Etibank ergani bakır işletmesi'nin kuruluşu ve Elazığ'ın maden ilçesine getirdikleri
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Şehirlerin ortaya çıkmasında ve şehir hayatının canlanmasında sosyo-ekonomik koşullar etkili olmaktadır. Bazen sanayileşme, bazen de coğrafi koşullar şehirlerin gelişmesini sağlayan etkenlerdendir. Anadolu'daki şehirlerden bazıları bu durumdan dolayı kurulmuş ve gelişmişlerdir. Bunlardan biri de Elazığ'ın Maden ilçesidir. Maden ilçesi dağlık bir bölgede yer almakta olup, ilçede bulunan bakır yatakları dolayısıyla, ilçe önem kazanmıştır. Bakır cevheri ilkçağlardan beri medeniyetler tarafından işlenmiş ve ekonomik bir getirisi olan kaynak olmuştur. Maden'de 1939'da üretime geçen Ergani Bakır İşletmesi modern usullerle bakır üretimi yapmış ve Maden'e tarihinin en parlak dönemlerini yaşatmıştır. İlçede nüfusun artması, ekonomik ve ticari canlılığın yaşanması bakır işletmesi sayesinde mümkün olmuştur. Ayrıca fabrika, Maden'e modern dünyanın elektriğini, demiryolunu hatta sinemasını getirmiştir. İşçiler için kalorifer sisteminin olduğu evler ve misafirhaneler inşa edilmiştir. Bu nedenle fabrika sadece bir üretim yeri değil aynı zamanda Maden'de yaşamayı cazip hale getiren imkanları halka sunmuştur. Bunların yanında işletme, Türkiye için de ekonomik açıdan en çok gelir getiren kuruluşlar arasında yer almış ve ülkenin bakır ihtiyacını fazlasıyla karşılamıştır. Fabrikada işlenen bakır, sadece yurt içine değil yurt dışına da sevk edilmiştir. Bunun sonucu olarak ülkeye ciddi anlamda döviz girdisi sağlanmıştır. Ancak fabrikanın zamanla üretimde azalmaya gitmesi nedeniyle ilçenin sosyo-ekonomik durumu olumsuz etkilenmiştir. İşçilerin çıkarılması ve ilçe nüfusunun yıldan yıla düşmesi bunların sonucunda yaşanmıştır. Bu makalede Ergani Bakır İşletmesi'nin Maden ilçesine olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır
The emergence of cities and city life in the revival of the socioeconomic conditions are effective. Both industrialization and geographical conditions affect the development of the city. Some of the cities in Anatolia was established and developed because of this situation. One of them is Maden District of Elazığ. It's located in a mountainous region situated in the county of the copper deposits, therefore, the district has gained importance. Copper ore has been processed by the civilizations and the source has been an economic return from earliest times. Started production in 1939 in Maden, Ergani Copper Factory made copper production in the modern ways and the county has lived the most bright periods of Maden's history. The increase of population in the county, the economic and commercial viability has been possible thanks to the occurrence of the copper factory. In addition, the factory, the modern world's electricity, railways were brought to Maden and even cinema. The heating of houses and guesthouses have been built for workers. Therefore, not only a place of production factory also makes attractive opportunities to live in Maden, has presented to the public. In addition to these factory, has been among the most revenue generating organizations in Turkey and it exceedingly met the Turkey's copper need. The processed copper at the factory, have been shipped into the country and abroad. As a result of this serious foreign exchange entry is provided to the country. But due to the fact that factory decreased production, social and economical situation of the city has badly influenced. This led to dismissal of workers and decrease of population year by year. In this article of the Ergani Copper factory in Maden district tried to explain the positive and negative effects
The emergence of cities and city life in the revival of the socioeconomic conditions are effective. Both industrialization and geographical conditions affect the development of the city. Some of the cities in Anatolia was established and developed because of this situation. One of them is Maden District of Elazığ. It's located in a mountainous region situated in the county of the copper deposits, therefore, the district has gained importance. Copper ore has been processed by the civilizations and the source has been an economic return from earliest times. Started production in 1939 in Maden, Ergani Copper Factory made copper production in the modern ways and the county has lived the most bright periods of Maden's history. The increase of population in the county, the economic and commercial viability has been possible thanks to the occurrence of the copper factory. In addition, the factory, the modern world's electricity, railways were brought to Maden and even cinema. The heating of houses and guesthouses have been built for workers. Therefore, not only a place of production factory also makes attractive opportunities to live in Maden, has presented to the public. In addition to these factory, has been among the most revenue generating organizations in Turkey and it exceedingly met the Turkey's copper need. The processed copper at the factory, have been shipped into the country and abroad. As a result of this serious foreign exchange entry is provided to the country. But due to the fact that factory decreased production, social and economical situation of the city has badly influenced. This led to dismissal of workers and decrease of population year by year. In this article of the Ergani Copper factory in Maden district tried to explain the positive and negative effects
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ergani Bakır İşletmesi, Maden, bakır, Ergani Copper Factory, copper
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çevik, M., Demir, Ö. (2014). Etibank Ergani Bakır İşletmesi’nin Kuruluşu ve Elazığ’ın Maden İlçesine Getirdikleri. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 9(7), 27-39.