Bazı tahıl-baklagil karışımlarının verim özellikleri ve toprağa sağladığı organik madde miktarlarının belirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu araştırma 2011 yılında limon fidanları altında yetiştirilen tahıl- baklagil karışımlarının verim özelliklerinin ve toprağa sağladığı organik madde miktarlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Deneme Mersin'in Silifke ilçesinde 3 yaş limon fidan bahçesinde, ?Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller? deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmada materyal olarak, yem bezelyesi ve adi fiğin 75+25, 50+50 oranında arpa ile karışımları ekilmiştir. Ekimler 20.04.2011 tarihinde yapılmış, hasatlar ise 25.06.2011 tarihinde yapılmıştır. Belli oranlarda karıştırılan tahıl baklagil karışımlarının yeşil ot verimi, kuru ot verimi, kuru madde oranı, ham protein oranı ve verimi incelenmiştir. Ayrıca karışımların ekim öncesi, hasat zamanı ve hasattan bir ay sonrası dönemlerde yapılan toprak analizleri ile toprağa bıraktığı kuru kök artığı miktarlarına bakılmıştır. Araştırmamızda ele aldığımız kriterlere göre, karşım oranlarında en yüksek bitki boyu 59.32 cm ile 75 YB+25 A oranından elde edilirken, en düşük bitki boyu 36.71 cm ile 75 F+25 A 75:25 oranından, yeşil ot verimleri ise en yüksek 2.150 kg/da ile 75 YB+25 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük yeşil ot verimi 1.250 kg/da ile 50 F+50 A karışım oranından, kuru ot verimleri en yüksek 537.25 kg/da ile 75 YB+25 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük kuru ot verimi 250 kg/da ile 50 F+50 A karışım oranından ve kuru madde oranı en yüksek % 19.52 ile 50 YB+50 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük kuru madde oranı % 15.17 ile sıra arası 50 F+50 A karışım oranından elde edilmiştir. Farklı karışım oranlarındaki kuru madde verimi en yüksek 414.25 kg/da ile 75 YB+25 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük kuru madde verimi 189.20 kg/da ile 50 F+50 A karışım oranından, ham protein oranı en yüksek % 23.59 ile 75 YB+25 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük ham protein oranı % 21.96 ile 50 F+50 A karışım oranından, ham protein verimi en yüksek 97.04 kg/da ile 75 YB+25 A karışımından sağlanırken, en düşük ham protein verimi 21.96 kg/da ile 50 F+50 A karışım oranından bulunmuştur. Karışım oranlarına göre en yüksek kuru kök miktarı 294.69 kg/da ile 75 YB+25 A oranından, en düşük ise 108.05 kg/da ile 75 F+25 A oranından elde edilmiştir. Ekim yapılan deneme alanından ekim öncesi, hasat zamanı ve hasat sonrası olmak üzere üç farklı zamanda toprak örnekleri alınmıştır. Toprakta bitki kök kalıntıları, azot, fosfor, potasyum ve mikro element miktarları belirlenmiştir. Farklı örnek alma zamanlarına göre topraktaki organik madde miktarı ekim öncesinde % 1.60 olarak bulunmuştur. Hasat zamanında alınan toprak örneklerinde karışım oranlarının ortalamasına göre ise topraktaki organik madde miktarı % 1.54-2.25 arasında bulunmuştur. Araştırmamızdan elde edilen sonuçlara göre değerlendirildiğinde Akdeniz Bölgesi ve benzer iklim koşullarında turunçgil bahçelerinde ekilen ağaçların verime yatana, ağaç sıra araları tamamen kaplayıncaya kadar veya sonrasında da bu karışımlardan % 75 yem bezelyesi+% 25 arpa karışımı ekiminin uygun olacağı ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bölgede turunçgil bahçelerinde yapılacak % 75 yem bezelyesi+% 25 arpa karışım ekiminin bölge şartlarına göre Şubat sonu, Mart veya Nisan ayının ilk yarısında ekim yapılmalıdır. Bölgede yapılacak geç ekimlerde ise % 75 fiğ+% 25 arpa karışımının uygun olacağı, bakım işlerinin özellikle sulamanın araştırmamızda yeterli ve zamanında yapılması halinde bulduğumuz değerlerden daha fazla yeşil ot verimi alınabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
This research was performed in 2011 to determine the yiels qualities of grain legume that will be grown under lemon seedlings nursery and to determine the amount of organic matter that is provided to soil. Research has been performed 3 times repetition according to ?split plot randomized complete block? experineces paterns in Mersin?s district Silifke under 3 year lime nursery gardens. As for materials research, pea and vetch 75+25, 50+50 percent mixtures were sown with barley. The sowing carried out on 20.04.2011 and harvest carried out on 25.06.2011.We observed the forage yield, hay yield, dry matter content, crude protein conetent and yield. In addition, mixtures before planting, harvesting and post-harvest periods a month residual amount of root left in the soil by soil analysis were examined.. According to the creteria that we take into consideration in our research, the tallest plant height was 59.32 cm with 75 YB+25 A, the shortest plant height was 36.71 cm with 75 F+25 A, the forage yield was the highest with 2.150 kg/da with 75 YB+25 A mixture, the lowest forage yield was 1.250kg/da from 50 F+50 A mixture. the hay yield was the highest with 537.50 kg/da 75 YB+25 A mixture the lowest hay yield was with 250 kg/da 50 F+50 A mixture, the highest dry matter content was with % 19.52 50 YB+50 A mixture, the lowest dry matter content was with % 15.17 from the mixture of the 50 F+50 A. The yield of dry matter content within diffrent mixture was highest with 414.25 kg/da from the mixtures of 75 YB+25 A, the lowest dry matter content yield was 189.20 kg/da from mixture of 50 F+50 A, the highest crude protein content was % 23.59 from the mixture proportion of 75 YB+25 A, the lowest crude protein content was %21.96 from the mixture proportion of 50 F+50 A, the crude protein yield was the highest with 97.04 kg/da from the mixture proportion of 75 YB+25 A, the crude protein yield was the lowest with 41.73 kg/da from the mixture of 50 YB+50 A The mixture in proportion to the amount of the highest dry root 294.69 kg / ha to 75 HP +25 A ratio, the lower the 108.05 kg / ha and 75 F +25 A ratio were obtained. Field trial in sowing before planting, harvesting and post-harvest soil samples were taken at three different time. Soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micro elements were determined. According to the diffrent sampling time, the proportion of organic matter in soil was highest with %2.20 during harvest times?s samples, and the lowest was %1.60 from the sowing times? samples soil, according to the average of mixture, the amount of organic matter in soil was found %1.54-2.25. According to the results obtained from the study evaluated the Mediterranean Region and the yield of the trees planted in citrus orchards slept with similar climatic conditions, the tree is completely kaplayıncaya row spacings up to 75% of such mixtures or after the mixture of barley cultivation of fodder pea + 25% would be appropriate to come to the fore. Citrus orchards in the region of 75% to + 25% barley mixture of feed peas the end of February, according to regional conditions of cultivation, planting should be done in the first half of March or April. In late October, in the region of 75% vetch + 25% barley mixture would be appropriate, adequate and timely maintenance work to study, especially if irrigation forage yield can be further concluded that the values we found.
This research was performed in 2011 to determine the yiels qualities of grain legume that will be grown under lemon seedlings nursery and to determine the amount of organic matter that is provided to soil. Research has been performed 3 times repetition according to ?split plot randomized complete block? experineces paterns in Mersin?s district Silifke under 3 year lime nursery gardens. As for materials research, pea and vetch 75+25, 50+50 percent mixtures were sown with barley. The sowing carried out on 20.04.2011 and harvest carried out on 25.06.2011.We observed the forage yield, hay yield, dry matter content, crude protein conetent and yield. In addition, mixtures before planting, harvesting and post-harvest periods a month residual amount of root left in the soil by soil analysis were examined.. According to the creteria that we take into consideration in our research, the tallest plant height was 59.32 cm with 75 YB+25 A, the shortest plant height was 36.71 cm with 75 F+25 A, the forage yield was the highest with 2.150 kg/da with 75 YB+25 A mixture, the lowest forage yield was 1.250kg/da from 50 F+50 A mixture. the hay yield was the highest with 537.50 kg/da 75 YB+25 A mixture the lowest hay yield was with 250 kg/da 50 F+50 A mixture, the highest dry matter content was with % 19.52 50 YB+50 A mixture, the lowest dry matter content was with % 15.17 from the mixture of the 50 F+50 A. The yield of dry matter content within diffrent mixture was highest with 414.25 kg/da from the mixtures of 75 YB+25 A, the lowest dry matter content yield was 189.20 kg/da from mixture of 50 F+50 A, the highest crude protein content was % 23.59 from the mixture proportion of 75 YB+25 A, the lowest crude protein content was %21.96 from the mixture proportion of 50 F+50 A, the crude protein yield was the highest with 97.04 kg/da from the mixture proportion of 75 YB+25 A, the crude protein yield was the lowest with 41.73 kg/da from the mixture of 50 YB+50 A The mixture in proportion to the amount of the highest dry root 294.69 kg / ha to 75 HP +25 A ratio, the lower the 108.05 kg / ha and 75 F +25 A ratio were obtained. Field trial in sowing before planting, harvesting and post-harvest soil samples were taken at three different time. Soil organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and micro elements were determined. According to the diffrent sampling time, the proportion of organic matter in soil was highest with %2.20 during harvest times?s samples, and the lowest was %1.60 from the sowing times? samples soil, according to the average of mixture, the amount of organic matter in soil was found %1.54-2.25. According to the results obtained from the study evaluated the Mediterranean Region and the yield of the trees planted in citrus orchards slept with similar climatic conditions, the tree is completely kaplayıncaya row spacings up to 75% of such mixtures or after the mixture of barley cultivation of fodder pea + 25% would be appropriate to come to the fore. Citrus orchards in the region of 75% to + 25% barley mixture of feed peas the end of February, according to regional conditions of cultivation, planting should be done in the first half of March or April. In late October, in the region of 75% vetch + 25% barley mixture would be appropriate, adequate and timely maintenance work to study, especially if irrigation forage yield can be further concluded that the values we found.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arpa, Fiğ, Limon, Barley, Vetch, Citrus, Peas, Yem bezelyesi, Kuru madde, Organik madde, Organic matter, Dry matter, Ot verimi, Foage yield
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kaya, M. (2012). Bazı tahıl-baklagil karışımlarının verim özellikleri ve toprağa sağladığı organik madde miktarlarının belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.