Zamanın Etkin Kullanımını Sağlayan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma

dc.contributor.authorKaragöz, Yalçın
dc.contributor.authorKıngır, Said
dc.contributor.authorMesci, Muammer
dc.contributor.authorAkbaş, Zafer
dc.departmentBaşka Kurumen_US
dc.description.abstractZamanın etkin kullanımı 21. yüzyıl insanı için yaşamsal öneme sahiptir. Zamanın taşıdığı özellikler onun etkin kullanımının ölçülmesini daha da önemli hale getirmiştir. Bu önemi nedeniyle çalışmada zamanın etkin kullanımına yönelik faktörlerin belirlenmesinde Cronbach, T testi, anova testi gibi testlerden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışma yüz yüze anket yöntemiyle, Düzce Üniversitesi’nde görev yapan 436 akademik ve 325 idari personelden oluşan evrene uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, zamanın etkin kullanımına ilişkin yargılar ile yaş, cinsiyet, zamanın etkin kullanımı konusunda eğitim alma durumu, görev türü, hizmet süresi, gelir düzeyi bağlamında, katılım düzeylerinde bir takım farklılıklar saptanıştır. Ayrıca, personelin, zaman tuzaklarına önem vermesiyle zamanlarını etkili bir şekilde kullanabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.en_US
dc.description.abstractWhen time management is applied successfully, it can provide enough time to the person for both his/her work, social life and hobbies (, 11.02.2009). On the other hand, time is very different from other sources. Because it cannot be bought, sold, hired, lent, borrowed, stored, multiplied, produced and changed. Expenditure is to be done only (Yılmaz and Aslan, 2002: 26). “The importance of time management is not only derived from working life, but also it is derived from the fact that it makes the whole life productive and effective. The managers who use time beter, should investigate how to be more useful to their own lives first and then to the concern with its employees” (Çitken, 1998:6). The Target of The Research; The target of the research is to determine the level of participation of the staff who work at Düzce University, to the judgements in the matter of the effective using of time. In the context of the study made at Düzce University; respecting to the each judgement asked in the survey, at which level is the participation of the staff? Is there any difference in terms of their gender, task type (academic-administrative), total service time and whether they have received training about effective using of time. By seeking answers to the questions like these, to determine whether there is difference in terms of level of participation to the variables relating to effective using of time and if there is difference, to determine the direction of the difference are composing the other targets of the research. The Material of The Research; 436 academic and 325 administrative staff who work at Düzce University compose the universe of this research that is carried out between November-2006 and February-2007. According to information received from the officials of Düzce University, as of January 2007, total of the academic and administrative staff at Düzce University is 761 people. The questions that were used at the study which was previously carried out by Kıngır and made at five-star hotels, operating at The Aegean and The Mediterranean regions, have been exploited, while determining the survey questions (Kıngır, 2007:180-183). Face to face questionnaire method have been used at the study. The reliability of data is quite high (Cronbach Alpha value: 0, 816). T test is used to find out whether there is a meaningful difference between the participation level to the statements on using time effectively and factor of sex or not; and ANOVA test is used for determining whether the differences between education level and participation level on statements or not. In conclusion of the study, it is determined that there are some differences between the participation level of stuffs in Duzce university according to their age, sex, education (related taking time management), types of task (academic or administrative) total work time in the university. However, it is found out that there is a strong relationship between using time effectively and giving importance to time. Research is limited with staffs that work in a State University. It is suggested to researchers who study in this topic to conduct their research in private sector. The Frequency Distribution of The Research; According to the demographic findings related to the research, 68,1 % of the staff, involved in the research consists of men. When training status of the staff is examined, it has been determined that 26,8% of the research participants have graduate degree and 25, 4% have doctorate degree. Examining the position of the staff; it has been determined that 57,2% works at academic tasks and 41,7% works at administrative tasks. Examining the age distribution of the staff, it has been determined that 0,7% of the staff is at 20 years old or less; 39,9 % of the staff is between 21-30 years old; 43,5 % of the staff is between 31-40 years old; 15, 2 % of the staff is between 41-50 years old and 0,7 % of the staff is 51 years old and over. Examining the distribution of monthly net income of the staff, it seems that 32, 6% of the staff collect a fee of 600- 900 TL; 27, 2% of the staff collect a fee of 900-1200 TL; 33, 7% of the staff collect a fee of 1200-2000 TL and 6,5% of the staff collect a fee of more than 2000 TL. The analysis and The Findings of The Research; Factor analysis has been applied for 28 variables. As P (sign)=0,000<0,05 found, the result of Bartlett test is significant. Therefore, null hypothesis has been denied and alternative hypothesis has been accepted. So, it means high correlations exist among the variables and data have come from multi-normal distribution. As KMO coefficient is 0,782, the sample size of the research is enough. It is determined that the scale, receieved by calculating the rotative factor loads, consists of 17 clauses and 4 dimensions. These dimensions are called lack of personal organization, inadequate transfer of powers, the fact that priorities have not been determined (unplanned), to undertake too much work in turn. As employees give importance to these four dimensions that can be defined as time traps, it has been made out that time would be able to used effectively. As a result of the evaluation of data, according to the features of employees, difference has been determined at various levels between participation levels relating to effective using ot time. Result and Suggestions; It has been determined by t test, whether if there has been difference by gender at participation levels of the staff who answered the survey, to the levels of effective using of time. As a result, it has been conluded that as the employees give importance to these four dimensions that can be called as time traps, they can use their times effectively. It has been determined that there has been several differences at participation levels of the staff of Düzce University to the variables relating to effective using of time in the conntext of age, gender, the fact of receiving training about effective using of time, task type (academic-administrative), total service time and income level.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKaragöz, Y., Kıngır, S., Mesci, M., Akbaş, Z., (2010). Zamanın Etkin Kullanımını Sağlayan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23, 97-108.en_US
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.relation.ispartofSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Başka Kurum Yazarıen_US
dc.subjectZamanın Etkin Kullanımıen_US
dc.subjectKatılım Düzeyien_US
dc.subjectZaman Tuzaklarıen_US
dc.subjectFaktör Analizien_US
dc.subjectEffective using of timeen_US
dc.subjectLevel of Participationen_US
dc.subjectTime Trapsen_US
dc.subjectFactor Analyzeen_US
dc.titleZamanın Etkin Kullanımını Sağlayan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırmaen_US
dc.title.alternativeA Reasearch to Determine Factors that affect Effective Use of Timeen_US


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