Faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğü
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Küçük buluşların da korunması gerektiği fikrinden hareketle, patentteki korumaya benzer bir koruma sistemi, faydalı model fikri olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Temeli patente dayanan, Sanayiye uygulanabilen ancak buluş basamağına ulaşmayan, alanında getirdiği yenilik ile basit problemleri çözen küçük, teknik ve fonksiyonel buluşları faydalı model olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Faydalı model başvuruları, Türk Patent Enstitüsünce şeklî bir incelemeye tabi tutulmaktadır. İlana çıkarılan faydalı modellere ilan süresince yapılan itirazlar, Türk Patent Enstitüsünce incelenmemektedir. Başvuru sahibinin itiraza rağmen belge istemesi halinde, çoğu zaman hükümsüzlük hallerinden birçoğuna sahip belgelerin tescil edildiği görülmektedir. Faydalı model belgeleri hangi amaçla alınırsa alınsın, belgeden doğan hakların piyasadaki yoğun rekabet ortamında herhangi bir şekilde üçüncü kişilere karşı kullanılma ihtimali daima vardır. Genellikle bu hakların kullanımından doğacak ağır zararları önlemek için veya açılan davalara karşı dava olarak faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğü yoluna gidilmektedir. Faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğü altındaki düzenlemeler de bu gereklilikten kaynaklanmaktadır. Faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğüne ilişkin gelişmelerin dönüm noktası, 21.04.2004 gün ve 25440 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayınlanan Anayasa Mahkemesi´nin 23.03.2004 gün ve 2001/1 Esas, 2004/36 Karar sayılı kararı ile olmuştur. PatKHK m. 165/3'ün, Anayasa´nın 36 ve 91'inci maddelerine aykırı bulunarak iptal edilmesi ile zarar gören üçüncü kişilerin hükümsüzlük davası açabilmeleri, herhangi bir şarta bağlı olmadan, koruma süresi boyunca talep edilebilir hale dönüşmüştür. Faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğü; belgenin yeni olmaması, sanayiye uygulanamaması, açık ve tam olarak tanımlanmaması, başvurunun kapsam dışına çıkması ve faydalı model isteme hakkına sahip olmaması gibi sınırlı durumlarda talep edilebilmektedir. Bazı istisnalar dışında, belge sahibinin haklarını kullanmasına engel olan, tazminata hükmedilebilen, belgenin hükümsüz kılınması ile kararın geriye etkili olarak başvuru tarihi itibariyle sicilden terkin edilmesi gibi önemli hukuki sonuçları olan hükümsüzlük davası, faydalı modeller açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Uygulamada, patentin hükümsüzlüğü davalarından daha çok, faydalı modelin hükümsüzlüğü davalarına başvurulması ve bu davalarda yaşanan sorunlar çalışma konumuzun belirlenmesinde önemli bir etken olmuştur.
Considering that the idea of protecting petit inventions is also necessary, a protection system similar to patent protection came out as utility model idea. We can define utility model as; petit, technical, and functional inventions which are based on patent, applicable to industry but not reaching inventive step and solving simple problems with innovation in relevant field. Utility model applications are subjected to a procedural review by Turkish Patent Institute. Oppositions to published utility models during publication are not examined by Turkish Patent Institute. In case of applicant?s certificate demand in despite of opposition, mostly it is seen that certificates having many of invalidity circumstances are registered. For any purpose to obtain utility model certificate, possibility of use of certificate resultant rights against third parties in any way always exists in strong competition environment. Generally in order to prevent severe harms resulted from use of these rights or as countersuit against brought suits, invalidity of utility model is resorted. Regulations under invalidity of utility model are originated in this necessity. Turning point in developments relating to invalidity of utility model is constituted with Constitutional Court?s decision, dated 23.03.2004, Nr. 2001/1 Base and 2004/36 Decision, published in Official Gazette Nr. 25440, dated 21.04.2004. Bringing a invalidity suit turns into claimable for third parties during protection period, without any condition, with revocation of art.165/3 of Patent Decree Law that found contrary to art.36 and art.91 of Constitution. Invalidity of utility model is claimable in limited conditions as; the document is not new, utility model is not applicable to industry and not able to be identified explicitly and exactly, application is out of the scope and does not have the right to demand utility model. With some exceptions, invalidity suit, which has important legal results like; preventing certificate owner to use rights of certificate, awarding damages, retroactively cancellation of certificate from registry by the date of application via certificate is nullified, is all important for utility models. Applying for invalidity suits of utility model more than invalidity suits of patent in practice and the problems encountered in these suits are the important factors to determine subject of our study.
Considering that the idea of protecting petit inventions is also necessary, a protection system similar to patent protection came out as utility model idea. We can define utility model as; petit, technical, and functional inventions which are based on patent, applicable to industry but not reaching inventive step and solving simple problems with innovation in relevant field. Utility model applications are subjected to a procedural review by Turkish Patent Institute. Oppositions to published utility models during publication are not examined by Turkish Patent Institute. In case of applicant?s certificate demand in despite of opposition, mostly it is seen that certificates having many of invalidity circumstances are registered. For any purpose to obtain utility model certificate, possibility of use of certificate resultant rights against third parties in any way always exists in strong competition environment. Generally in order to prevent severe harms resulted from use of these rights or as countersuit against brought suits, invalidity of utility model is resorted. Regulations under invalidity of utility model are originated in this necessity. Turning point in developments relating to invalidity of utility model is constituted with Constitutional Court?s decision, dated 23.03.2004, Nr. 2001/1 Base and 2004/36 Decision, published in Official Gazette Nr. 25440, dated 21.04.2004. Bringing a invalidity suit turns into claimable for third parties during protection period, without any condition, with revocation of art.165/3 of Patent Decree Law that found contrary to art.36 and art.91 of Constitution. Invalidity of utility model is claimable in limited conditions as; the document is not new, utility model is not applicable to industry and not able to be identified explicitly and exactly, application is out of the scope and does not have the right to demand utility model. With some exceptions, invalidity suit, which has important legal results like; preventing certificate owner to use rights of certificate, awarding damages, retroactively cancellation of certificate from registry by the date of application via certificate is nullified, is all important for utility models. Applying for invalidity suits of utility model more than invalidity suits of patent in practice and the problems encountered in these suits are the important factors to determine subject of our study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Faydalı model, Utility model, Nullity, Private law, Özel hukuk
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Barkale, M. M. (2010). modelin hükümsüzlüğü, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya