Marûf El-Arnâût ve Tarihî Romanları (Teknik ve Tematik İnceleme)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na kadar Lübnan ile pek çok ortak kültür mirasından
yararlanmış olan Suriye, XIX. yüzyılda edebiyata karşı canlı bir ilginin başladığı
Arap ülkelerinden biri olmuştur. Özellikle savaştan sonraki Fransız manda yönetimi
altında yazarlar ve yayıncılar için Fransa başta olmak üzere batı ülkelerinde okumuş
bir aydın seçkinler grubu sözkonusu olsa da edebiyat alanında milli duygular taşıyan
hareketler Suriye’de azımsanmayacak derecede çoktur. Bu dönemde şiir, hikâye,
roman ve tiyatro gibi edebi türlerde bağımsızlık ruhu içeren pek çok eser ortaya
Maʿrûf el-Arnâ’ûṭ modern Suriye edebiyatında tarihî roman alanında eserler
kaleme almış olan en önemli yazarlardandır. Yazar bu türde Seyyidu Ḳureyş, Ömer b.
el-Ḫaṭṭâb, Ṭârıḳ b. Ziyâd ve Fâṭımetu’l-Betûl isimleriyle dört adet eser telif etmiştir.
İslam tarihini anlatmak üzere kaleme aldığı romanlarıyla özgürlük adına Müslüman
Arapların nasıl bir tavır içerisinde olması gerektiği konusunda okurlarına fikir
vermeyi amaçlamıştır. Bundan dolayı romanlarında vatan sevgisi, fedakârlık, cesaret,
bağımsızlık, kahramanlık, ümit gibi temalar üzerinde durmuştur. Ayrıca teknik
açıdan değerlendirildiğinde romanlarının son derece değerli eserler olduğu
Syria, which benefited from many common cultural heritage with Lebanon until the First World War, has been one of the Arab countries where a lively interest in literature began in the 19th century. Especially under the French mandate after the war, there was a group of intellectuals who studied in western countries, especially in France, for writers and publishers, but movements with national feelings in the field of literature are not to be underestimated in Syria. During this period, many works containing the spirit of independence emerged in literary genres such as poetry, stories, novels and theatre. Marouf al-Arnaout is one of the most important writers who wrote works in the field of historical novels in modern Syrian literature. In this genre, the author wrote four works under the names Sayyidu Quraysh, ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab, Ṭariq b. Ziyad and Faṭimatu'l-Batul. With his novels that he wrote to tell the history of Islam, he aimed to give an idea to his readers about the attitude of Muslim Arabs in the name of freedom. Therefore, in his novels, he focused on themes such as patriotism, self sacrifice, courage, independence, heroism and hope. In addition, when evaluated from a technical point of view, it is seen that his novels are extremely valuable works.
Syria, which benefited from many common cultural heritage with Lebanon until the First World War, has been one of the Arab countries where a lively interest in literature began in the 19th century. Especially under the French mandate after the war, there was a group of intellectuals who studied in western countries, especially in France, for writers and publishers, but movements with national feelings in the field of literature are not to be underestimated in Syria. During this period, many works containing the spirit of independence emerged in literary genres such as poetry, stories, novels and theatre. Marouf al-Arnaout is one of the most important writers who wrote works in the field of historical novels in modern Syrian literature. In this genre, the author wrote four works under the names Sayyidu Quraysh, ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭab, Ṭariq b. Ziyad and Faṭimatu'l-Batul. With his novels that he wrote to tell the history of Islam, he aimed to give an idea to his readers about the attitude of Muslim Arabs in the name of freedom. Therefore, in his novels, he focused on themes such as patriotism, self sacrifice, courage, independence, heroism and hope. In addition, when evaluated from a technical point of view, it is seen that his novels are extremely valuable works.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı, Tarihî Roman, Suriye, Marûf el-Arnâût, Arabic Language and Literature, Historical Novel, Syria, Marouf al-Arnaout
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gördebil, M., (2022). Marûf El-Arnâût ve Tarihî Romanları (Teknik ve Tematik İnceleme). (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.