PTD) ve AK gibi klinik parametreler kaydedildi. Ayrıca standart kesilmiş filtre kağıtları yardımıyla toplanan dişeti cep sıvısı (DCS)'nda LDH ve 6G total enzim aktivitesi (U/30sn) incelendi. Klinik ve biyokimyasal değerlendirmeler başlangıcı takiben, tedavi sonrası 14. (6G hariç) ve 30. günlerde tekrarlandı. Klinik parametreler açısından tedavi sonrası 30. günde deney grubundaki düzelmenin anlamlı şekilde daha belirgin olduğu görüldü (p<0.05). DCS-J5G total enzim aktivitesinin tedavi sonrası 30. günde kontrol grubuna kıyasla deney grubunda düşük olduğu (p<0.05), LDH düzeylerinde ise anlamlı bir değişiklik olmadığı saptandı (p>0.05). Bu araştırmada periodontitisli hastalarda 30 gün süreyle NSAİ tenoxicam uygulamasının klinik parametreler ve DCS-JİG total enzim aktivitesi üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu ve konvansiyonel periodontal tedaviye NSAİ'lann ek yarar sağlayabileceği yolunda deliller elde edildi.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of non-steroid anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) administration on the clinical and biochemical parameters of periodontitis patients following initial periodontal treatment. A total of 32 teeth of 16 subjects, 9 medicated with tenoxicam (test group) and 7 with placebo (control group), were selected for the study. Periodontal status of selected sites was clinically evaluated by probing depth(PD), probing attachment level (PAL), plaque index (PI), bleeding time index (BTI) and mobility (Periotest value, PTV). Furthermore, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and B-glucuronidase (1$G) total enzyme activities (U/30sn) in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collected with standart precut off filter paper strips were determined. Clinical evaluation and enzyme analysis of GCF were repeated at 14 and 30 days. At the end of the study, there were statistically significant improvements for the clinical parameters of test group (p<0.05). GCF-BG total enzyme activity was significantly lower than control group (p<0.05), but there was no difference for LDH (p>0.05). Data obtained frpm this study showed that NSAID tenoxicam administration for 30 days improved both the clinical parameters and GCF-BG total enzyme activity of periodontitis patients, and suggested that adjunctive use of NSAİD (tenoxicam) to conventional periodontal therapy may be beneficial.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of non-steroid anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) administration on the clinical and biochemical parameters of periodontitis patients following initial periodontal treatment. A total of 32 teeth of 16 subjects, 9 medicated with tenoxicam (test group) and 7 with placebo (control group), were selected for the study. Periodontal status of selected sites was clinically evaluated by probing depth(PD), probing attachment level (PAL), plaque index (PI), bleeding time index (BTI) and mobility (Periotest value, PTV). Furthermore, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and B-glucuronidase (1$G) total enzyme activities (U/30sn) in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) collected with standart precut off filter paper strips were determined. Clinical evaluation and enzyme analysis of GCF were repeated at 14 and 30 days. At the end of the study, there were statistically significant improvements for the clinical parameters of test group (p<0.05). GCF-BG total enzyme activity was significantly lower than control group (p<0.05), but there was no difference for LDH (p>0.05). Data obtained frpm this study showed that NSAID tenoxicam administration for 30 days improved both the clinical parameters and GCF-BG total enzyme activity of periodontitis patients, and suggested that adjunctive use of NSAİD (tenoxicam) to conventional periodontal therapy may be beneficial.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Periodontitis, Periodontit, Lactate dehydrogenase, Laktat dehidrogenaz, Anti inflammatory agents, Antienflamatuar ajanlar
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Marakoğlu, İ. (1996). Periodontitisli bireylerde non-steroid antienflamatuar ilaç (Tenoxicam)'ın dişeti cep sıvısı beta-glukuronidaz ve laktat dehidrogenaz aktivitelerine etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.