Kedilerde diagnostik laparoskopik uygulama sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Laparoskopiye dayalı operasyon teknikleri son zamanlarda veteriner hekimlikte yaygın olarak uygulanmaktadır. Laparoskopik yöntemlerle yapılan cerrahi operasyonlar düşük invazivlikleri, küçük komplikasyon yüzdeleri ve düşük mortalite ile karakterizedir. Modern laparoskopik tekniklerin uygulanması, hastaların post-op dönemde yatış sürelerinin önemli ölçüde kısaltılmasını mümkün kılarak, daha hızlı iyileşmelerini garanti eder hayvan sahipleri ve hekimlere de daha yüksek düzeyde memnuniyet kazandırır. Sunulan çalışmada kedilerde diagnostik amaçla laparoskopinin abdominal hastalıklardaki patolojik değişimlerindeki üstünlüğünün ortaya konmasıdır. S.Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi, Küçük Hayvan Hastanesi Cerrahi kliniğine abdominal komplikasyonlu ve tramva geçmişi ile gelen değişik ırk, yaş, cinsiyet ve ağırlıklara sahip 20 adet kedi çalışma materyali olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya dahil edilen klinik muayenlerden sonra radyolojik, ultrasonografik ve laporoskopik cerrahi uygulamaları yapıldı. Radyolojik muayenede abdomenin çift yönlü radyolojik muayenesi alındı. Bu amaçla olgular röntgen masasına sağ lateral pozisyonda yatırılarak radyografik çekim yapıldı. Dorsal radyografi için ise hayvanın rotasyonuna engel olunarak sırtüstü masaya yatırılıp arka ekstremite caudal ve ön ekstremite ise craniale doğru çekilerek alındı. Röntgen çekimi için kV değeri 70, mA değeri 25 olarak ayarlandı. Radyolojik muayene sonuçları abdomendeki organlardaki sıralama ile yapıldı. Klinik muayenede olguların stabil olduğu gözlendi. Abdomendeki organların radyolojik muayenesi başta karaciğer, mide, bağırsak, böbrek, idrar kesesi sıralaması ile yapıldı. Herhangi bir patoloji ile karşılaşılmadı. Ultrasonografik muayene sonucunda bazı olgularda karaciğeri hiperekojenik ve hiperkoik gözlendi. Bir olguda karaciğer sınırı belirlenemedi. Safra kesesinin gergin olduğu görüntülendi. Laparoskopik muayenede herhangi bir patolojik bulgu ile karşılaşılmadı. Sonuç olarak laparoskopik muayene diğer tanı yöntemlerine kıyasla abdomen organlarının muayenesi ya da patolojik kitlelerin biyopsisi üzerine cerrahi tekniklerinin uygulanması daha başarılı sonuç vereceği kanısına varıldı. Radyolojik ve ultrasonografik muayenelerin başarılı tanısal olarak kullanılması olgu seçimi ile değerlendirilmelidir. Laparoskopinin muayeneler temel olarak tanısal ve sağaltım amaçlı olmak üzere iki başlık altında değerlendirilebilir.
Laparoscopic operation techniques have been widely applied in veterinary medicine recently. Surgical operations performed by laparoscopic methods are characterized by their low invasiveness, small percentage of complications and low mortality. The application of modern laparoscopic techniques makes it possible to significantly shorten the post-op period of hospitalization of patients, guaranteeing a faster recovery and bringing a higher level of satisfaction to animal owners and physicians. The present study reveals the superiority of diagnostic laparoscopy in the pathological changes in abdominal diseases in cats. Twenty cats of different breeds, ages, genders and weights, who came to the Veterinary Faculty, Small Animal Hospital Surgery Clinic with abdominal complications and a history of trauma, were used as study materials. After the clinical examinations included in the study, radiological, ultrasonographic and laparoscopic surgical applications were performed. Bilateral radiological examination of the abdomen was obtained in the radiological examination. For this purpose, the patients were placed on the X-ray table in the right lateral position and radiographic imaging was performed. For dorsal radiography, the animal was placed supine on the table, preventing its rotation, and the posterior limb was pulled towards the caudal and the front limb towards the cranial. The kV value was set to 70 and the mA value to 25 for x-rays. Radiological examination results were made by sorting the organs in the abdomen. Clinical examination revealed that the cases were stable. Radiological examination of the organs in the abdomen was performed primarily by the order of liver, stomach, intestine, kidney and bladder. No pathology was encountered. Liver hyperechogenic and hypercoic was observed in some cases as a result of ultrasonographic examination. The liver margin could not be determined in one case. It was observed that the gallbladder was stretched. No pathological finding was encountered during laparoscopic examination. As a result, it was concluded that the application of surgical techniques on the examination of the abdominal organs or the biopsy of the pathological masses would be more successful than the other diagnostic methods in laparoscopic examination. The successful diagnostic use of radiological and ultrasonographic examinations should be evaluated by case selection. Laparoscopic examinations can be evaluated under two headings, mainly for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Laparoscopic operation techniques have been widely applied in veterinary medicine recently. Surgical operations performed by laparoscopic methods are characterized by their low invasiveness, small percentage of complications and low mortality. The application of modern laparoscopic techniques makes it possible to significantly shorten the post-op period of hospitalization of patients, guaranteeing a faster recovery and bringing a higher level of satisfaction to animal owners and physicians. The present study reveals the superiority of diagnostic laparoscopy in the pathological changes in abdominal diseases in cats. Twenty cats of different breeds, ages, genders and weights, who came to the Veterinary Faculty, Small Animal Hospital Surgery Clinic with abdominal complications and a history of trauma, were used as study materials. After the clinical examinations included in the study, radiological, ultrasonographic and laparoscopic surgical applications were performed. Bilateral radiological examination of the abdomen was obtained in the radiological examination. For this purpose, the patients were placed on the X-ray table in the right lateral position and radiographic imaging was performed. For dorsal radiography, the animal was placed supine on the table, preventing its rotation, and the posterior limb was pulled towards the caudal and the front limb towards the cranial. The kV value was set to 70 and the mA value to 25 for x-rays. Radiological examination results were made by sorting the organs in the abdomen. Clinical examination revealed that the cases were stable. Radiological examination of the organs in the abdomen was performed primarily by the order of liver, stomach, intestine, kidney and bladder. No pathology was encountered. Liver hyperechogenic and hypercoic was observed in some cases as a result of ultrasonographic examination. The liver margin could not be determined in one case. It was observed that the gallbladder was stretched. No pathological finding was encountered during laparoscopic examination. As a result, it was concluded that the application of surgical techniques on the examination of the abdominal organs or the biopsy of the pathological masses would be more successful than the other diagnostic methods in laparoscopic examination. The successful diagnostic use of radiological and ultrasonographic examinations should be evaluated by case selection. Laparoscopic examinations can be evaluated under two headings, mainly for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abdomen, Kedi, Abdomen, Cat, Laparoskopi, Radyografi, Ultrasonografi, Laparoscopy, Radiography, Ultrasonography
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bal, M. (2021). Kedilerde diagnostik laparoskopik uygulama sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.