Spontaneous lymphoma in a Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi
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Mevcut klinik olguda, bir Golden hamsterda spontan lenfoma olgusu tartışıldı. Veteriner hastanesine iki haftadır süren kilo kaybı, iştahsızlık, ishal ve servical lenf nodüllerinde belirgin şişkinlikle karakterize erkek hamster getirildi. Fiziksel muayenede yaygın lenfadenomegali ve dehidrasyon belirlendi. Periton içi hidrokortizon ve dekstroz uygulamaları yapılmasına rağmen hasta öldü. Nekropside bütün süperfisial lenf yumrularında önemli büyümeler gözlendi. Ancak mezenterik, dalak ve karaciğer lenf yumrularının normal olduğu gözlendi. Diseke edilen lenf nodülleri merkezinde nekrozlar tespit edildi. Histopatolojik incelemede orta derecede mitotik indeksli büyük veziküler çekirdek içeren lenfoid hücreler belirlendi. Mevcut bulgular diffuz büyük B hücreli lenfomalı non-Hodgkin tanısını koydurdu. Laboratuvar hayvanlarında deneysel lenfomalar yapılmasına rağmen hamsterlarda spontan lenfomalar çok nadir gözlenmektedir. Mevcut klinik rapor spontan lenfomanın klinik ve histopatalojik varlığını tanımlandı.
In this clinical report, occurrence of a spontaneous lymphoma was discussed in a Golden hamster. Male hamster was referred to the veterinary hospital with a history of anorexia, diarrhea, prominent swelling of cervical lymph nodes and progressive weight loss since two weeks ago. During physical examination generalized lymphadenomegaly and severe dehydration was seen. Intraperitoneal dextrose and hydrocortisone was injected but the patient died. In necropsy, significant enlargements of all superficial lymph nodes were observed but the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and liver were seemed normal. Dissected lymph nodes showed necrotized center. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphoid cells containing large vesicular nuclei with evident nucleoli which showed moderate mitotic index. On the basis of these findings, a definitive diagnosis of non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-ceIl lymphoma was made. Experimentally induced lymphomas have been reported in laboratory animals; however, spontaneously occurring lymphomas have been infrequently described in hamsters. This clinical report describes the clinical and histopathological aspects of a spontaneous lymphoma.
In this clinical report, occurrence of a spontaneous lymphoma was discussed in a Golden hamster. Male hamster was referred to the veterinary hospital with a history of anorexia, diarrhea, prominent swelling of cervical lymph nodes and progressive weight loss since two weeks ago. During physical examination generalized lymphadenomegaly and severe dehydration was seen. Intraperitoneal dextrose and hydrocortisone was injected but the patient died. In necropsy, significant enlargements of all superficial lymph nodes were observed but the mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, and liver were seemed normal. Dissected lymph nodes showed necrotized center. Histopathologic examination revealed lymphoid cells containing large vesicular nuclei with evident nucleoli which showed moderate mitotic index. On the basis of these findings, a definitive diagnosis of non-Hodgkin diffuse large B-ceIl lymphoma was made. Experimentally induced lymphomas have been reported in laboratory animals; however, spontaneously occurring lymphomas have been infrequently described in hamsters. This clinical report describes the clinical and histopathological aspects of a spontaneous lymphoma.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Spontan lenfoma, golden hamster, histopataloji, Spontaneous lymphoma, golden hamster, histopathology
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kheirandish, R., Akhtardanesh, B., Askari, N., (2013). Spontaneous lymphoma in a Golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 29 (1), 50-52.