Kas kist hidatiği
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Amaç: Kist hidatik kaslarda oldukça nadir görülmektedir ve genellikle tanı operasyon sırasında konmaktadır. Nadir görülmesi sebebi ile gluteal abse ön tanısı ile drenaj uygulanan müsküler kist hidatikli bir olguyu sunmayı amaçladık. Olgu sunumu: Yaklaşık 2 aydır sağ gluteal ağrı ve şişlik yakınması olan 31 yaşında bir kadın hastada yapılan tetkikler ve klinik muayene bulguları sonucunda gluteal abse düşünülerek drenaj uygulandı. Kız veziküllerin ve skolekslerin görülmesi nedeni ile kist hidatik tanısı kondu. Sonuç: Endemik bölgelerde kaslarda iyi sınırlı kistik kitle tespit edilen hastalarda ayırıcı tanıda kist hidatik düşünülmesi gerektiği kanaatindeyiz.
Objective: Hydatid cyst is rarely seen in the muscle, and the diagnosis is commonly established during the operation. Because of its rarity, we aimed to introduce a case with muscle hydatid disease that was operated with prediagnosis of gluteal abscess. Case report: A 31 year old female patient complaining of right gluteal pain and swelling for about 2 month was thought to be a case of gluteal abscess according to physical examinations and radiographical investigations and drainage was performed. Conclusion: We consider that hydatid cyst should be included differential diagnosis of a well- defined muscular cystic mass in the endemic areas.
Objective: Hydatid cyst is rarely seen in the muscle, and the diagnosis is commonly established during the operation. Because of its rarity, we aimed to introduce a case with muscle hydatid disease that was operated with prediagnosis of gluteal abscess. Case report: A 31 year old female patient complaining of right gluteal pain and swelling for about 2 month was thought to be a case of gluteal abscess according to physical examinations and radiographical investigations and drainage was performed. Conclusion: We consider that hydatid cyst should be included differential diagnosis of a well- defined muscular cystic mass in the endemic areas.
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