Akut atakta ve atak sonrasında ailevi akdeniz ateşi hastalarında transtorasik ekokardiyografi ve 24 saatlik holter bulguları ile hastalık aktivitesi, adma ve homosistein arasındaki ilişki
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi (AAA), otozomal resesif geçiş gösteren, tekrarlayan ateş, peritonit, plörit ve
sinovit atakları ile karakterize otoinflamatuar bir hastalıktır. Ateş ataklarına genellikle sistemik veya lokalize
inflamasyon bulguları eşlik eder. Sistemik ve lokalize inflamasyon sonucunda ateroskleroz ve endotel
disfonksiyonu gelişmektedir. Son zamanda yapılançalışmalarda Asimetrik dimetilarginin(ADMA) ve
homosisteinin endoteldisfonksiyonu vekardiyovaskülerriski belirlemede hassas birmarker olduğu bildirilmiştir.
Bununla beraber günümüzde endotel disfonksiyonu ve kardiyovasküler riski belirmede önemli yere sahip olan
transtorasik ekokardiyografi ve 24 saat holter non-invaziv metod olarak çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmadaki amacımız, aterosklerozu değerlendirmek için AAA hastalarında atak ve atak sonrasında
transtorasik ekokardiyografi ve 24 saatlik holter bulguları ile kardiyak tutulumu değerlendirip, bu tutulumda risk
faktörleri olarak bilinen hastalık aktivitesi, ADMA ve homosistein arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Çalışmaya daha önceden AAA tanısı almış 36 hasta ve hasta grubuyla benzer özelliklere sahip 36
sağlıklı kontrol hastası dahiledilmiştir. Çalışmamızda ADMA ve homosistein düzeyi hem atak, hemde atak
sonrası dönemde kontrol grubuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık saptanmadı. ADMA düzeyi atak
dönemde atak sonrası döneme göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılıktespit edilmedi.Bununla beraber
arjinin/ADMA oranınıatak döneminde kontrol grubuna göre düşük tespit edildi. (p=0,001). Yine atak sonrası
dönemde kontrol grubuna göre arjinin/ADMA oranını düşük saptandı (p=0,001). Sonuç olarak düşük arjinin / ADMa oranı AAA hastalarında ateroskleroz riski için daha iyi bir
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF),is an autosomal recessive autoinflamatory disease resulted from mutations of MEFV gene. Clinical feature of FMF is repeatedly atacks of fever peritonitis,pleuritis and synovitis. Generally, systemic or localized inflammatory manifestations accompany with fever attacks. As the result of systemic and localize inflammation, atherosclerosis and endotel dysfunction develop. In recent studies, in terms of cardiovascular risk asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and homocysteine, endothelial dysfunction are considered to be a sensitive marker. However in current studies, transthoracicechocardiography which has an important role on determination of cardiovasculer risk and of endotel dysfunction and 24 hours holter method are studied. The aim of this study, to evaluate atherosclerosis in patients with AAA attack and attack-free in the after of transthoracic echocardiography and 24-hour holter findings evaluate cardiac involvement, kept this is known as risk factors in disease activity, determining of the relationship between ADMA and homocysteine. 36 patients who were previously diagnosed as FMF and 36 healthy control subjects with similar features have been included in the study.In our study, the level of homocysteine and ADMA, attack and attack-free there was not a statistically significant difference compared to the control group.The level of ADMA during the attack there was not a statistically significant difference compared to the period after the attack.However,arginine /ADMA ratioduringthe attackhave detectedlower thanthe control group (p=0,001).Again, we detected compared to the control group in the period after the attack arginine/ADMA ratio is low (p=0,001). As a result, low arginine / ADMA ratio may be a better indicator for the risk of atherosclerosis in patients with FMF.
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF),is an autosomal recessive autoinflamatory disease resulted from mutations of MEFV gene. Clinical feature of FMF is repeatedly atacks of fever peritonitis,pleuritis and synovitis. Generally, systemic or localized inflammatory manifestations accompany with fever attacks. As the result of systemic and localize inflammation, atherosclerosis and endotel dysfunction develop. In recent studies, in terms of cardiovascular risk asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and homocysteine, endothelial dysfunction are considered to be a sensitive marker. However in current studies, transthoracicechocardiography which has an important role on determination of cardiovasculer risk and of endotel dysfunction and 24 hours holter method are studied. The aim of this study, to evaluate atherosclerosis in patients with AAA attack and attack-free in the after of transthoracic echocardiography and 24-hour holter findings evaluate cardiac involvement, kept this is known as risk factors in disease activity, determining of the relationship between ADMA and homocysteine. 36 patients who were previously diagnosed as FMF and 36 healthy control subjects with similar features have been included in the study.In our study, the level of homocysteine and ADMA, attack and attack-free there was not a statistically significant difference compared to the control group.The level of ADMA during the attack there was not a statistically significant difference compared to the period after the attack.However,arginine /ADMA ratioduringthe attackhave detectedlower thanthe control group (p=0,001).Again, we detected compared to the control group in the period after the attack arginine/ADMA ratio is low (p=0,001). As a result, low arginine / ADMA ratio may be a better indicator for the risk of atherosclerosis in patients with FMF.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Homosistein, Ailevi akdeniz ateşi, Transtorasik ekokardiyografi, 24 saatlik holter, Asimetrik dimetilarginin, Homocysteine, Transthorasic echocardiography, 24 hours holter, Familial mediterranean fever
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şahin, F. (2015). Akut atakta ve atak sonrasında ailevi akdeniz ateşi hastalarında transtorasik ekokardiyografi ve 24 saatlik holter bulguları ile hastalık aktivitesi, adma ve homosistein arasındaki ilişki. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.