Cytopathologic studies in sheep pneumonias
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi
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Amaç: Pnömonili koyun akciğerlerinden hazırlanmış sitolojik preparatlarla, aynı akciğerlerin histopatolojik kesitleri karşılaştırılarak, farklı lezyonlara sahip akciğerlerin eksfolyasyon özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kataral, irinli, fibrinli, intersitisyel ve verminöz lezyonlara sahip 65 hasta ve 5 sağlıklı akciğerden, ince iğne aspirasyonu ile alınarak hazırlanmış, Papanicolau EA 65 ve May-Grunwald Giemsa ile boyanmış sitoloijk preparatlar histopatolojik kesitlerle karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Sitolojik ve histopatolojik bulgular karşılaştırıldığında, makrofaj ve nötrofil lökositlrin kataral, irinli fibrinli ve verminöz pnömonilerde; eozinofil lökositlrin, nötrofillerle birlikte verminöz pnömonilerde ve lenfositlerin de intersitisyel pnömonilerde, kontrol grubuna göre önemli oranda artış gösterdiği tespit edildi. Öneri: Lezyonlu koyun akciğerlerinden hazırlanan sitolojik preparatların, özellikle verminöz ve intersitisyel pnömonilerde histopatolojik kesitlere uyumlu bir eksfolyasyon gösterdiği, nötrofil lökosit ve makrofajların artışı ise pnömoninin karakteri hakkında kesin bir belirleyici olmamakla birlikte, kataral, irinli, fibrinli ve verminöz pnömonilerde de- ğişken bir artış gösterdiği kanısına varıldı.
Aim: Aim was to investigate the exfoliation characters of sheep pneumonias by the comparison of histopathologic and cytopathologic results. Materials and Methods: Fine needle aspiration smears obtained from 5 healthy and 65 pneumonic sheep lungs showing catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, interstitial and verminous lesions were stained with Papanicolau EA 65 and May-Grunwald Giemsa and compared to histopathologic sections. Results: When compared cytolopathologic and histopathologic findings, it was observed that macrophages and neutrophile leucocytes increased in catarrhal, purulent, verninous and fibrinous pneumonias; eosinophile leucocytes increased in verminous pneumonias together with neutrophils and lymphocytes increased in interstitial pneumonia. Conclusions: Cytopathologic examinations of lung smears prepared from pneumonic lungs were found remarkable for the prediagnosis of sheep pneumonias, especially, in verminous and interstitial, and the increased macrophages and neutrophile leucocytes counts were found considerable but not determinative for the differantiaton of pneumonia type in sheep
Aim: Aim was to investigate the exfoliation characters of sheep pneumonias by the comparison of histopathologic and cytopathologic results. Materials and Methods: Fine needle aspiration smears obtained from 5 healthy and 65 pneumonic sheep lungs showing catarrhal, purulent, fibrinous, interstitial and verminous lesions were stained with Papanicolau EA 65 and May-Grunwald Giemsa and compared to histopathologic sections. Results: When compared cytolopathologic and histopathologic findings, it was observed that macrophages and neutrophile leucocytes increased in catarrhal, purulent, verninous and fibrinous pneumonias; eosinophile leucocytes increased in verminous pneumonias together with neutrophils and lymphocytes increased in interstitial pneumonia. Conclusions: Cytopathologic examinations of lung smears prepared from pneumonic lungs were found remarkable for the prediagnosis of sheep pneumonias, especially, in verminous and interstitial, and the increased macrophages and neutrophile leucocytes counts were found considerable but not determinative for the differantiaton of pneumonia type in sheep
Anahtar Kelimeler
Koyun, pnömoni, sitoloji, histopatoloji, Sheep, pneumonia, cytology, histopathology
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Oruç, E., (2011). Cytopathologic studies in sheep pneumonias. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 27 (1), 67-71.