Günümüz Türk resim sanatında kent kültürü ve devinim
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Türk resim sanatı, 18. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren Avrupa resim sanatından etkilenmeye başlamıştır. Avrupa resim sanatının ve Türk resim sanatının, dönemsel etkilerden yola çıkarak yeni yorumlara ulaşma çabası, sanatın anlaşılması adına sürekli bir gerçeklik olmuştur. Bu süreç içinde, sanat anlayışları ve üslupları, izleyenleri etkileyerek ilgi uyandırmış ve birer yorum modeli haline gelmiştir. 1950 sonrasında Türk resim sanatında, çağdaş anlamda yeni arayışlara ve yorumlara ulaşma çabasının bir tutku haline geldiği dikkati çeker. Sanatçılar, resim sanatının özgün dilini kullanarak kendilerine özgü yorum tarzlarına ulaşmış, duygu ve düşüncelerini evrensel boyutlara taşımıştır. Bu dönemde ortaya çıkan sanat eserlerinde kent kültürü imgelerinin kullanıldığı görülmektedir Geçmiş 50 yıl içinde yaşanılan kenti resmetmeye çalışan 9 sanatçının eserlerini analiz ederek ,bu süreçte sanatçıların resimlerinde kullanmış oldukları kendi imgelerini nasıl yansıttıkları detaylı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır. Plastik öğeler üzerinden yapılan bu inceleme, sanatçıların eserlerinin derinliğini ve karmaşıklığını anlamak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir.1950 sonrası Türk resminde kent kültürü ve devinim konularını ele alarak, bu tematik çerçevede yorumsal çalışmalar gerçekleştiren sanatçıları incelemeye yönelik bir çaba sarf edilmiştir. Türk resmine dair cevaplar aramak adına resmin kendi dili içinde derinleştik. Türk resim sanatındaki sanatçıların kent kültürü ve devinim konularındaki özgünlük arayışlarını belirleyerek, seçilen örnekler üzerinden elde edilen bulguları ve yorumları bir başlık altında topladık. Bu çalışma, Türk resim sanatında kent kültürü ve devinim temasının öne çıkan sanatçılarına dair katkılar içerir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, ilgili literatüre katkı sağlamak amacıyla bir araya getirilmiş ve bu çalışmanın, alanındaki araştırmacılara yeni bir kaynak sunma potansiyeli olduğu düşünülmüştür.
Turkish painting began to be influenced by European painting from the second half of the 18th century. The effort of European painting and Turkish painting to reach new interpretations based on periodic influences has been a constant reality for the understanding of art. During this process, artistic concepts and styles influenced the audience, aroused interest and became models of interpretation. It is noteworthy that after 1950, the effort to reach new searches and interpretations in a contemporary sense became a passion in Turkish painting art. By using the original language of painting, artists have achieved their own style of interpretation and carried their feelings and thoughts to universal dimensions. It is seen that urban culture images were used in the works of art that emerged in this period. By analyzing the works of 9 artists who tried to portray the city in the past 50 years, how the artists reflected their own images in their paintings was discussed in detail. This examination of plastic items was carried out in order to understand the depth and complexity of the artists' works.By addressing the issues of urban culture and movement in Turkish painting after 1950, an effort has been made to examine the artists who carried out interpretive works within this thematic framework. In order to search for answers about Turkish painting, we delved deeper into the language of painting itself. By determining the search for originality of the artists in Turkish painting on urban culture and movement, we gathered the findings and comments obtained from the selected examples under one heading. This study includes contributions about the prominent artists of the theme of urban culture and movement in Turkish painting. The results obtained were brought together in order to contribute to the relevant literature and it was thought that this study had the potential to offer a new resource to researchers in the field.
Turkish painting began to be influenced by European painting from the second half of the 18th century. The effort of European painting and Turkish painting to reach new interpretations based on periodic influences has been a constant reality for the understanding of art. During this process, artistic concepts and styles influenced the audience, aroused interest and became models of interpretation. It is noteworthy that after 1950, the effort to reach new searches and interpretations in a contemporary sense became a passion in Turkish painting art. By using the original language of painting, artists have achieved their own style of interpretation and carried their feelings and thoughts to universal dimensions. It is seen that urban culture images were used in the works of art that emerged in this period. By analyzing the works of 9 artists who tried to portray the city in the past 50 years, how the artists reflected their own images in their paintings was discussed in detail. This examination of plastic items was carried out in order to understand the depth and complexity of the artists' works.By addressing the issues of urban culture and movement in Turkish painting after 1950, an effort has been made to examine the artists who carried out interpretive works within this thematic framework. In order to search for answers about Turkish painting, we delved deeper into the language of painting itself. By determining the search for originality of the artists in Turkish painting on urban culture and movement, we gathered the findings and comments obtained from the selected examples under one heading. This study includes contributions about the prominent artists of the theme of urban culture and movement in Turkish painting. The results obtained were brought together in order to contribute to the relevant literature and it was thought that this study had the potential to offer a new resource to researchers in the field.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çağdaş Türk Resmi, Kent Kültürü, Devinim, Resim Sanatı, Contemporary Turkish Painting, Urban Culture, Movement, Painting Art
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Harputlu, M. (2023). Günümüz Türk resim sanatında kent kültürü ve devinim. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.