Bi̇r Köpekte Meme Metastazlı Transmissible Venereal Tümör Olgusu
2004 Ocak
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu raporda dokuz yaşlı Collie ırk bir köpekte meme bezi metastazlı Transmissible Venereal Tümör (TVT) olgusu tanimlandı. Kanlı vaginal akıntı ve memede kitle şikayeti ile getirilen köpeğin klinik muayenesinde, vestibulum vaginada sağ inguinal arka memede tümöral kitlelerin varlığı saptandı. Makroskobik ve mikroskobik inceleme sonucunda olguya TVT tanısı konuldu. Olgunun tarihçesi, klinik, laboratuvar ve patolojik bulgulan ile sağaltımı hakkında bilgi verildi.
A case of Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) with mammary gland metastase of a nine years old Collie bitch is described in this paper. The dog was presented with vaginal discharge containing blood and with a mass in the mammary gland. Tumoral masses were detected at clinical examination in vestibulum vagina and in the right back inguinal mammary gland. After masroscopical and microscopical examination, the diagnosis of TVT was performed. Knowledge about the history, clinical, laboratory and pathological findings, and the treatment of the case were given.
A case of Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) with mammary gland metastase of a nine years old Collie bitch is described in this paper. The dog was presented with vaginal discharge containing blood and with a mass in the mammary gland. Tumoral masses were detected at clinical examination in vestibulum vagina and in the right back inguinal mammary gland. After masroscopical and microscopical examination, the diagnosis of TVT was performed. Knowledge about the history, clinical, laboratory and pathological findings, and the treatment of the case were given.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Köpek, TVT, Meme Metastazı, Bitch, Mammary Metastase
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
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Scopus Q Değeri
Nak, D., Mısırlıoğlu, D., Nak, Y., İntaş, K. S., Tek, H. B., (2004). Bi̇r Köpekte Meme Metastazlı Transmissible Venereal Tümör Olgusu. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20(1), 99-102.