İdarenin kolluk faaliyeti olarak genel ahlakın korunması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Genel ahlak; kamu düzeninin sağlanması için idari kolluk faaliyetlerine konu olan bir kavram olmakla birlikte tanımı, niteliği, kapsamı ve sınırları hakkında üzerinde herhangi bir görüş birliği sağlanamamıştır. Genel ahlakın korunması özellikle modernleşmeden sonra farklı bir form haline gelerek uluslararası hukuk ve Türk hukukunda çeşitli düzenlemelere konu edilmiştir. Kavram, temel hak ve özgürlüklerin sınırlandırılması için meşru sebep olarak düzenlenmiştir. Hukuki belirlilik ilkesi kapsamında kavramın incelenmesi, bireysel özgürlükler ve kamu düzeni arasında adil bir dengenin kurulabilmesi için önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada idarenin kolluk faaliyetine konu olan genel ahlak kavramının tanımı, niteliği, kapsamı ve sınırlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde kavramsal bir inceleme yapılarak toplumsal düzen unsuru olarak ahlak ve genel ahlak kavramları incelenmiş, genel ahlak kavramının etkilediği ve etkilendiği hususlar tespit edilmiştir. İkinci bölümdeyse genel ahlak kavramının işlevi kamu düzeni ve idari kolluk faaliyeti kapsamında incelenmiş, güncel gelişmeler ve mevzuat düzenlemeleri ışığında kamu düzeninin sağlanması için kolluk faaliyetindeki yeri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Although public morality is a concept that is subject to administrative law enforcement activities to ensure public order, there is no consensus on its definition, nature, scope and boundaries. The protection of public morality has become a different form especially after modernisation and has been subject to various regulations in international law and Turkish law. The concept is regulated as a legitimate reason for the limitation of fundamental rights and freedoms. Analysing the concept within the scope of the principle of legal certainty is important for establishing a fair balance between individual freedoms and public order. This study aims to determine the definition, nature, scope and limits of the concept of public morality, which is subject to the law enforcement activities of the administration. In this context, the study consists of two parts. In the first part, the concepts of morality and public morality as an element of social order are analysed by subjecting them to a conceptual analysis, and the issues that the concept of public morality affects and is affected by are identified. In the second part, the function of the concept of public morality has been examined within the scope of public order and administrative law enforcement activities, and an attempt has been made to determine its role in law enforcement activities for the maintenance of public order in the light of current developments and legislative regulations.
Although public morality is a concept that is subject to administrative law enforcement activities to ensure public order, there is no consensus on its definition, nature, scope and boundaries. The protection of public morality has become a different form especially after modernisation and has been subject to various regulations in international law and Turkish law. The concept is regulated as a legitimate reason for the limitation of fundamental rights and freedoms. Analysing the concept within the scope of the principle of legal certainty is important for establishing a fair balance between individual freedoms and public order. This study aims to determine the definition, nature, scope and limits of the concept of public morality, which is subject to the law enforcement activities of the administration. In this context, the study consists of two parts. In the first part, the concepts of morality and public morality as an element of social order are analysed by subjecting them to a conceptual analysis, and the issues that the concept of public morality affects and is affected by are identified. In the second part, the function of the concept of public morality has been examined within the scope of public order and administrative law enforcement activities, and an attempt has been made to determine its role in law enforcement activities for the maintenance of public order in the light of current developments and legislative regulations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kamu Düzeni, Genel Ahlak, İdari Kolluk Faaliyeti, Sekülerleşme, Belirsiz Hukuki Kavram, Müstehcenlik, Public Order, Public Morality, Administrative Law Enforcement Activity, Secularization, Uncertain Legal Concept, Obscenity
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Samur, M. C. (2024). İdarenin kolluk faaliyeti olarak genel ahlakın korunması. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.