Atatürk Dönemi İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde imar-iskan faaliyetleri (1923-1938)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Atatürk döneminin iskân politikasında ilk uygulama Yunanistanla yapılan mübâdele olmuştur. Mübâdelenin I. Dünya Savaşının ardından başlamış olması ise, Türk hükümeti açısından büyük zorluk teşkil etmiştir. Bunun yanında bu süreç zarfında ülke içerisinde de harikzede ve felaketzede gibi gurupların da iskân edilmeyi beklemeleri bu zorluğu bir kat daha artırmıştır. Ancak bütün bu zorluklara rağmen mübâdillerin iskânı temin edilebilmiştir. Mübadelenin ardından ise, 1930'lu yıllarda Balkanlardan gelen muhacirlerin yerleştirilmelerinde, geçmişten ders alan hükümetin bu dönemde daha plânlı bir iskân politikası uygulamasına katkı sağlamıştır. Bu dönemde uygulanmış olan düzenli iskân sayesinde muhacirlerin kısa sürrede üretici duruma geçtikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca iskân uygulaması yapılırken bir yandan memleketin imarının da yapılmış olması bu işin verimli olmasını sağlamıştır. 1923 yılından başlayarak 1938'e kadar devam eden süreçte imar ve iskânın bazı aksaklıklara rağmen uygun bir biçimde yapılması ülkeye sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik açıdan uzun vadede olumlu bir tesir yapmıştır. İç Anadolu şehirlerinin hem mübâdele ve hem de bundan sonraki süreçte iskân yapılan önemli alanlardan olması burada imar faaliyetlerinin yapılmasını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bununla birlikte İç Anadolu şehirlerinin büyük bir bölümünün savaş alanı dışında olması buralara yapılan iskânın daha kısa süreçte, imarının ise daha az masrafla yapılmasında etkili olmuştur. Bütün bunlar ışığında bu dönemde İç Anadolu'da imar-iskân faaliyetleri başarılı olmuştur denilebilir.
The exchange which was done with Greek was the first application in the settlement policy of Atatürk era. Beginning of the population exchange after World War I caused difficulties in the view of turkısh government. Morever the fact that the groups like harikzede (whose house was burned war) and the victim of disaster was also waiting for being resettled increased this difficulty more. Despite all these difficulties the settlement of the emigrants could be supplied. After the population exchange, it supplied to government to took lesson from its past at setting of refugees from Balkans in the 1930. Thanks to the settlement policy which was carried out in this period it was observed that refugees became manufacturer in a short time. Furthermore, when settlement policy was being practised on the other hand that the reconstruction of country was also being practised supplied to be prolific this event from 1923 to 1938, despite some trouble to carried out reconstruction and settlement properly affected the country positive in terms of social, cultural and economics. The fact that Central Anatolia was one of the most important settlement era in exchange time and next process provide to be made reconstruction activities. Also, the fact that the large part of cities of Central Anatolia was the outside of war zone effect the settlement which was made in this era in a short time and the reconstruction which was made with less cost. İn the light of all this, it was said that the reconstruction and settlement activities in the Central Anatolia in this period was successful.
The exchange which was done with Greek was the first application in the settlement policy of Atatürk era. Beginning of the population exchange after World War I caused difficulties in the view of turkısh government. Morever the fact that the groups like harikzede (whose house was burned war) and the victim of disaster was also waiting for being resettled increased this difficulty more. Despite all these difficulties the settlement of the emigrants could be supplied. After the population exchange, it supplied to government to took lesson from its past at setting of refugees from Balkans in the 1930. Thanks to the settlement policy which was carried out in this period it was observed that refugees became manufacturer in a short time. Furthermore, when settlement policy was being practised on the other hand that the reconstruction of country was also being practised supplied to be prolific this event from 1923 to 1938, despite some trouble to carried out reconstruction and settlement properly affected the country positive in terms of social, cultural and economics. The fact that Central Anatolia was one of the most important settlement era in exchange time and next process provide to be made reconstruction activities. Also, the fact that the large part of cities of Central Anatolia was the outside of war zone effect the settlement which was made in this era in a short time and the reconstruction which was made with less cost. İn the light of all this, it was said that the reconstruction and settlement activities in the Central Anatolia in this period was successful.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Internal migration, İç göçler, Central Anatolian Region, İç Anadolu Bölgesi, Settlement laws, İskan yasaları, Settlement problem, İskan sorunu, Settlement, İskan, Construction, Yapım, Atatürk Period, Atatürk Dönemi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sarı, M. (2011). Atatürk Dönemi İç Anadolu Bölgesi'nde imar-iskan faaliyetleri (1923-1938). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.