Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. tauricolum Rech. fil. ve T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides (Schreber) Maire & Petitmengin (Labiatae) taksonları üzerinde anatomik ve mikromorfolojik çalışmalar
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Bu çalışmada, Teucrium L. cinsinde birbirine yakın akrabalık gösteren Scordium Boiss. ve Chamaedrys Benth. seksiyonlarına mensup T. chamaedrys L. subsp. tauricolum Rech. fil. ve T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides (Schreber) Maire & Petitmengin taksonlarının gövde ve yaprak anatomisi ile fındıkçık mikromorfolojisi incelenmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, her iki taksondaki gövde anatomisi, Labiatae familyasının genel özelliklerini sergilemektedir. Her iki taksonda çok hücreli salgısız tüylere rastlanırken, salgılı tüyler T. scordium subsp. scordioides’de her zaman, T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum’da bazen bulunmaktadır. Salgılı tüyler, T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum’da kısa ve 1-2 sap hücreli, T. scordium subsp. scordioides’de uzun ve 3-5 sap hücrelidir. T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum yaprağında mezofil kalın ve dorsiventral, T. scordium subsp. scordioides’de mezofil oldukça ince ve izolateraldir. T. scordium subsp. scordioides’de yapraklar hiposutomatik ve üst epidermal hücreler siferokıristalli, T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum’da yapraklar amfisutomatik ve üst epidermal hücreler siferokıristalsizdir. Her iki türde sutomalar anomositik olup T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum’da kıseromorf tipdeyken, T. scordium subsp. scordioides’de mezomorf tiptedir. Işık ve taramalı elekturon mikroskobu (SEM) çalışmalarına göre, fındıkçıkların büyüklüğü, şekli ve tüylenmesi iki taksonda farklılıklar göstermektedir. Elde edilen verilerin Scordium ve Chamaedrys seksiyonlarının sınırlandırılmasındaki taksonomik değeri tartışılmıştır.
In this study, the taxa Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. tauricolum Rech. fil. and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides (Schreber) Maire & Petitmengin from the closely related sections Scordium Boiss. and Chamaedrys Benth. in the genus Teucrium L. are investigated in terms of leaf and stem anatomy, and nutlet micromorphology. According to the results, stem anatomy of both taxa exhibit the general features of the family Labiatae. Although there are in both taxa multicellular eglandular trichomes, there are always glandular trichomes on T. scordium subsp. scordioides and sometimes on T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum. Glandular trichomes of T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum are short and with 1-2 sap cells and of T. scordium subsp. scordioides are long and 3-5 sap cells. The leaf of T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum is dorsiventral and has thick mesophyll, and of T. scordium subsp. scordioides is isolateral and has very thin mesophyll. The leaves are hipostomatic and the upper epidermal cells have spherocrystal in T. scordium subsp. scordioides, they are amphistomatic and the upper epidermal cells have not spherocrystal in T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum. Although the stomata are anomocytic in both taxa, they are xeromorph type in T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum, mesomorph type in T. scordium subsp. scordioides. According to the light and scanning electron microscope studies, the size, shape and indument of the nutlets are different in the two taxa. The taxonomic value of the obtained data in delineation of the sections Scordium ve Chamaedrys is also discussed.
In this study, the taxa Teucrium chamaedrys L. subsp. tauricolum Rech. fil. and T. scordium L. subsp. scordioides (Schreber) Maire & Petitmengin from the closely related sections Scordium Boiss. and Chamaedrys Benth. in the genus Teucrium L. are investigated in terms of leaf and stem anatomy, and nutlet micromorphology. According to the results, stem anatomy of both taxa exhibit the general features of the family Labiatae. Although there are in both taxa multicellular eglandular trichomes, there are always glandular trichomes on T. scordium subsp. scordioides and sometimes on T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum. Glandular trichomes of T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum are short and with 1-2 sap cells and of T. scordium subsp. scordioides are long and 3-5 sap cells. The leaf of T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum is dorsiventral and has thick mesophyll, and of T. scordium subsp. scordioides is isolateral and has very thin mesophyll. The leaves are hipostomatic and the upper epidermal cells have spherocrystal in T. scordium subsp. scordioides, they are amphistomatic and the upper epidermal cells have not spherocrystal in T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum. Although the stomata are anomocytic in both taxa, they are xeromorph type in T. chamaedrys subsp. tauricolum, mesomorph type in T. scordium subsp. scordioides. According to the light and scanning electron microscope studies, the size, shape and indument of the nutlets are different in the two taxa. The taxonomic value of the obtained data in delineation of the sections Scordium ve Chamaedrys is also discussed.
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