Yüksek dozda Simvastatin'in ratlarda oluşturduğu hepatotoksisite üzerine N-asetil sistein'in etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada dislipidemilerin tedavisinde kullanılan statinlerden Simvastatinin 100mg/kg/gün gibi yüksek dozda kullanımıyla oluşan hepatotoksisite üzerine NAC'in iyileştirci etkisini histopatolojik olarak incelemeyi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Sprague-Dawley tipi 270-300 gr ağırlığında erişkin 36 adet erkek rat alınmıştır. Ratlar 12'şer olarak üç eşit gruba ayrıldı. 1.grup ratlara yüksek doz Simvastatin (100mg/kg/gün) oral olarak 6 hafta boyunca verildi. 2.grup ratlara yüksek doz Simvastatin (100mg/kg/gün) ile birlikte NAC (200mg/kg/gün) oral olarak 6 hafta verildi. 3.grup ratlar kontrol grubu olup hiçbir uygulama yapılmadı ve sadece beslendi. Deney bitiminde anestezi altında karaciğer dokuları çıkarılarak %10'luk formalinde tespit edildi. Karaciğer numunelerine rutin histolojik yöntemler uygulandı ve parafine gömüldü. Bloklardan 5µ kalınlığında kesitler alındı. Dokular Hematoksilen-Eozin (H&E) boyası ve Van Gieson ile boyandı. Daha sonra Nikon Eclipse Z-400 ışık mikroskobuyla dokular incelendi. H&E boyalı preparatların uygun alanları aynı mikroskoba monte Nikon Coolpix 5000 model dijital fotoğraf makinesiyla görüntülendi. Bu görüntülerle birlikte kalibrasyon için Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A görüntüsü de alındı. Tüm görüntüler Windows XP ortamında çalışan Clemex Vision Lite görüntü analizi programı ile incelendi. İnceleme esnasında ilk başta Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A ile uzunluk kalibrasyonu yapıldı. Daha sonra her preparatta 0.1 mm²'lik alanlar seçildi. Bu alanlarda nekrobiyotik değişiklikler gösteren hücreler işaretlenerek, Clemex Vision Lite görüntü analizi programı ile otomatik olarak yazdırıldı. Daha sonra her preparatta 100 hepatosit belirlendi. Bu 100 hepatosit'in çapı işaretlenerek Clemex Vision Lite görüntü analizi programı ile ortalaması alındı. Van Gieson ile boyalı preparatlar da aynı ışık mikroskobuyla incelendi ve dijital fotoğraf makinesiyle görüntülendi ve fotoğrafları çekildi. Daha sonra bunlar istatistiksel analize tabi tutuldu. Grupların histopatolojik olarak incelenmesinde; 1.grup ratların karaciğerinde yer yer yapısal değişiklikler meydana geldi. Hepatositler düzensiz radial kordonlar halinde izlendi. Hepatosit çap ölçümü ve nekrotik hücre sayımı gruplar arasında karşılaştırmada istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu kabul edildi. (p<0.05). 1.grupta oluşan hidropik dejenerasyon, sinüzoidal konjesyon ve dilatasyonun 2.grupta azaldığı görüldü. 1. grupta görülen apoptotik değişikliklere 2.grupta rastlanmadı. Van Gieson ile boyalı preparatlarda fibrozis gözlenmedi.
In this study, it was aimed to investigate histopathologically the medical effect of NAC on the hepatotoxirity formed by using Simvastatin which is one of the statins used in the treatment of dyslipidemia in a high dose such as 100 mg/kg/day Sprague-Dawley type 36 adult male rats were used in this study which were 270-300 gr in weight. The rats were classified into three equal groups which included 12 rats. In the 1st group rats, Simvastatin was given for 6 weeks orally in high dose (100 mg/kg/day). In the 2nd group rats, NAC (200mg/kg/day) together with high dose Simvastatin (100 mg/kg/day) was given orally for 6 weeks. In the 3rd group rats, no application was made as a control group and they were only nourished. At the end of the experiments, the liver tissues which were taken out under anesthesia were determined in 10% formalin. Routine histological methods were applied in the liver samples and they were immersed in the paraffine. Incisions were taken from the blocks in 5µ thickness. The tissues were dyed with Hematoxyline-Eosin (H&E) dye and Van Gieson. Then, the tissues were investigated under Nikon Eclipse Z-400 light microscope. The proper areas of H & E dyed preparates were scanned by Nikon Coolpix 5000 model digital camera which was installed on the same microscope. Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A image was taken together with these images for calibration. All these images were investigated by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme which works with Windows XP. During investigations, first length calibration was made with Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A. After that, 0.1 mm² areas were selected on each preparate. The cells which displayed necrobiotic changes were signed in these areas and they were written automatically by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme. 100 hepatocytes were determined in each preparate. The diameters of these 100 hepatocytes were signed and their mean was calculated by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme. Van Gieson dyed preparates, on the other hand, were investigated under the same light microscope and scanned with digital camera and their pictures were taken. Finally, their statistical analysis was calculated. In the histopathological investigation of the groups; structural changes were occurred in the livers of 1st group rats from place to place. Hepatocytes were observed as irregular radial cords. It was accepted that there was a meaningful difference (p<0.05) from statistical point of view between hepatocyte diameter measurement and necrotic cell counting when compared among groups. It was observed that hydropic degeneration, sinusoidal congestion and dilatation formed in the 1st group was decreased in the 2nd group. The apoptotic caned onserved in the 1st group was not happened on the 2nd group. Fibrosis was not observed in Van Gieson dyed preparates.
In this study, it was aimed to investigate histopathologically the medical effect of NAC on the hepatotoxirity formed by using Simvastatin which is one of the statins used in the treatment of dyslipidemia in a high dose such as 100 mg/kg/day Sprague-Dawley type 36 adult male rats were used in this study which were 270-300 gr in weight. The rats were classified into three equal groups which included 12 rats. In the 1st group rats, Simvastatin was given for 6 weeks orally in high dose (100 mg/kg/day). In the 2nd group rats, NAC (200mg/kg/day) together with high dose Simvastatin (100 mg/kg/day) was given orally for 6 weeks. In the 3rd group rats, no application was made as a control group and they were only nourished. At the end of the experiments, the liver tissues which were taken out under anesthesia were determined in 10% formalin. Routine histological methods were applied in the liver samples and they were immersed in the paraffine. Incisions were taken from the blocks in 5µ thickness. The tissues were dyed with Hematoxyline-Eosin (H&E) dye and Van Gieson. Then, the tissues were investigated under Nikon Eclipse Z-400 light microscope. The proper areas of H & E dyed preparates were scanned by Nikon Coolpix 5000 model digital camera which was installed on the same microscope. Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A image was taken together with these images for calibration. All these images were investigated by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme which works with Windows XP. During investigations, first length calibration was made with Nikon Stage Micrometer Type A. After that, 0.1 mm² areas were selected on each preparate. The cells which displayed necrobiotic changes were signed in these areas and they were written automatically by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme. 100 hepatocytes were determined in each preparate. The diameters of these 100 hepatocytes were signed and their mean was calculated by Clemex Vision Lite image analyzer programme. Van Gieson dyed preparates, on the other hand, were investigated under the same light microscope and scanned with digital camera and their pictures were taken. Finally, their statistical analysis was calculated. In the histopathological investigation of the groups; structural changes were occurred in the livers of 1st group rats from place to place. Hepatocytes were observed as irregular radial cords. It was accepted that there was a meaningful difference (p<0.05) from statistical point of view between hepatocyte diameter measurement and necrotic cell counting when compared among groups. It was observed that hydropic degeneration, sinusoidal congestion and dilatation formed in the 1st group was decreased in the 2nd group. The apoptotic caned onserved in the 1st group was not happened on the 2nd group. Fibrosis was not observed in Van Gieson dyed preparates.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Simvastatin, Sıçan, Rat, Hepatotoksisite, Hepatotoxicity, N-asetil sistein
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, G. (2008). Yüksek dozda Simvastatin'in ratlarda oluşturduğu hepatotoksisite üzerine N-asetil sistein'in etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.