Ege bölgesindeki Nannospalax xanthodon (Mammalia: Rodentia)'nun bazı kromozomal sitotiplerinin gümüş nitrat bantlama yöntemi ile karşılaştırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada, Ege Bölgesindeki (Aydın, Manisa ve İzmir) kör farelerin, Nannospalax xanthodon, dört (2n=36, 38, 50 ve 56) sitotipi araştırıldı. Beş lokaliteden 7?si erkek, 6?sı dişi olmak üzere toplam 13 kör fare örneğinin standart kromozom boyama, Ag- NOR boyama ve C-bantlama analizi yapıldı. 2n=36, 38, 50 ve 56 sitotiplerinin NOR özellikleri ilk kez bu çalışmada tespit edildi. 2n=36 ve 38 sitotiplerinin sadece düşük diploid sayıları tarafından desteklenen sitogenetiğinin belirli filogenetik pozisyonu ve C-bantlı örnekleri ve NOR dağılımı yüksek kromozom sayılı populasyonlar içinde oldukça benzerdir. 2n=36 sitotipinde sentromerik C-bantlı birkaç otozom gözlemlendi. Aynı sitotip içinde, bir otozomal çiftin kısa kolu ve bir başka çiftin uzun kolu interstitial C-banda sahiptir. 2n=38 sitotipindeki üç çift subtelosentrik kromozomun kısa kollarının tamamı C-heterokromatin olarak gözlemlendi. Diğer otozomal çiftlerin çoğu sentromerik C-bantlara sahiptir. X kromozomu dahil olmak üzere her iki sitotipte farklı koyu C-bantlar gözlemlendi. 2n=50 sitotipinde, dört çift kromozomun kısa kolunun tamamının C-heterokromatin olduğu ve bir çift iki kollu ve iki çift akrosentrik kromozomda sentromerik C-bantlar olduğu tespit edildi. 2n=56 Kula ve Alaşehir sitotiplerinin dört çift submetasentrik, bir çift subtelosentrik, üç çift akrosentrik ve X kromozomunda koyu C-bantlar gözlemlenmiştir. Ancak, Kula sitotipinde Y kromozomun tamamı C-pozitifdir. Dört sitotipin üç otozomal çifti üzerinde Ag-NOR bölgeler bulundu. 2n=36, 38 ve 56 Alaşehir sitotiplerinde NOR'lar bir çift submetesentrik ve iki çift subtelosentrik koromozomun kısa kollarının telomerik bölgesinde tespit edildi. 2n=50 ve 56 Kula sitotiplerindeki diğer NOR'lar ise iki çift submetasentrik ve bir çift subtelosentrik koromozomun kısa kollarının telomerik bölgesinde tespit edildi.
In this study, four cytotypes (2n = 36, 38, 50 and 56) of blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon, from the Aegean region (Aydın, Manisa and İzmir provinces) in Turkey were investigated. Conventional chromosome staining, Ag-NOR staining and C-banding analysis were carried out 7 male and 6 female, total 13 specimens of mole rats from 5 localties. NOR specialities of 2n=36, 38, 50 and 56 cytotypes have been determined for the first time in this study. The particular phylogenetic position of 2n=36 and 38 cytotypes is from the cytogenetic point of view supported by their low diploid numbers only, and the C-banding pattern and the NORs distribution seem generally similar as in populations with higher chromosome numbers. Several autosomal pairs with centromeric dark C-bands were observed in the 2n=36 cytotype. In the same cytotype, one autosomal pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the short arm and another pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the long arm. Whole C-heterochromatic short arms were observed in three subtelocentric autosomal pairs in the 2n=38 cytotype. Most of the other autosomal pairs possessed centromeric dark C-bands. Distinct dark C-bands were observed also in the including X chromosomes of both the cytotypes. In 2n=50 cytotype, it was determined C-heterochromatin regions in entirely short arms of 4 biarmed pairs and centromeric bands in a biarmed pair and two acrocentric pairs chromosomes. Dark centromeric C-bands were observed in the four pairs submetacentric, a pair subtelocentric, three pairs acrocentric and X chromosomes of 2n=56 Kula and Alaşehir cytotypes. But entirely Y chromosome of Kula cytotype is C-positive. The Ag-NOR regions were found on three autosomal pairs of four the cytotypes. These NORs in 2n=36, 38 and 56 Alaşehir cytotypes were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of one submetacentric and two subtelocentric pair. In other NORs in 2n=50 and 56 Kula cytotypes were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of two submetacentric and one subtelocentric pair.
In this study, four cytotypes (2n = 36, 38, 50 and 56) of blind mole rats, Nannospalax xanthodon, from the Aegean region (Aydın, Manisa and İzmir provinces) in Turkey were investigated. Conventional chromosome staining, Ag-NOR staining and C-banding analysis were carried out 7 male and 6 female, total 13 specimens of mole rats from 5 localties. NOR specialities of 2n=36, 38, 50 and 56 cytotypes have been determined for the first time in this study. The particular phylogenetic position of 2n=36 and 38 cytotypes is from the cytogenetic point of view supported by their low diploid numbers only, and the C-banding pattern and the NORs distribution seem generally similar as in populations with higher chromosome numbers. Several autosomal pairs with centromeric dark C-bands were observed in the 2n=36 cytotype. In the same cytotype, one autosomal pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the short arm and another pair possessed an interstitial dark C-band on the long arm. Whole C-heterochromatic short arms were observed in three subtelocentric autosomal pairs in the 2n=38 cytotype. Most of the other autosomal pairs possessed centromeric dark C-bands. Distinct dark C-bands were observed also in the including X chromosomes of both the cytotypes. In 2n=50 cytotype, it was determined C-heterochromatin regions in entirely short arms of 4 biarmed pairs and centromeric bands in a biarmed pair and two acrocentric pairs chromosomes. Dark centromeric C-bands were observed in the four pairs submetacentric, a pair subtelocentric, three pairs acrocentric and X chromosomes of 2n=56 Kula and Alaşehir cytotypes. But entirely Y chromosome of Kula cytotype is C-positive. The Ag-NOR regions were found on three autosomal pairs of four the cytotypes. These NORs in 2n=36, 38 and 56 Alaşehir cytotypes were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of one submetacentric and two subtelocentric pair. In other NORs in 2n=50 and 56 Kula cytotypes were located in telomeric areas of the short arms of two submetacentric and one subtelocentric pair.
Anahtar Kelimeler
C-bantlama, C-banding, Ege Bölgesi, Karyotype, Karyotip, Nannospalax xanthodon, NOR
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arısoy, A. (2013). Ege bölgesindeki Nannospalax xanthodon (Mammalia: Rodentia)'nun bazı kromozomal sitotiplerinin gümüş nitrat bantlama yöntemi ile karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.