Kuluçkalık Bıldırcın Yumurtalarına Depolama Öncesi Gam Arabik Uygulamasının Kuluçka Sonuçları ve Civciv Performansı Üzerine Etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma ile kuluçkalık bıldırcın yumurtalarına depolama öncesi farklı oranlarda gam
arabik ile kaplamanın kuluçka sonuçları ve civciv performansı üzerine etkileri
araştırılmıştır. Muamele grupları; % 5 gam arabik uygulanmış yumurtalar kuluçka
öncesi 7 gün süre ile depolama (7-5G), % 5 gam arabik uygulanmış yumurtalar kuluçka
öncesi 14 gün süre ile depolama (14-5G), % 10 gam arabik uygulanmış yumurtalar
kuluçka öncesi 7 gün süre ile depolama (7-10G)ve %10 gam arabik uygulanmış
yumurtalar kuluçka öncesi 14 gün (14-10G) süre ile depolama şeklinde oluşturulmuştur.
Araştırmada toplam 4 grup ve her grup 4 tekerrürden oluşturulmuştur. Gam arabik
uygulaması sonrası yumurtalar 13 °C ve % 75 nemde 7 veya 14 gün depolanmışlardır.
Araştırmada toplam 800 adet kuluçkalık bıldırcın yumurtası kullanılmıştır. Depolama
süresince yumurta ağırlık kaybı 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G gruplarında sırasıyla %
0.95, % 1.08, % 2.00 ve % 1.95 bulunmuş olup gruplara arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki
olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). Kuluçka randımanı 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G
gruplarında sırasıyla % 83.25, % 78.32, % 79.30 ve % 70.09 bulunmuş olup gruplar
arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Çıkış gücü 7-5G, 7-10G,
14-5G, 14-10G gruplarında sırasıyla % 88.22, % 84.27, % 83.42 ve % 73.96 bulunmuş
olup gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.05). En
düşük çıkış gücü 14-10G grubunda (%73.96), en yüksek çıkış gücü ise 7-5G grubunda
(%88.22) tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). %5 gam arabik uygulaması ve 14 gün depolama grubundaki çıkış gücü ile %5 ve %10 gam arabik uygulaması ile 7 gün depolanma
yapılmış grupların çıkış gücü ile farklılıkları istatistiki olarak önemsiz çıkmıştır.
Embriyonik ölümler bakımından 1-9 ve 17-18. gün dönemlerinde gruplar arasındaki
farklılıklar önemsiz olmuştur. Embriyonik ölümler 10-16. gün döneminde en yüksek
14-10G grubunda (%16.49) tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). %5 gam arabik uygulaması ve 14
gün depolama grubundaki 10-16. gün embriyonik ölümler %5 ve %10 gam arabik
uygulaması ile 7 gün depolanma yapılmış grupların 10-16. gün embriyonik ölümler ile
farklılıklar istatistiki olarak önemsiz çıkmıştır. Sarı kesesi oranı (%) 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-
5G, 14-10G gruplarında sırasıyla % 8.68, % 11.88, % 10.16 ve % 9.15 bulunmuş olup
gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Büyüme oranı 7-
5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G gruplarında sırasıyla 543, 539, 513 ve 469 bulunmuş olup
gruplar arasındaki farklılıklar istatistiki olarak önemli olmuştur (P<0.05). En düşük
büyüme oranı 14-10G grubunda (469) tespit edilmiştir (P<0.05). 14-5G grubunun
büyüme oranı bakımından 7-5G ve 7-10G grupları arasında istatistiki olarak farklılıklar
önemsiz çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak 14-5G grubunun çıkış gücü, embriyonik ölümler ve
büyüme oranı bakımından gam arabik uygulaması yapılım ve 7 gün depolama
uygulaması arasında farklılık olmaması, uzun süre depolama uygulamasında %5 gam
arabik uygulaması yapılması fayda sağlayabilecektir.
In this study, the effect of pre-storage coating of different ratios of gum arabic on quail eggs hatching traits and chick growth performance was investigated. Treatment groups; eggs treated with 5% gum arabic were stored for 7 days before incubation (7-5G), eggs treated with 5% gum arabic were stored for 14 days before incubation (14-5G), eggs treated with 10% gum arabic were stored for 7 days before incubation (7-10G) and 10% gum arabic applied eggs were stored for 14 days (14-10G) before incubation. This study contained four groups and each group was replicated five times. After the gum arabic application, the eggs were stored at 13 °C and 75% humidity for 7 and 14 days. A total of 800 hatching quail eggs were used in the study. Egg weight loss during storage was 0.95%, 1.08%, 2.00% and 1.95% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences among the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). Hatchability of set eggs were found to be 83.25%, 78.32%, 79.30% and 70.09% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences between the groups were statistically insignificant. Hatchability of fertile eggs was 88.22%, 84.27%, 83.42% and 73.96% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences among the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The lowest hatchability of fertile eggs was found in the 14-10G group (73.96%), while the highest hatchability of fertile eggs was found in the 7-5G group (88.22%) (P<0.05). The differences in the hatchability of fertile eggs of 5% gum arabic application and 14 days storage group and the hatchability of fertile eggs of 5% and 10% gum arabic application and 7 days storage groups were found to be statistically insignificant. In terms of embryonic mortality, the differences between the groups at days 1-9 and 17-18 were insignificant. Embryonic mortality were highest (16.49%) in the 14-10G group in the 10-16 day period (P<0.05). 10-16th day embryonic deaths in the 5% gum arabic application and 14 days storage group were statistically insignificant in the 10-16th day embryonic deaths in the 5% and 10% gum arabic application and 7 days storage groups. In 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-10G, the rate of yolk sac were 8.68% 11.88%, 10.15% and 9.15% respectively. Statically almost similar results were seen among groups under investigation. The growth rate was found to be 543, 539, 513 and 469 in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The lowest growth rate was found in the 14-10G group (469) (P<0.05). As a result, there is no difference between gum arabic application and 7-day storage application in terms of hatchability of fertile eggs, embryonic deaths and growth rate of the 14-5G group, and 5% gum arabic application in long-term storage application will be beneficial.
In this study, the effect of pre-storage coating of different ratios of gum arabic on quail eggs hatching traits and chick growth performance was investigated. Treatment groups; eggs treated with 5% gum arabic were stored for 7 days before incubation (7-5G), eggs treated with 5% gum arabic were stored for 14 days before incubation (14-5G), eggs treated with 10% gum arabic were stored for 7 days before incubation (7-10G) and 10% gum arabic applied eggs were stored for 14 days (14-10G) before incubation. This study contained four groups and each group was replicated five times. After the gum arabic application, the eggs were stored at 13 °C and 75% humidity for 7 and 14 days. A total of 800 hatching quail eggs were used in the study. Egg weight loss during storage was 0.95%, 1.08%, 2.00% and 1.95% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences among the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). Hatchability of set eggs were found to be 83.25%, 78.32%, 79.30% and 70.09% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences between the groups were statistically insignificant. Hatchability of fertile eggs was 88.22%, 84.27%, 83.42% and 73.96% in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively and the differences among the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The lowest hatchability of fertile eggs was found in the 14-10G group (73.96%), while the highest hatchability of fertile eggs was found in the 7-5G group (88.22%) (P<0.05). The differences in the hatchability of fertile eggs of 5% gum arabic application and 14 days storage group and the hatchability of fertile eggs of 5% and 10% gum arabic application and 7 days storage groups were found to be statistically insignificant. In terms of embryonic mortality, the differences between the groups at days 1-9 and 17-18 were insignificant. Embryonic mortality were highest (16.49%) in the 14-10G group in the 10-16 day period (P<0.05). 10-16th day embryonic deaths in the 5% gum arabic application and 14 days storage group were statistically insignificant in the 10-16th day embryonic deaths in the 5% and 10% gum arabic application and 7 days storage groups. In 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-10G, the rate of yolk sac were 8.68% 11.88%, 10.15% and 9.15% respectively. Statically almost similar results were seen among groups under investigation. The growth rate was found to be 543, 539, 513 and 469 in the 7-5G, 7-10G, 14-5G, 14-10G groups, respectively. The differences between the groups were statistically significant (P<0.05). The lowest growth rate was found in the 14-10G group (469) (P<0.05). As a result, there is no difference between gum arabic application and 7-day storage application in terms of hatchability of fertile eggs, embryonic deaths and growth rate of the 14-5G group, and 5% gum arabic application in long-term storage application will be beneficial.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kuluçkalık bıldırcın yumurtası, kuluçka randımanı, performans, gam arabik, Hatching quail eggs, hatchability, performance, gam arabic
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Güvenç, M., (2022). Kuluçkalık Bıldırcın Yumurtalarına Depolama Öncesi Gam Arabik Uygulamasının Kuluçka Sonuçları ve Civciv Performansı Üzerine Etkileri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.