Anadolu’da Azer-Nefes bir can: Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
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Nesiller boyunca süren bir göçün ardından Sivas’a yerleşen Azerbaycanlı bir ailenin evladı olan Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler, birçok konunun yanında ‘ana’, ‘Anadolu’ ve ‘Türk Dünyası’ temalarının öne çıktığı şiiriyle birlikte biyografi, deneme – inceleme, siyasi tarih ve gezi notları türlerini içeren nesriyle de Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı’nın en renkli simalarındandır. Esas itibariyle avukat olan ve pek başarılı sayılamayacak siyasi bir kariyere de sahip olan Bâkiler, “Ana Şairi” addedilecek kadar şiirlerinde ‘ana’ temasını edinmiş, gerek şiirlerinde gerekse düzyazılarında işlediği Azerbaycan, Türkistan gibi konularla milliyetçi – muhafazakâr camianın gönlünde taht kurmuştur. Bâkiler’in bir diğer hususiyeti ise Türkçenin doğru konuşulup yazılması konusunda gösterdiği hassasiyettir.
Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler, who is the son of an immigrant family from Azerbaijan which has settled in Sivas, is one of the most colourful characters of the Modern Turkish Literature. Topics like ‘mother’, ‘Anatolia’ and ‘The Turkic World’ are prominent themes among others. His prose varies from biographies to political histories, from essays to itineraries. Bâkiler, who is a solicitor and has a not very successful political career, has used the ‘mother’ topic so much in his poetry that he has been named as the ‘The Poet of Mother’, and has been favoured by nationalist – conservative communities as a result of the topics like ‘Azerbaijan’ and ‘Turkestan’ he has used both in his poetry and prose. Another characteristic of Bâkiler is his sensitivity on the correct usage of the Turkish language.
Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler, who is the son of an immigrant family from Azerbaijan which has settled in Sivas, is one of the most colourful characters of the Modern Turkish Literature. Topics like ‘mother’, ‘Anatolia’ and ‘The Turkic World’ are prominent themes among others. His prose varies from biographies to political histories, from essays to itineraries. Bâkiler, who is a solicitor and has a not very successful political career, has used the ‘mother’ topic so much in his poetry that he has been named as the ‘The Poet of Mother’, and has been favoured by nationalist – conservative communities as a result of the topics like ‘Azerbaijan’ and ‘Turkestan’ he has used both in his poetry and prose. Another characteristic of Bâkiler is his sensitivity on the correct usage of the Turkish language.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler, Azerbaycan, Azerbaijan
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yükselen, G., Peler, A. (2012). Anadolu’da Azer-Nefes bir can: Yavuz Bülent Bâkiler. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (31), 119-148.