Romatizmal eklem iltihaplı hastaların tedavi sürecinde radyal ve ulnar arter kan akışı değişimlerinin incelenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmada, 40 sağlıklı gönüllü ve 40 Romatoid artritli (RA) hastanın sağ ve sol el Ulnar ve Radyal arterlerinden Doppler sinyalleri kaydedilmiştir. Çalışmada, RA hastalığına tanı parametreleri geliştirebilmek için Ulnar ve Radyal arter Doppler sinyallerine Welch periodogram yöntemi, AR Burg yöntemi ve çoklu sinyal sınıflama (MUSIC) yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Böylece Doppler sinyallerinin önemli özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca kaydedilen Doppler sinyallerini sınıflandırmak için literatürde yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan iki yapay zekâ tekniği olan yapay sinir ağları (YSA) ve Adaptif ağ tabanlı bulanık çıkarım sistemi (ANFIS) kullanılmıştır. YSA ve ANFIS için eğitme/test işlemi 10-kat ve 5-kat çaprazlama ile değerlendirilmiştir. Sınıflandırıcıların performanslarını değerlendirmek için ROC eğrileri çizdirilmiş ve AUC değerleri hesaplanmıştır. RA hastalığının derecesini gösteren DAS-28 değerleriyle, sınıflama sonucu elde değerlerin birbiriyle ilintili olduğu görülmüştür. Sağ ve sol el Ulnar ve Radyal arter için kullanılan 3 yöntemin ortalama sınıflama doğrulukları YSA ve ANFIS sınıflandırıcıları ile karşılaştırıldığında; YSA'da sağ Ulnar arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 92.33, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 90, sol Ulnar arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 89.08, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 86.92, sağ Radyal arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 90.17, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 89.83, sol Radyal arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 88.83 ve 5-kat çaprazlamada % 88.25 olmuştur. ANFIS'de ise sağ Ulnar arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 85.75, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 81.42, sol Ulnar arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 86.58, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 83.5, sağ Radyal arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada % 86.67, 5-kat çaprazlamada % 86.17, sol Radyal arter için 10-kat çaprazlamada ve 5-kat çaprazlamada % 84 olmuştur. RA hastalarının eklemlerindeki bozulmalar (deformasyon) damar yapısında değişikliğe neden olmakta, böylece damardaki kan akış hızını etkilemektedir. Dolayısıyla RA hastası ve sağlıklı kişilerden alınan Doppler sinyallerinin özellikleri farklı oldukları yapılan bu çalışma ile nicel olarak tespit edilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen çalışma, RA hastalığının erken tanısı için konuyla ilgili çalışan uzmanlara karar vermede yardımcı olabilme potansiyeline sahiptir.
In this study, Doppler signals of the Ulnar and Radial artery of the right and left hands of 40 healthy volunteers and 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were recorded. In the study, Welch periodogram method, AR Burg method and multiple signal classification (MUSIC) method were applied in order to develop diagnosis parameters for Ulnar and Radial artery Doppler signals for RA disease. Thus the major characteristics of Doppler signals were determined. In addition, two widely used artificial intelligence techniques in the literature, artificial neural networks (ANN) and adaptive network based on fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), were used to classify the recorded Doppler signals. For ANN and ANFIS, training/testing process was cross-evaluated as 10-fold and 5-fold. To evaluate the performance of the classifiers, ROC curves were drawn and AUC values were calculated. There was correlation between the DAS-28 values showing the extent of RA disease and the values obtained as a result of classification. When the three methods of average classification accuracy used for the right and left hand Ulnar and Radial arteries were compared with the classifiers of ANN and ANFIS, for ANN, it was 92.33 % with 10-fold cross and 90 % with five-fold cross right Ulnar artery, 89.08 % with 10-fold and 86.92 % with five-fold cross for the left Ulnar artery, 90.17 % with 10-fold cross and 89.83 % with five-fold cross for the right Radial artery, 88.83% with10-fold cross and 88.25 % with five-fold cross for the left Radial artery and. For ANFIS, it was 85.75 % with 10-fold cross and 81.42 % with five-fold cross for the the right Ulnar artery, 86.58 % with 10-fold cross and 83.5 % with five-fold cross for the left Ulnar artery, 86.67 % with 10-fold cross and 86.17 % with five-fold cross for the right Radial artery, and 86.08 % with 10-fold cross and 84 % with five-fold cross for the left Radial artery. The deformation of the joints of RA patients leads to changes in the structure of blood vessels affecting the blood flow rate. Therefore, the study found out quantitatively that the characteristics of the Doppler signals obtained from RA patients and healthy people are different. This study has the potential to help the specialists who work on the issue to decide in the early diagnosis of RA disease.
In this study, Doppler signals of the Ulnar and Radial artery of the right and left hands of 40 healthy volunteers and 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were recorded. In the study, Welch periodogram method, AR Burg method and multiple signal classification (MUSIC) method were applied in order to develop diagnosis parameters for Ulnar and Radial artery Doppler signals for RA disease. Thus the major characteristics of Doppler signals were determined. In addition, two widely used artificial intelligence techniques in the literature, artificial neural networks (ANN) and adaptive network based on fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), were used to classify the recorded Doppler signals. For ANN and ANFIS, training/testing process was cross-evaluated as 10-fold and 5-fold. To evaluate the performance of the classifiers, ROC curves were drawn and AUC values were calculated. There was correlation between the DAS-28 values showing the extent of RA disease and the values obtained as a result of classification. When the three methods of average classification accuracy used for the right and left hand Ulnar and Radial arteries were compared with the classifiers of ANN and ANFIS, for ANN, it was 92.33 % with 10-fold cross and 90 % with five-fold cross right Ulnar artery, 89.08 % with 10-fold and 86.92 % with five-fold cross for the left Ulnar artery, 90.17 % with 10-fold cross and 89.83 % with five-fold cross for the right Radial artery, 88.83% with10-fold cross and 88.25 % with five-fold cross for the left Radial artery and. For ANFIS, it was 85.75 % with 10-fold cross and 81.42 % with five-fold cross for the the right Ulnar artery, 86.58 % with 10-fold cross and 83.5 % with five-fold cross for the left Ulnar artery, 86.67 % with 10-fold cross and 86.17 % with five-fold cross for the right Radial artery, and 86.08 % with 10-fold cross and 84 % with five-fold cross for the left Radial artery. The deformation of the joints of RA patients leads to changes in the structure of blood vessels affecting the blood flow rate. Therefore, the study found out quantitatively that the characteristics of the Doppler signals obtained from RA patients and healthy people are different. This study has the potential to help the specialists who work on the issue to decide in the early diagnosis of RA disease.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Romatoid artrit hastalığı, Ulnar ve Radyal arter, Welch periodogram yöntemi, Otoregresif Burg yöntemi, Çoklu sinyal sınıflama, Yapay sinir ağları, Adaptif ağ tabanlı bulanık çıkarım sistemi, Rheumatoid arthritis disease, Ulnar and Radial artery, Welch periodogram method, Autoregressive Burg method, Multiple signal classification, Artificial neural network, Adaptive network based fuzzy inference system
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özkan, A. O. (2010). Romatizmal eklem iltihaplı hastaların tedavi sürecinde radyal ve ulnar arter kan akışı değişimlerinin incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.