Küresel bir sivil toplum örgütü örneği olarak İHH
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünyanın küreselleşme sürecine girmesi hayatın her alanında radikal dönüşümlerin yaşanmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu dönüşümlerin en somut örneklerinden bir tanesi de sivil toplumda meydana gelen dönüşümdür. Sivil toplumsal dönüşümün meydana gelmesine gerekçe hazırlayan etkenlerden en önemlisi küreselleşmeyle birlikte ulus devlet yapısının aşınmaya başlamış olmasıdır. Ulus devletin başat unsurları sayılabilecek dışa kapalı, korunmacı ve sınırlayıcı devlet algısı küresel süreçlerle zayıflamış ve sivil toplumsal hareketler bu süreçte eskiye nazaran daha aktif hale gelerek yer yer devletin çizdiği sınırları aşındırarak yeni birer küresel aktör olarak ön plana çıkmaya başlamışlardır. Bizde tezimizde bu sürecin bir ürünü olan küresel sivil toplum olgusunu inceliyoruz. Küresel sivil toplumu incelerken bu olguya iyi bir örneklik oluşturduğunu düşündüğümüz İHH vakfını tartışmaya dâhil ettik. İHH vakfı, faaliyet alanı olarak dünyanın birçok farklı ülkesini seçmiş olması sebebiyle küresel sivil topluma bir örnek oluşturmaktadır. Tezimizde İHH vakfının faaliyetleri ve yöntemleri ele alınarak küresel sivil toplumun yapısı, etki alanı ve özellikleri anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmamızın sonucunda görmekteyiz ki küresel şartların etkisiyle sivil toplum küresel sivil topluma doğru bir dönüşüm geçirmiştir. Bu yeni olgunun en temel özelliklerinden bir tanesi de sivil bir siyasallık tarzı geliştirmiş olmasıdır. Bu bağlamda çalışmamızda bu sivil siyasallık tarzının küresel arenada ne tür şekillerde tezahür ettiği, İHH vakfının ulus ötesi faaliyetlerinin sonuçları ele alınarak incelenmiştir. İHH vakfı özelinde görmekteyiz ki, küresel sivil toplumsal organizasyonlar kullandıkları esnek ve aktif eylem yöntemleri sayesinde küresel siyaset sahnesinde ulus devlet tarzı resmi siyaset söylemine güçlü bir alternatif oluşturmaya başlamış ve devletlerin yanında etkin birer karar merciine dönüşmüşlerdir.
Beginning of the globalisation process has caused radical transformations to take place in all the aspects of life. The transformation of the civil society is one of the most concrete examples of these transformations. Most significant factor which has paved the way for the occurrence of the civil social transformation is the fact that the nation - state structure has started to be eroded through the globalisation process. The self-enclosed, protectionist and restrictive state perception which may be considered as the basic components of the nation ? state have been diminished by the global processes; and the civil social movements have became more active than ever and taken a leading role as a new global actor by eroding the limits that were determined by the nation-states. In this study we study on the global civil society phenomenon which is a consequence of this process. We have included the İHH foundation into the study since we considered it as a proper example of the global civil society phenomenon. Since the İHH foundation has selected a many number of countries as its area of activity it is deemed as an example for the global civil society. In our study, the activities and methods of the İHH foundation have been taken into consideration; and by this way the structure, area of effect and characteristics of the global civil society are tried to be understood. As a consequence of our research we have seen that the civil society has transformed into global civil society due to the global conditions. One of the basic characteristics of this new phenomenon is the fact that it has developed civil political style. In this context, we have focused on forms of appearing of this civil political style in the global arena by taking the results of the trans-national activities of the İHH foundation. The practice of İHH foundation shows that the global civil society organisations have became powerful alternatives to the nation-state style official political discourse in the global politics arena by the flexible and active methods of action that they used and have been transformed into effective decision makers nearby the states.
Beginning of the globalisation process has caused radical transformations to take place in all the aspects of life. The transformation of the civil society is one of the most concrete examples of these transformations. Most significant factor which has paved the way for the occurrence of the civil social transformation is the fact that the nation - state structure has started to be eroded through the globalisation process. The self-enclosed, protectionist and restrictive state perception which may be considered as the basic components of the nation ? state have been diminished by the global processes; and the civil social movements have became more active than ever and taken a leading role as a new global actor by eroding the limits that were determined by the nation-states. In this study we study on the global civil society phenomenon which is a consequence of this process. We have included the İHH foundation into the study since we considered it as a proper example of the global civil society phenomenon. Since the İHH foundation has selected a many number of countries as its area of activity it is deemed as an example for the global civil society. In our study, the activities and methods of the İHH foundation have been taken into consideration; and by this way the structure, area of effect and characteristics of the global civil society are tried to be understood. As a consequence of our research we have seen that the civil society has transformed into global civil society due to the global conditions. One of the basic characteristics of this new phenomenon is the fact that it has developed civil political style. In this context, we have focused on forms of appearing of this civil political style in the global arena by taking the results of the trans-national activities of the İHH foundation. The practice of İHH foundation shows that the global civil society organisations have became powerful alternatives to the nation-state style official political discourse in the global politics arena by the flexible and active methods of action that they used and have been transformed into effective decision makers nearby the states.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Küreselleşme, Globalization, Sivil toplum, Civil society, Sivil toplum örgütleri, Nongovernmental organizations
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kotan, M. (2010). Küresel bir sivil toplum örgütü örneği olarak İHH. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.