Helminthosis of rural poultry in Quetta, Pakistan
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi
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Quetta bölgesinde 120 adet kırsal alan tavuğunda helmint parazitleri araştırıldı ve enfeksiyon oranı yaklaşık %75.8 olarak belirlendi. Prevalans kış mevsiminde (%81.6) yaz mevsiminden (%70) daha yüksek belirlendi. Raillietina tetragona (%48.3), Choanotaenia spp. (%20), R. echinobothrida (%19.2), Cotugnia spp. (%1.7) ve R. cesticillus (%0.8) olmak üzere beş farklı sestot türü belirlendi. Nematod olarak Ascaridia galli (%10.8), Allodapa suctoria (%0.8)’dan daha fazla belirlendi. İncelemede en fazla tek parazitle enfeksiyon (%53.3) belirlenirken, iki, üç ve dörtlü enfeksiyon da (%20, 1.7 ve 0.8) belirlendi. Tavukların %5.8’inde nematod ve sestodla miks enfeksiyon belirlendi. Sonuç olarak köy tavuğu yetiştiriciliğinde rutin olarak antelmentik uygulamalar yapılmalıdır.
Helminth parasites were studied in 120 rural chickens in Quetta, showing overall infection to be 75.8%. Prevalence was higher in winter (81.6%) than in summer (70%). Five cestodes were found, i.e., Raillietina tetragona (48.3%), followed by Choanotaenia spp. (20%), R. echinobothrida (19.2%), Cotugnia spp. (1.7%) and R. cesticillus (0.8%). The nematode, Ascaridia galli was more prevalent (10.8%) than Allodapa suctoria (0.8%). Infection of one host with single species of helminth was seen at most occasions (53.3%), followed by double, triple and quadruple infections (20, 1.7 and 0.8%), respectively. Mixed infection with both nematodes and cestodes was seen in 5.8% of chickens. In conclusion, anthelmintic treatments should be done routinely in the rural poultry.
Helminth parasites were studied in 120 rural chickens in Quetta, showing overall infection to be 75.8%. Prevalence was higher in winter (81.6%) than in summer (70%). Five cestodes were found, i.e., Raillietina tetragona (48.3%), followed by Choanotaenia spp. (20%), R. echinobothrida (19.2%), Cotugnia spp. (1.7%) and R. cesticillus (0.8%). The nematode, Ascaridia galli was more prevalent (10.8%) than Allodapa suctoria (0.8%). Infection of one host with single species of helminth was seen at most occasions (53.3%), followed by double, triple and quadruple infections (20, 1.7 and 0.8%), respectively. Mixed infection with both nematodes and cestodes was seen in 5.8% of chickens. In conclusion, anthelmintic treatments should be done routinely in the rural poultry.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Helmint, kanatlı çiftliği, Pakistan, Helminth, rural poultry
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Faizullah, Ahmed, S., Babar, S., Fareed, S. K., Kakar, M. A., Ziaulhaq, Jan, S., (2013). Helminthosis of rural poultry in Quetta, Pakistan. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 29 (2), 103-105.