Sözlü Kültür Geleneği̇nde İslami̇ Unsurlar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dinler, geçmişten bugüne tarihin en önemli unsurlarından biri olmuştur. İnsanlık, tarih
boyunca inanacağı bir yaratıcı, mensup olacağı bir din aramıştır. Türkler de tarih sahnesine
çıktıkları günden itibaren bu arayışın içerisine giren milletler arasındadır. Türkler arasında VIII.
yüzyılda başlayan İslamiyet’i tanıma ve benimseme süreci X. yüzyılda büyük bir ivme
kazanmış ve İslamiyet, Türkler arasında hızla yayılmıştır.
Türklerin Orta Asya’dan ayrılarak yeni yurt edinme çabaları, bu yolda karşılaştıkları
zorluklar, buna bağlı olarak aksiyon dolu hayatları, konar-göçer yaşam şekli, sözlü kültürlerini
yazıya geçirmelerini geciktirmiştir. Bu durum, günümüzde dahi Türkleri bütünüyle anlamak
için sözlü kültürün önemini arttırmıştır.
İslamiyet’i benimseyen Türkler, o tarihe kadar meydana getirdikleri sözlü kültürlerini
yüzyıllar içerisinde İslamiyet ile yoğurarak zenginleştirmiş ve bir sözlü kültür geleneği ortaya
koymuşlardır. Bu çalışmamız sözlü kültür geleneği ürünlerinden anonim halk anlatmalarında,
anonim halk şiirinde, halk tiyatrosunda, kalıplaşmış ifadelerde ve geçiş dönemlerinde tespit
edilen İslami unsurları bilimsel bir incelemeye tabi tutmaktadır.
Geleneğin ürünlerinde özellikle, inanç ve ibadet bağlamında tespit edilen İslami
unsurların ürünlere yansımaları, meydana getirdikleri etkileri; anlatıma ve temsile dayalı
eserlerde kahramanların davranışlarını belirlemesi; kalıplaşmış ifadelerde ve şiirsel türlerde
duygu ve düşünceyi; geçiş dönemlerinde pratikleri şekillendirmesi ve tamamında İslamiyet’in
öğretilmesindeki rolleri, büyük bir öneme sahiptir.
Bu çalışmayla Anadolu sözlü kültür geleneğinde inanca, ibadete ve sosyal hayata dair
İslami unsurlar tespit edilerek bunların halk kültürü içerisindeki yeri ve İslami
değerlerin/kavramların öğretilmesindeki işlevi ortaya konulmuştur.
Religions have been one of the most significant elements of history from past to present. Throughout history, humanity has sought a creator to believe in and a religion to belong to. Turks are among the nations that have been in this quest since the day they appeared on the stage of history. The process of adopting Islam that started in the 8th century in the real sense among the Turks gained great momentum in the 10th century and Islam spread rapidly among the Turks. The efforts of the Turks to leave the Central Asian plains and to establish a new homeland, the difficulties they faced on this road, their action-packed lives, the long-lasting nomadic life style delayed their verbal culture to be written down. This situation has increased the importance of oral culture in order to fully understand the Turks even today. Turks, who adopted Islam, have enriched their oral culture, which they had created until that date, with Islam and enriched it over the centuries and put forward an oral culture tradition. This study examines the Islamic elements identified in anonymous folk narratives, anonymous folk poetry, folk theater, stereotyped expressions and transitional periods, which are among the products of oral culture tradition. Reflections of Islamic elements determined in the products of tradition, especially in the context of belief and worship, on products and their effects; determining the behavior of heroes in works based on narration and representation; feeling and thinking in stereotypes and poetic genres; shaping practices in transition periods and their role in the teaching of Islam in all are of great importance. With this study, the Islamic elements of belief, worship and social life in the Anatolian oral culture tradition will be determined, and their place in folk culture and their function in the teaching of Islamic values / concepts will be revealed.
Religions have been one of the most significant elements of history from past to present. Throughout history, humanity has sought a creator to believe in and a religion to belong to. Turks are among the nations that have been in this quest since the day they appeared on the stage of history. The process of adopting Islam that started in the 8th century in the real sense among the Turks gained great momentum in the 10th century and Islam spread rapidly among the Turks. The efforts of the Turks to leave the Central Asian plains and to establish a new homeland, the difficulties they faced on this road, their action-packed lives, the long-lasting nomadic life style delayed their verbal culture to be written down. This situation has increased the importance of oral culture in order to fully understand the Turks even today. Turks, who adopted Islam, have enriched their oral culture, which they had created until that date, with Islam and enriched it over the centuries and put forward an oral culture tradition. This study examines the Islamic elements identified in anonymous folk narratives, anonymous folk poetry, folk theater, stereotyped expressions and transitional periods, which are among the products of oral culture tradition. Reflections of Islamic elements determined in the products of tradition, especially in the context of belief and worship, on products and their effects; determining the behavior of heroes in works based on narration and representation; feeling and thinking in stereotypes and poetic genres; shaping practices in transition periods and their role in the teaching of Islam in all are of great importance. With this study, the Islamic elements of belief, worship and social life in the Anatolian oral culture tradition will be determined, and their place in folk culture and their function in the teaching of Islamic values / concepts will be revealed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bunsuz, H., (2021). Sözlü Kültür Geleneği̇nde İslami̇ Unsurlar. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.