Kadrolu ve 4/B Sözleşmeli Yardımcı Sağlık Personellerinin İş Doyumlarının Karşılaştırılması

dc.contributor.authorKalay, Faruk
dc.contributor.authorArslan, Hacer
dc.contributor.authorOflas, Şemsettin
dc.departmentBaşka Kurumen_US
dc.description.abstractBelirli güvenceler sistemi kapsamında kamu sağlık hizmetleri sektöründe istihdam edilen hekim dışı yardımcı sağlık hizmetleri çalışanlarının yüksek performans gösterebilmeleri ve verimli bir şekilde çalışabilmeleri, işlerinden yüksek doyum sağlamalarına bağlıdır. Kamu sağlık hizmetleri sektöründe, hekim dışı yardımcı sağlık personeli iki şekilde istihdam edilmektedir. Personelin bir kısmı 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanununa (DMK) tabi kadrolu memur olarak istihdam edilirken, bir kısmı da 4/B sözleşmeli personel olarak istihdam edilmektedir. Söz konusu personel grupları aynı mesleki yeterliliklere sahip ve aynı iş kolunda çalıştıkları halde, kadrolu çalışanlara nazaran 4/B sözleşmeli çalışanlar, başta iş güvenliği olmak üzere terfi, tayin, sosyal yardımlar ve yasal güvenceler bakımından bir takım eksik haklara sahiptirler. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı, kamu sağlık hizmetleri sektöründe istihdam edilen 657 sayılı DMK’na tabi kadrolu ve 4/B sözleşmeli hekim dışı yardımcı sağlık personellerinin iş doyumlarını karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırma dört kamu hastanesinde çalışan 250 personel üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, hekim dışı yardımcı sağlık personelinin genel iş doyumunun düşük olduğu, istihdam biçimi (kadrolu ve sözleşmeli) ile yaş ve kıdem değişkenlerinin iş doyumu üzerinde etkili olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Cinsiyet, medeni durum ve eğitim düzeyi değişkenleri ile iş doyumu arasında ise bir ilişki bulunmamıştır.en_US
dc.description.abstractJob satisfaction is a result of employee’s perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Luthan (1998) posited that there are three important dimensions to job satisfaction: (a) Job satisfaction is an emotional response to a job situation, as such it cannot be seen, it can only be inferred, (b) Job satisfaction is often determined by how well outcome meet or exceed expectations, and (c) Job satisfaction represents several related attitudes such as work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-workers which are most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response. In the literature, researchers from economics, psychology and sociology disciplines, tend to emphasize different dimensions of job satisfaction. Economists tend to emphasize on issues related to pay, equal pay and market. Psychologists tend to emphasize factors related to intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation. Sociologists tend to emphasize factors like mostly gender, age, race, social status, and so on. Spector (1997), has been categorized the factors related to job and job environment that affecting job satisfaction like as compensation, advancement, control, relationships with colleagues and senior, communication, organizational reputation and working conditions, role ambiguity, work overload, routinization and so on. Warr (1999), collected the job satisfaction factors in 10 groups. These are; personal control, the opportunity to use skills, job requirements, variety, environmental clarity that including job security, income, physical security, senior management support, relationships with work colleagues and social status. In addition, the allocation of time for leisure and family life, the perception of organizational justice, education and skills development opportunities, job design, noise, work area etc. are features of the organizational factors that affect job satisfaction. However, personality traits, gender, education level, age, intelligence, skills, experience etc. number of demographic characteristics and beliefs that person to have, attitudes and values as well as cultural factors influence job satisfaction. Health care workers’s job satisfaction is an important variable that effects the working life of employees working in all areas of the health sector and health care. Especially in the field of health services, was found a direct relationship between service providers’s job satisfaction and customer Satisfaction. A number of studies in the areas of organizational behavior and social sciences showed a positive correlation between job satisfaction and job performance. With the influence of political, economic and social developments, it is seen been changes in forms of public employment and new employment types introduce the working life. Health professions are among the occupational groups with a high density of stress. Many studies have been done in relation to job satisfaction of health professionals. However, the studies about the compare the job satisfaction of permanent and contract staff groups employed in the field of allied health services are limited. Non-physician health care workers employed in Public health care services sector under certain safeguards system, to demonstrate their high performance and can work in an efficient manner depend on a high job satisfaction. Non-physician health care staff in public health care sector are employed in two ways. Some of the staff subject to the Law numbered 657 (DMK) staff are employed as a clerk and others are employed as 4/B contract employees. 4/B contract employees than permanent employees, primarily to occupational safety, in terms of promoted, appointed, social benefits and legal safeguards, they have missing rights. In this context, the aim of the research is to compare the job satisfaction of permanent civil servants subject to the law No. 657 and 4/B contracted non-physician assistant health personnel that employed in public health care sector. In this context, the research questions that sought answers to the given below: 1) What is the overall level of job satisfaction allied health personnel who are employed in public hospitals? 2) Is there any statistically significant difference between job satisfaction among perpanent and 4/B contracted staff? 3) Is there a significant difference among allied health personnel’s job satisfaction who are employed in public hospitals based on the demographic characteristics? Method: The research population is assistant health personnel employed in public hospitals in the province of Van, subject to Civil Service Law No. 657 permanent and 4 / B non-physician contracted. The sample of the study is the allied health personnel working in the four large hospital in the center of Van (Van Regional Training and Research Hospital, Van Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Van İpek Yolu State Hospital and Van Training and Research Hospital). The majority of personnel and accessibility are taken into consideration when selecting the sample number. When research carried out the number of allied health personnel who are employed in the province of Van is 679 permanent and 732 4 / B contract for a total of 1411 staff. The sample was detected with a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error in the population 1411 people be driven 228 subjects was calculated. In this context, research carried out on data including 124 permanent and 126 contract staff to be a total 250 employed in four major hospitals that serving in public health care sector in the center of Van province. The data collection tool was used as a short form of the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire 20-dimensional. Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire developed by Weis, Dawis, England and Lofquist (1967) for the measurement Intrinsic, extrinsic and the sum of the two of overall job satisfaction has been widely used (Ghazi et al., 2011: 653). Recognition, responsibility, achievement, progress as the psychological needs of the people, well as internal factors, and external factors related to the work environment, compensation, supervision, promotion, working conditions and operating policies are measured with the help of this scale (Kaya, 2007: 359). Arithmetic mean of total scores obtained from the scale to be lower than 3 business represents dissatisfaction (Ghazi et al., 2011: 654). Analysis of the data: Normality distribution of the data set was tested bye Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. As a result of the analysis showed that data is not normal distribution (p<0.01). Therefore, for the analysis, Mann-Whitney U Test and KruskalWallis -H Tests were used. In addition, percentage and frequency values were used for the analysis of demographic variables. Findings: Research results show that non-physician assistant health personnel have low job satisfaction, and form of employment (permanent and contracted), age and seniority were found to be effective on work satisfaction. Gender, marital status and education level variables were found to be non-correlated with job satisfaction.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKalay, F., Arslan, H., Oflas, Ş., (2013). Kadrolu ve 4/B Sözleşmeli Yardımcı Sağlık Personellerinin İş Doyumlarının Karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 29, 111-121.en_US
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.subjectİş doyumuen_US
dc.subjectJob satisfactionen_US
dc.titleKadrolu ve 4/B Sözleşmeli Yardımcı Sağlık Personellerinin İş Doyumlarının Karşılaştırılmasıen_US
dc.title.alternativeComparison The Job Satisfaction Of Permanent And 4/B Contracted Health Care Providersen_US


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