Kurubaklagil tüketiminin kolorektal kanseri önlemedeki rolü
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Bu derlemede, kurubaklagil içeriğinde yer alan bazı anti-kanser etkili besin öğeleri ve bileşenlerinin, kolorektal kanser gelişim riski üzerindeki potansiyel etkilerini ve bu konudaki bazı güncel çalışmaları bir araya getirerek kolorektal kanserin önlenmesindeki mekanizmaların açıklanması amaçlanmıştır. Kanser, kardiyovasküler hastalıklardan sonra, mortalite riski en yüksek sağlık sorunudur. Kolorektal kanser ise, sağkalım oranı en düşük kanser türlerinden birisidir. Kolon veya rektumda polip yapıların oluşması, zaman içinde bu yapıların farklılaşması ve kanser hücresine dönüşmesi sonucunda kolorektal kanser oluşabilmektedir. Poliplere bağlı oluşan türlere ek olarak kalıtsal kolorektal kanserler de mevcuttur. Kötü beslenme alışkanlıkları kolorektal kanser riskini artırabildiği gibi, kolorektal kanserli bir bireyde de alınan ilaç tedavisine ve iştah problemlerine bağlı olarak besin alımı olumsuz yönde etkilenebilmektedir. Batı tarzı beslenme alışkanlıkları kolorektal kanser riskini potansiyel olarak arttırabilirken, sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlıkları ile kolorektal kansere yakalanma riskinin azaltılabileceği öngörülmektedir. Dünyada sağlıklı ve sürdürülebilir beslenme modellerinden olan Akdeniz ve vejetaryen diyetlerin önemli bileşenlerinden biri olan kurubaklagillerin insan sağlığı üzerinde olumlu potansiyel etkileri olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Kurubaklagillerin sahip olduğu lektin, saponin, fitat, fenolik bileşenler, peptid ve diyet posası içeriğinin potansiyel anti-oksidan, anti-inflamatuar, prebiyotik ve apoptoz stimüle edici özellikleri ile kolorektal kanser gelişim riskini potansiyel olarak azaltabileceği bilinmektedir. Her ne kadar potansiyel anti-kanser özellik gösterseler dahi, hatalı saklama-hazırlama-pişirme yöntemleri ve yüksek miktarda veya sıklıkta kurubaklagil tüketiminin insan sağlığını olumsuz yönde (gaz, şişkinlik, hazımsızlık, diyare gibi) etkileyebileceği unutulmamalıdır. Bu nedenle, kurubaklagil tüketim şekli, sıklığı ve miktarı hususunda ulusal ve uluslararası rehberler baz alınmalı ve bireye özgü (tolerasyon derecesine bağlı) tüketim önerileri (haftada 2-3 porsiyon) diyetisyen tarafından verilmelidir. Sonuç olarak, önerilen miktarlarda tüketilen kurubaklagiller içermiş olduğu bileşenler sayesinde anti-oksidan, anti-inflamatuar, apoptoz indükleyici vb. potansiyel etkiler göstererek kanserin önlenmesinde etkili olabilmektedir.
In this review, it is aimed to explain the potential effects of some anti-cancer nutrients and components contained in legumes on the risk of colorectal cancer development and the mechanisms in the prevention of colorectal cancer by bringing together some current studies on this subject. Cancer is the health problem with the highest risk of mortality after cardiovascular diseases. Colorectal cancer is one of the types of cancer with the lowest survival rate. Colorectal cancer may occur as a result of the formation of polyp structures in the colon or rectum, the differentiation of these structures over time and their transformation into cancer cells. In addition to the types caused by polyps, there are also hereditary colorectal cancers. Just as poor eating habits can increase the risk of colorectal cancer, food intake can be negatively affected in an individual with colorectal cancer depending on the medication taken and appetite problems. While Western-style eating habits can potentially increase the risk of colorectal cancer, it is predicted that the risk of developing colorectal cancer can be reduced with healthy eating habits. It is thought that legumes, which are one of the important components of Mediterranean and vegetarian diets, which are healthy and sustainable nutritional models in the world, may have positive potential effects on human health. Lectin, saponin, phytate, phenolic compounds, peptide, and dietary fiber contents of legumes can potentially decrease colorectal cancer risk via their anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, prebiotic, and apoptosis stimulator effects. Even though legumes have potential anti-cancer effects, wrong storage-preparation-cooking methods, high consumption amount and frequency may cause negative effects (such as gas, bloating, dyspepsia, diarrhea) on human health. Thus, national and international guidelines (for type, frequency, and amount of legume consumption) should be based and personalized nutrition recommendations (according to personal toleration status) (2-3 servings per week) should be given by the dietitians. As a result, legumes consumed in recommended amounts have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, apoptosis inducer, etc. properties, thanks to the components they contain. It may be effective in preventing cancer by showing potential effects.
In this review, it is aimed to explain the potential effects of some anti-cancer nutrients and components contained in legumes on the risk of colorectal cancer development and the mechanisms in the prevention of colorectal cancer by bringing together some current studies on this subject. Cancer is the health problem with the highest risk of mortality after cardiovascular diseases. Colorectal cancer is one of the types of cancer with the lowest survival rate. Colorectal cancer may occur as a result of the formation of polyp structures in the colon or rectum, the differentiation of these structures over time and their transformation into cancer cells. In addition to the types caused by polyps, there are also hereditary colorectal cancers. Just as poor eating habits can increase the risk of colorectal cancer, food intake can be negatively affected in an individual with colorectal cancer depending on the medication taken and appetite problems. While Western-style eating habits can potentially increase the risk of colorectal cancer, it is predicted that the risk of developing colorectal cancer can be reduced with healthy eating habits. It is thought that legumes, which are one of the important components of Mediterranean and vegetarian diets, which are healthy and sustainable nutritional models in the world, may have positive potential effects on human health. Lectin, saponin, phytate, phenolic compounds, peptide, and dietary fiber contents of legumes can potentially decrease colorectal cancer risk via their anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, prebiotic, and apoptosis stimulator effects. Even though legumes have potential anti-cancer effects, wrong storage-preparation-cooking methods, high consumption amount and frequency may cause negative effects (such as gas, bloating, dyspepsia, diarrhea) on human health. Thus, national and international guidelines (for type, frequency, and amount of legume consumption) should be based and personalized nutrition recommendations (according to personal toleration status) (2-3 servings per week) should be given by the dietitians. As a result, legumes consumed in recommended amounts have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, apoptosis inducer, etc. properties, thanks to the components they contain. It may be effective in preventing cancer by showing potential effects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beslenme, Kanser, Kolorektal Kanser, Kurubaklagil, Nutrition, Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Legume
Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Korkmaz C., Dayı T., Hoca M. (2024). Kurubaklagil Tüketiminin Kolorektal Kanseri Önlemedeki Rolü. Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi, 5(3), 365 – 379.