Derebucak (Konya), İbradı-Cevizli (Antalya) Arasında Kalan Bölgenin Endemik Bitkileri ve Tehlike Kategorileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu arastırma 2001-2005 yılları arasında yapılan arazi çalısmalarında, 2081 bitki örnegi toplanmıs olup, 96 familya ve 441 cinse ait 960 takson tespit edilmistir. Bu taksonların 167’si endemik olup, endemizm oranı % 17.3’tür. Alanda en fazla endemik takson içeren familyalar sırasıyla sunlardır; Labiatae 30 takson (%18), Compositae 17 takson (%10.2), Caryophyllaceae 16 takson (%9.6) ve Liliaceae 15 taksondur (%9). Çalısma alanında yayılıs gösteren endemik türlerin tehlike kategorileri su sekildedir; 6 takson CR, 15 takson EN, 10 takson VU, 23 takson NT, 113 takson LC’ dir.
In this study between the years 2001-2005 through the area studies in which 2081 plant samples were collected, 96 families and 960 taxa belonging to 441 genera are revealed. 167 of these taxa, the rate of which is 17.3%, are endemic. The families including the most endemic taxa are presented by Labiatae 30 taxa (18%), Compositae 17 taxa (10.2%), Caryophillaceae 16 taxa (9.6%) and Liliacea 15 taxa (9%). The endangered category of endemic taxa deployed in this study area are as follows; 6 taxa CR, 15 taxa EN, 10 taxa VU, 23 taxa NT, 113 taxa LC.
In this study between the years 2001-2005 through the area studies in which 2081 plant samples were collected, 96 families and 960 taxa belonging to 441 genera are revealed. 167 of these taxa, the rate of which is 17.3%, are endemic. The families including the most endemic taxa are presented by Labiatae 30 taxa (18%), Compositae 17 taxa (10.2%), Caryophillaceae 16 taxa (9.6%) and Liliacea 15 taxa (9%). The endangered category of endemic taxa deployed in this study area are as follows; 6 taxa CR, 15 taxa EN, 10 taxa VU, 23 taxa NT, 113 taxa LC.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Endemik bitkiler, Derebucak, İbradı, Cevizli, Antalya, Endemic plants
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Demiralma, H., Ertuğrul, K. (2009). Derebucak (Konya), İbradı-Cevizli (Antalya) arasında kalan bölgenin endemik bitkileri ve tehlike kategorileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 2, (34), 137-148.